I've been pondering this question since the prosecutor and defendant have finished with their cases. I did a little research and have determined that the jury pool has been chosen from a voting block made up of almost 87% Democrats. All from Manhattan. From the evidence presented it seems obvious to me that the prosecution has no evidence that would or should cause Trump to be found guilty. Even if 11 jurors voted to convict and all that would be needed is for one juror to hold out against the other 11, then there would be a hung jury and no conviction. However, knowing the minds and reputation of Democrats that the one hold out would forever be a pariah in this Country and maybe the entire World, there would be no place for that person to hide unless they went into the witness protection program. So the question is what would it take for Trump to be off the hook. Since it is likely that at least 87% of the jury are Democrats then being good party members 10 will be voting for conviction and since the 2 remaining, even tho they may be Republican they know that if they voted not to convict they also would  need to be in the witness protection program. So it can be guaranteed that they would switch votes to please the Lefties and Trump would be found guilty by a unanimous vote. Now the only way that I can see where Trump would be found not guilty is if a majority of the jurors have enough integrity to stand up for the Constitution and for what is right. I think that at least 8 jurors would be needed to vote not guilty which would give them strength in numbers and that possibly could convince the rest of the jurors and the Country that this trial was a travesty committed by traitorous entities.

Any thoughts. Has anyone heard what the odds are as to what the Vegas bookies have determined?

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Bookmaker's Review has some of the latest odds, with it recently swinging more to Trump's favor, but they still expect some charges to stick:  If you bet $175 against Trump, you will only receive $100, but if you bet on him ducking all charges, you get $125 in winnings.  Not guilty is an underdog.

'I think Trump's Bronx rally yesterday afternoon may have helped his chances, even though many of the news outlets in the area catering to a liberal audience did their best to not cover it.  The guy has immense courage and constitution, and whatever result comes out of this case, Providence will still fall in his favor in one way or the other.  I can't imagine that a majority of people in this truly great country can look at these sadistic people scourging this man with our once- vaunted justice system and not feel compassion for the valorous victim.

That's a very interesting web sight. I'm not a gambler but I can see the advantage in using such internet sights when considering making a wager on unusual events. I have relatives who bet on almost anything. Only one of them has much success. He wins consistently at poker and plays in competitive events. I don't understand how he does it but sometimes he wins an amazing amount of cash.

Playing competitive poker well is an art and a science, I would not denigrate such a pastime by equating it with placing wagers on sporting events, Trump tribulations, or most casino activities.  At any table with 'n' participants, each person playing a 'drawless' game like Texas Hold Em has a 1/n chance of winning each hand; there is no advantage over time if everybody gets their turn as dealer.  

Yet if you have a master poker player like Doyle Brunson at a table going against rubes, he's going to be the last man standing more often than not, because he knows how to play all aspects of the game, knows the probabilities and stats involved, and quickly grasps the psychology of his foes.  


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