“The grant from the Truth Initiative will set the Student Senate up for success and I am confident together we can help them achieve their goals,” said Ward. “We are all supporting this student driven initiative to bring better health and a breath of fresh air to the campus.”
Author: Thomas Hawley | Executive Director of College Relations
While I personally have never smoked and admit to a bias against those who do take up this nasty habit, I cannot be anything other than appalled at this line of attack on what is an otherwise lawful practice of smoking.
Currently, WSCC enforces rules that seem to be universally followed that allow no smoking within 50 feet of a building entrance. They have signs reminding visitors of that policy, and all of their 'butt-receptacles' are located 50 or more feet away from building entrances. This seems like a legitimate compromise to protect non-smokers from second hand smoke, and permit smokers to light up without taking their car (releasing its own share of toxic gases) off campus to sneak a needed dose of nicotine.
Yet, current president Scott Ward, suggests that the 'norm' of businesses is to go totally smoke-free as envisioned, which isn't the case. It's not even the norm in community colleges when we use the figures given of 350 community colleges being already smoke-free, since there are 1462 such colleges in the country. That's less than a quarter. It's only slightly better when one considers all colleges (an alleged 1500 out of 5300 or 28%). The current norm is what WSCC currently has: smoking allowed in certain areas away from building entrances.
Ward finishes with “We are all supporting this student driven initiative...", when you can be certain that some of the statistical 14% at WSCCthat smoke are not, as well as the contingent of non-smokers who believe it is not the college's prerogative to completely ban a legal activity on campus and/or restrict the rights of others to pursue their own brand of happiness.
Neither the flyer or the news bulletin, however, mention or otherwise indicate that the discussion will tolerate any sort of diversity of opinion in the 'conversation' regarding this change in campus policy, since the only speakers are those vehemently behind the change and the WSCC president tells us that every single student, faculty, employee and all others support it anyway.
Let's just watch the justified and enlightened mob trample on the rights of a shamed segment of the population and tyrannically march forth in unison with whatever money the Truth Initiative puts in the college's coffers. And hope we are not in the next group that gets targeted unfairly.