This is a question that your starting to hear more and more on TV and talk radio the last few days. Myself, i'm not going to go so far to say that it is Obama's Katrina. The people saying that it is his Katrina make points in that it does seem like the response to the building crisis has been a bit on the slow side. Most of the blame for the incident should definitely go to BP first being that it was their rig. The Navy and Coast Guard were indeed at the rig soon after the explosion which was good too... although seriously, I don't think that anyone was going to let a burning oil rig just burn out of control, of course they were going to show up. It would appear that the administration might of taken BP's word for it so to speak as to how much oil was actually leaking and might of failed in not getting confirmation of the fact. Depending on how the oil spill ends up affecting the coastline in the several states that could be affected will determine who's "Katrina" the oil spill ends up being... will either be BP's or Obama's.
This story is from USA Today...........
Obama, Katrina and the oil slick
Want to annoy officials in President Obama's White House? Suggest comparing its response to the Gulf Coast oil spill with the George W. Bush administration's response to Hurricane Katrina.
"Other than geography, I can't figure out how," press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters yesterday.
Of course, that hasn't stopped assorted Obama critics from trying, citing the timeline. An oil rig operated by British Petroleum blew up April 20; three days later, the U.S. Coast Guard said there no oil leak -- and had to amend that statement a day later. Now a massive environmental disaster looms.
"This incident occurred on April the 20th," said Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind. "It really wasn't until April the 28th until the administration fully deployed federal resources."
In their public comments, Obama and his aides have stressed their responsiveness to an evolving and unexpected challenge.
"The federal government has launched and coordinated an all-hands-on-deck, relentless response to this crisis from day one," Obama said.
Our friends at Politico noted that Cabinet members used the phrase "day one" at least 16 times during a string of Sunday talk show appearances.
Speaking with reporters yesterday, Gibbs said he's "happy to compare the response" to Katrina:
We're obviously dealing with a situation of great potential environmental and economic devastation. I think the analogies, though, are tougher to make (with) a storm that you track for several weeks that comes ashore and kills 1,800 people. ... The timeline I was looking at this morning had the Coast Guard and the Navy there on site immediately after this explosion.
We've done everything that we could.
(Posted by David Jackson)