On July 4th, 2013, just 2 days ago, about 8:30pm, I heard strong statements and rumor that we had an emergency situation going on off the north breakwall. Some of the bystanders were the messengers, and were in shock and dismay of the rescue units that responded in kind. At first the news was that a 6 year old boy had fallen into the lake and was presumed drowned. Then, about 20 minutes later it was said that a 13 year old boy had also fallen off the breakwall, not known if he was trying to save the younger boy, or just slipped into the cold water too. Finally, quite late, it was said the younger 6 year old was safe, but the disposition of the 13 year old was in serious question, that of presumed drowned, and not found. What followed the next day was an earnest search by the USCG helicopter unit for several hours in that vicinity. I just hope this entire episode was a mistake, and that both youths are safe and sound. The problem for me right now is that I have NOT seen any news reports to confirm, nor deny this incident. Especially from our local reporters of high praise and rewards of recent, that of the Ludington Daily Snooze/News. Does anyone else have any pertinent facts relating to this story/rumor? If true, I know for sure our past lifeguards would have made a very positive difference, again, but sadly, they are no longer being hired.

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Aquaman, do you have eyewitness/earwitness accounts of those that were there at the time as to what they saw/heard?  I haven't heard anything about it, but I haven't been closely monitoring things at the batcave.

Some breakwater walkers came by a house I was at near the beach, and asked if we heard about a drowning. They stated they were at the lighthouse area, turning around to return to shore, when they saw a bunch of rescue and legal authorities coming full blast in their direction. They got out of the way, then realized that a drowning was heard to be the case. Some 20 minutes later another small group also confirmed that and also stated another youth was reportedly missing too. I can't imagine someone crying wolf about such an episode, because life and death isn't a joke. Has anyone heard anything else? If this was some sort of prank or joke, it sure isn't funny to me.

At last night's meeting, Councilor Castonia commented on this incident at the end of the meeting.  Apparently, there were a couple of people missing around the breakwall and presumed in the water, and the authorities were mobilized to assume the worst, but the missing turned up. 

I have been checking in regularly but randomly at Stearn's Park so as to assess the current beach patrol's effectiveness (and secondarily, to assess the latest bikini styles) and will have a report at summer's end.  I know from what I've seen so far that if someone started drowning up along the street (Stearn's outer drive) or in the grassy areas, these guys would have it covered.

Well, I'm glad this was all a mistake and the missing were found. Perhaps such a rumor wouldn't be in the first place, had we personnel on the actual beach like the lifeguards. Someone with familiarity on saving lives and watching the water carefully thruout the day.

One would think that such a vigorous response from local officials would be "news" and therefore be printed for all to read in the local LDN. Obviously not though. Good going LDN, letting rumors fly around town without addressing them.

I'm presuming that Castonia probably read Aquaman's post sometime before the meeting and asked Chief Barnett or firefighter Nick Tykoski (his city council neighbors) about what happened at the beach.  I don't see Gary doing a lot of pier-walking.

Quite right Willy and X, and I thank you guys for your patience and understanding. I feel really relieved that I and the bystanders were wrong for now. And, if it's not too much to expect, that the LDN and LPD would at least let us locals know that these people were safe and alive, after this close call. I guess when you cancel lifeguard programs, then have a possible two person drowning report, you tend to not want the public to know. That's a sad state of coverup that I am ashamed of here right now, by both the COL and the LDN, partners in collusion. I guess this incident really does prove that it exists in strong fashion too.


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