There's a lot of new BS about to hit the fan on this one. It seems that the IRS has just admitted to intentionally hassling and targeting tax exempt groups and organizations for intensive audits and they are profiling these people by words or terms as follows: Tea Party, Constitutionalists, Conservatives, Patriots, are the prime examples given. Of course when asked and confronted with the question, Mr.  Obama denies any such knowledge of this going on. I think this really stinks of dirty politics and bad as it gets. I'm sure there if a lot more to come on this in the near future. For now, it's got Fox News buzzing, as it should all the other networks. But, as we all know, many will shove this off to the sidelines and back pages, per the usual Obama protectionist style we've witnessed for five years. Hannity had Mark Levin on this subject last night, and he is very distraught, as any American should be.

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On Limbaugh's show today he spelled out where some of the information garnered by the IRS was sent to. It was delivered to Propublica a liberal journalism organization. This is a very serious matter.

Below is a video about Propublica

You may get your wish for more expanded coverage by other networks on these scandals when the extent of the Justice Department's spying on the Associated Press is further investigated.

The plot thickens. IRS exec. refuses to testify unless she takes the 5th.

This story won't go away. It has now been found that the White House is directly involved in the episode of instructing the IRS agents to scrutinize conservative groups. And it's not a small number of agents in Cinci, it's nationwide IRS offices. As the testimony in the Senate continues this week, more interesting facts are being revealed and shocking the public. Sounds like Holder may be the next in line to resign now. Many others need firing too, but, will Obama support them, or throw them under the bus?

Many thanks to Albino for that very intense, informative, and cogent link that should shake the very foundations of our society into awakening to what is going on every day here in our USA. Becky Gerritson's experience and testimony is very touching, and very scary to say the least. Also thanks to Willy for the link on Lois Lerner's option to take the fifth. She needs to be found in contempt of Congress, and locked away in jail for a looooong time. Shameful.

Becky Gerritson's testimony really hit home to me when I saw excerpts from it yesterday.  I know how it feels to be specially targeted by your own government, and couldn't help tearing up with her.  What an inspiring woman! 

If you check further, you'll find where the EPA was also handing out imformation to enviromental groups about ranchers in the west and S. west. Altho these ranchers were breaking no laws, it gave these groups the opportunity to tie them up in courts on frivoless law suits and cost the ranchers large amounts for legal council.


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