I've been pondering this question since the prosecutor and defendant have finished with their cases. I did a little research and have determined that the jury pool has been chosen from a voting block made up of almost 87% Democrats. All from Manhattan. From the evidence presented it seems obvious to me that the prosecution has no evidence that would or should cause Trump to be found guilty. Even if 11 jurors voted to convict and all that would be needed is for one juror to hold out against the other 11, then there would be a hung jury and no conviction. However, knowing the minds and reputation of Democrats that the one hold out would forever be a pariah in this Country and maybe the entire World, there would be no place for that person to hide unless they went into the witness protection program. So the question is what would it take for Trump to be off the hook. Since it is likely that at least 87% of the jury are Democrats then being good party members 10 will be voting for conviction and since the 2 remaining, even tho they may be Republican they know that if they voted not to convict they also would  need to be in the witness protection program. So it can be guaranteed that they would switch votes to please the Lefties and Trump would be found guilty by a unanimous vote. Now the only way that I can see where Trump would be found not guilty is if a majority of the jurors have enough integrity to stand up for the Constitution and for what is right. I think that at least 8 jurors would be needed to vote not guilty which would give them strength in numbers and that possibly could convince the rest of the jurors and the Country that this trial was a travesty committed by traitorous entities.

Any thoughts. Has anyone heard what the odds are as to what the Vegas bookies have determined?

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A jury can also nullify a judge and prosecution if they perceive them to be compromised. That did not happen. So in the opinion of the jury, half of which were chosen by Trump's lawyers, Trump got a fair trial. Would a compromised prosecutor have brought Hunter Biden to trial? Of course not. So there is justice on both sides from the present Department of Justice. Trump is guilty because of the actions he personally took to commit financial fraud, whose purpose was to hide material facts from the electorate during a national election campaign. 

Have you ever been part of or witnessed a jury voir dure process, where 12 jurors are selected from a much larger pool?  If about 4/5 of the population knows you and has a bad impression of you, the initial 13 selected will have 10 badly disposed to you, on average.  If both sides have three dismissals each (assuming the judge makes none himself), those three that may be for you are gone, dismissed by the prosecutor, and you will be lucky to get another one to replace them that will not be against you from the start. 

If you have a judge that is predisposed to the prosecution, this chance is reduced even further that you'll have anybody on the panel with a favorable disposition towards you.  The point is Trump's lawyers didn't choose any members of the jury, as for Hunter Biden's prosecution, it's a shiny marble.  He will serve no time, not even during the second Trump term. 

  Approved by DJT lawyers, yes.  But that Jury pool comes from a Democrat to Republican voting area 87 dem to 13 rep.  Would like those odds of finding a 50/50 jury  Tried for Change of Venue because of the area...

All jurors in the Trump case were questioned on their ability to set aside party affiliation and decide issues of law on the facts, and only the facts, presented at trial, leaving all other considerations aside. Are you suggesting that they did not? Did they lie under oath? Are you accusing them of perjury? Trump decided to commit a crime in political territory that he knew was hostile. Not a very astute choice, was it? Why would a "stable genius do this? Answer: In his mind laws don't apply to him. He could always buy off or scare off any opposition. That worked for him in the state and local kiddie pools, but now he's in the big pool. And federal sharks have teeth. And more of them are circling. 


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