Flaws with Laws: Laws and Partnerships as the Problem

Tisha Casida is an independent running for federal office out in Colorado this fall and an unapologetic disciple of Dr. Ron Paul.  Her views are refreshing and reflect a knowledge of what has gone wrong with the direction of government in recent years.  This was a piece called "Whe the Law is the Problem."


Posted on May 28, 2012 by Tisha Casida
It would be an optimistic assumption that most of us, want to make an honest attempt to follow “the law”. But, what is the law? And are all of the laws on the books – whether at a federal, State, or local level – actually beneficial to the community and/or the individual rights of the citizens of their respective States? There is an argument to be made that sometimes “law” is plunder. Because: whoever so makes the laws, is who will benefit from those laws.

Congress – people who go to Washington, D.C. to be legislators and write laws (much different from being a ‘representative’, of whom there are only a few) – who are these legislators beholden to once they are in office? Well, they are beholden to the money that got them there, which oftentimes comes from special interest groups that want them to make laws to either benefit or protect their companies and industry.

Why do people in Congress spend millions of dollars to get in office and make a salary that is a fraction of that if they are elected? Good will? I think not. It is simple math and logic – they go to exercise their power, to bring your taxpayer dollars back to those who got them elected. It is a simple strategy – and they use “the law” to do this. This is law as plunder – this is taking legislation and creating rules and regulations that in effect protect or promote certain companies, certain industries, all while lining the pocketbooks of corrupt individuals who are using “the law” to take from one group and give to another. What is fair about that?

Members of Congress swear an oath upon the Constitution of the united States of America, but unfortunately for most of them, their words mean nothing. It is their actions that we should watch. Most members of Congress actively participate in writing laws – the problem is that now those laws have piled on top of each other and have made almost every action we take “illegal” – we must ask permission (fees, licenses, taxes) for almost any activity that we engage in: working/labor (income tax), property (building licenses, property tax, among others), driving (driver’s license), lemonade stands and other means of selling food (retail food licenses), farmers’ markets (event licenses), etc.

What is the law? At one point in time, the Constitution of the united States of America was developed to restrain the federal government to its enumerated ‘powers’ – one of those being to protect the individual rights of the citizens of their respective States (e.g. the Bill of Rights). States could create their own constitution and “laws” for the ‘benefit’ of their own citizens as long as they did not violate an individual’s natural liberties. States have an obligation to protect their citizens from the heavy hand of force (government). A constitutional republic, affords for a mix and match of social, philosophical, and political discourse – so long as individuals’ lives, liberties, and properties are protected – each State can have more discretion as to what is right for them.

In 1850, The Law was first published by Frédéric Bastiat– and engagingly illustrates some of these points. If you don’t have time to read this, look around you – and think about everything you have to ask permission for in order to survive. Whomever makes “the laws” – will benefit from those laws. And legislation coming out of Washington, D.C. is not the law of the Universe, which wants you to be free, be prosperous, and own your property. What is law? I can tell you what it is not. Law is not anything that takes away your life, your liberties, and your property.

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I like how she thinks

The two points she brings up that seem almost self-evident when she brings them up is

1)  the concepts that 'representatives' are few in the legislatures, and the norm are 'lawmakers' who look after self-interests of themselves and their allies with their power and influence. 

2)  the concept that a candidate will spend many more times what that candidate will ever receive as a public servant in elections not for being a good will representative of and for the people, but for the ability to use their power and influence to improve their self-interests and the interests of their allies.

Both are so true today, and why our 'representatives' will only get worse in the years to come if people don't wise up.

Naah guys, it's the public's responsibility, but who is the public anymore?, the ones that take polls and make more text messages on these matters, and to what again?, the NBC networks?  Tisha, you hit the nail on the head, but most will listen on a deaf ear, why?, cause it's convenient and lazy to do, and so the moronic situations go on, and on, cause this is today? Yes it seems like it TODAY! The only Wise Peeps seem to be Pelosi and Obama now, right? How you turn total Presidential failure into success and run a campaign on it is beyond me.


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