As you can see, the Committee for a Stronger Ludington has taken to the airwaves on 10-11-12 to get their proposal passed by making a Facebook page which features what appears to be their future yard sign for their cause:


Jason Wolven offers a good suggestion about actually displaying what this proposal actually does, rather than just offer some superlatives about it.  They did put something up this morning in the "about" section: 

Vote YES ON CITY PROPOSAL on November 6th to increase mayoral term limits. Ludington has tremendous momentum and many things on the horizon. Support a stronger Ludington by increasing our rights.


1. Increasing the number of terms a Mayor may serve from 3 to 5
2. Gaining the right to retain an effective Mayor
3. Preserving the right to vote out an ineffective Mayor

VOTE YES ON THE CITY PROPOSAL ON NOV. 6th!!/StrongerLudington?fref=ts

Beyond arguing the point that retaining an effective mayor is a God-given "right", the most interesting thing I see occurring here is that four organizations quickly came on board to support Mayor Henderson, although this site was only started around 5:00 PM yesterday.  The City of Ludington (a public entity Mayor Henderson is part of, many officials/employees not supportive of the issue), Downtown Ludington (a public entity Mayor Henderson, his daughter is part of, where the largesse of public dollars is spread to favored businesses and cronies), Ludington & Scottville Chamber of Commerce (Brandy Henderson, the daughter runs 'communications' there) and the Ludington Daily News (big surprise that). 

These are at the forefront of the entities that would benefit from a fourth and fifth term for John Henderson as mayor of Ludington.  If you truly want a stronger Ludington, why would you vote for more of the same stale ideas, nepotism, cronyism,  and neglect of public safety and infrastructure?  

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I don't support this proposal but if the citizens want it then it's up to them. The fact that LDN supports this truly  shows where their interests lay and why their reporting has been so incomplete, one sided and  biased  and why X's quest for information and the truth have been met with so much opposition by this so called community newspaper. The LDN is showing their true colors in their support for Government instead of the people who purchase their tabloid. Except for the unemployment, If LDN went out of business tomorrow it would actually benefit Ludington. The citizens deserves better than this.

A three term incumbent (like Henderson) will have so many structural advantages over any challenger, that he may once again run unopposed.  This explains why politicians that have no term limits, like US Senators and Representatives, have nearly 100% re-election probabilities when they run and limit the range of challengers to the very rich and very connected, as seen in this link:

That really isn't democracy, or giving the populace the best choice.

One thing that eludes me.  What does an old couple holding hands on some non descript beach setting have anything to do with giving some hack like Henderson the opportunity to ruin the city even more in eight more years?  Henderson does have quite a power structure in place.  If this passes, X is right, you will see him at the head of Ludington for 4 more years, probably 8, his buddy Shay and Brandy Henderson will continue doing there cruddy jobs too. 

Good comment Marty, and if reality were involved, instead of fantasy, you'd have a picture of Jonnie himself, with his spouse, if you could find beach chairs that would support them, both overweight flabby pale skinned grandstanders that wouldn't impress anyone. But, remaining in fantasy land is where they are and plan to stay, except when it comes to FOIA releases of real facts to concerned citizens. A YES vote for this proposal will only strengthen Ludington in more deceit, lies, denial, and withholding of the public's trust for information that reveals the inside of their contracts with favored parties, and squandering $Millions on unnecessary expenditures.

Seeing Mayor Henderson and the words "Stronger Ludington", makes me think about how Ludington was during his first couple of years and how it will be after next year, when he hopefully goes into mayoral retirement, so the City can get some fresh, uncorrupted ideas into the mix.  This doesn't sell the point too well, even though I tried to make the mayor look as skinny as possible by changing the aspect ratio for his benefit:


ROFL.  Stranger, indeed. 

LMAO Willy, two zonkas that also hold hands in deceit, perrrrrfect. That poster is worth circulating for sure, how much to print them out?

They either cleaned the page or set the security at a higher level, something you wouldn't expect of something on the up and up.  One thing you won't find is any reasoned approach as to why we should ease term limits from three terms to five terms covering 20 years.  Our current Mayor is so out of touch right now, so different than what he was when he started out, that he needs to retire from his job. 

I like how the signs are saying that putting him back in office will make Ludington stronger. Ludington isn't going to benefit by having a 5 term mayor. The only ones who will benefit are the Mayor and his buddies. I hope people realize this is a bogus issue and it's only for the benefit of the few.

If you think about it, how are the people to know if the Mayor, Council or Shay are doing their jobs or if they are screwing up. They won't read anything negative about them in the LDN newspaper and if someone stands up and involves themselves with finding the truth about what City Hall is doing they are sacrificed at the alter of the City Council and the LDN newspaper. It is truly sad that Ludington has a Government and newspaper joined at the hip and both are pulling the wool over the public's eyes. I say to Ludingtons voters, do not approve this term increase debacle because it will not be in the public's best interest. Think about who is promoting this issue and why there is no information out there that explains what it's all about.

Well said Willy, and so true. If we could only get the "general public" to wake up to all this.........then things could change for the positive, and progress for ALL the Citizens! The LOCALS esp. is what I am thinking too! The "locals" are the ones getting the short end of the stick, and have been, according to stats. and monies spent, for a loooooong time too. Will they keep putting up with this, or stand up for their own tax monies, which should be spent on them, mostly? Or cowardly step aside and be silent?


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