As this year's January 6th becomes a modest part of US history, with Donald Trump being formally certified as the winner of the 2024 presidential race, one is tempted to look back at the notoriety this date earned back in 2021 when Trump and many others contested results of an election that could easily have been manipulated due to last minute election rule changes that invited fraud, as we discussed here in the summer of 2020 as it related to Michigan, and coincidentally, several other swing states that all eventually went against the Donald after days and sometimes weeks of counting the votes in what was in many cases, a non-transparent manner.  

What followed the irregularities and anomalies of the 2020 election was instructive for those who try to read between the lines of political behaviors, and affirmed to many people that our corrupted system of deep-state bureaucrats and propaganda-pushing media, fresh from seven months of engaging in an ongoing psyop that exhibited how easy one could control the whole world through fear of a supervirus, could silence or negatively target those who recognized the stench of a rigged election and felt that they were disenfranchised by the tainted system.  

Neutered by COVID protocols and the media's twisted coverage, non-coverage, and censoring of events, using the courts or legislative process to investigate the issues within a two-month window proved mostly impossible, leading to a culmination of events that climaxed at Washington DC on January 6th, 2021.  One could easily adopt the viewpoint that the riotous behavior that followed that day were organized protests to sow chaos, spurred on by a president that could not accept his defeat, and totally insurrectional, from what we've all been told since through the media and the J6 'select committee investigation'. 

Such a viewpoint completely ignores the motivations of both sides of the issues coming up on that historical date.  There was nothing to be gained by pro-Trump protesters in disrupting the proceedings of what was going on that day in certifying the election, a main reason why Trump explicitly urged his assembled throng to protest peacefully.  There was much to be gained by anti-Trumpers in turning a peaceful protest into a riot and opening up the Capitol.  That this was an orchestrated event by the deep state has recently been bolstered by the recent inspector general's report that admitted to a full alphabet of FBI operatives present among the protesters that day. 

What seems obvious is that there appears to be no clear leader of what transpired that day among the people arrested for their involvement.  The only person we have on record telling people to go into the Capitol the day before and was at the head of the line when the barricades were taken down seems to have avoided any meaningful punishment...

... while many others with otherwise spotless criminal records are still in prison for basically having a peaceful guided tour of the Capitol by the police.  Their crimes have mostly amounted to disrupting a government proceeding (which ironically was a government proceeding most of them wanted to go forth), disorderly conduct, and trespassing.  

One knows that their existing government is corrupt and working against the people when they prosecute hundreds for being unwittingly made pawns (or just in the wrong place at the wrong time) by government agents and provocateurs.  These protesters showed up simply because they saw that their government at many levels failed in holding an election where people could be confident that it was held fairly and represented the will of the people.  

While this humble reporter has felt empathy over the last four years for those folks (and their families) who were unjustly prosecuted for their involvement in peaceful protest that day four years ago, and deepfelt sympathy for Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot for no reason by Capitol police that day, such feelings have only grown exponentially since this November election.  My journalistic quests always have the finding of the truth as my objective and goal, and I think finally the truth of what happened that day in 2021 will finally be exposed with new directions at the top of agencies that seem to have had concealing the truth at the top of their agenda over many years of creeping corruption.

For in September, I was charged by the City of Ludington's criminal prosecutor, Beth Hand for crimes that are much like what these mostly peaceful J6 patriot protesters have had slapped on them.  Overlooking the specious and inapplicable traffic offense, the city's prosecuting attorney claims that I have trespassed on public property, namely, Cartier Park.  This city park is normally open to the public 24/7 and the nice day (March 15, 2024) that I was caught walking on the paved pathway at the park by two members of the city DPW (one who is the husband of the local circuit court judge) I had simply done what hundreds of others did that day. 

Why was I singled out for a misdemeanor just for walking peacefully and patriotically in a public city park while hundreds of others doing the same act were not?  Apparently, it was because city leaders had thought they could arbitrarily trespass an individual who was almost a victim of their past negligence during the deer cull. 

The letter makes unfounded and false claims that I had created a disturbance, participated in an argument, and made a disturbance of the peace.  I had done neither that night.  It points out a section of law that has no applicability to a public park or any walkway that goes through it, just buildings and other enclosed structures.  The law section further states that it "does not apply to entering without breaking any place which at the time of the entry was open to the public, unless the entry was expressly denied"

When the trespass letter says that I am "expressly denied permission to enter upon the premises of Cartier Park" it is effectively meaningless, because permission by the city manager, the council, or the LPD is never required to enter the park in the first place, with sec 38-61 of the city code telling us "the purpose of this article is to regulate the use of parks in order that all residents and their guests may enjoy and make use of such parks."  While other park rules suggest that shooting firearms, dropping bait piles, and killing wildlife are all illegal at Cartier Park, no rule suggests that a resident walking peacefully through the park is unlawful, nor that one should be outlawed from the park when the illegal and dangerously violent activities sponsored by the city are being performed and they almost kill a resident who entered a park without a secure perimeter due to the carelessness of city leadership. 

Thus, when I look at the videos and pictures of wanted fugitives of J6 at the FBI website I would like to be surprised that the violence I see is primarily on account of heavily armed police using their batons and sprays on protesters whose actions seem to be more passive or defensive.  While one wants to believe that some among the crowd deserved the justice they eventually received, there is no denying that there were no firearms or dangerous weapons held by those protesting, and there are plenty of signs that the events of the day were choreographed by those who would benefit from the optics of what transpired, with plenty of edits to emphasize the script of insurrection and make them ready for dispersal as propaganda by a willing media.

Frankly, the only thing I had on my mind on the afternoon of March 12th (the day of the deer cull) was to scare away enough deer and spoil enough bait piles before the cull took place, supposedly in the middle of the night as we were all told repeatedly by our city leaders, in order for the cullers to take advantage of night vision and thermal imaging technology.  But nearly an hour before dusk, mere minutes before I would be leaving the area out of my own personal safety concerns, they entered the park unannounced and started shooting.  Fortunately, I heard and saw them first; what I didn't see was any sort of warning sign when I entered from the cemetery that a cull was to take place or any indication that my rights to enter a public park at any time over the following month would be taken away from me without any due process involved. 

Over the last four years the justice department and unsympathetic DC-area judges have engaged in making life Hell for anybody involved with J6, other than those government provocateurs caught on camera instigating and directing the theatre of that day.  In Mason County, they have done the same with a person their negligence and contractors nearly killed on the twelfth of March, and it would have been strictly their own fault for all of the law violations they allowed by said contractors.

But I am not alone in this county, our city's police force and the county sheriff are targeting other respectable people, not necessarily because they have violated any law, but because they either fight back or dare to criticize the local mess at our city hall, our courthouse, and other bad-acting public agencies.  There may yet be some sort of justice for J6-ers from the upcoming White House transition, but can we ever expect the injustice at our own local institutions to end when the public remains apathetic or ignorant of the bad actors setting a docket where they expand their control over your rights and your wallets?


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Well said X. Citizens cannot trust local authority to behave ethically. They operate contrary to the law and act in a vindictive way towards anyone who questions their authority and decisions. They seem to have little empathy for the taxpayers who are the recipients of their corrupt management. In my opinion they are the equivalent of the J6 committee in  how they conduct Government business.

J6 can happen anywhere and at any level once corruption sneaks into your government and the media sees that corruption and directly or indirectly, covers it up.  I was not a big fan of Donald Trump in 2016, but following all of the hoaxes, the impeachments and this last year's baseless lawfare on him and his allies, seeing his resolution in going on and doing what will actually make America greater again-- knowing that the bad guys will only fight him harder and dirtier-- has made him (in my eyes) a hero for the ages even should they take him out like those cowards would love to.

J6 was a continuation of a psyop began with COVID with a dress rehearsal known as the Whitmer kidnapping scheme.  Four years later, one looks at all of the FBI confidential informants involved and the absence of any compelling evidence showing that a few rubes in rural Michigan developed some plan on their own to kidnap the tyrant governor.  With a compliant media just before the 2020 election, the end result reduced the tension most Michiganders had with the governor and quashed criticism of her COVID crazy policies and almost made a route for Biden to win without widespread cheating (almost).

In Mason County, we are not that far away from being a haven for corruption.  If a couple more local government positions turn apathetic or corrupt, more folks than me will have lawfare used against them, and there will be nothing stopping them from being successful, unless some figure akin to Donald Trump can stop them.  And that's an awful tall order.

Well said, X


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