Jeez... I've been a bit busy today and yesterday

Guess I had nothing better to do while i'm home here sick.. lol.. ah well, it keeps me out of trouble.

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I just got out of the Hospital for Pneumonia Dave so it could be worse... I couldn't even log on to check my hate mail!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!
LOL... I just looked and came to the realization that I have taken over the 1st page of threads for the time being... not that that was intended of course... just sort of happened... maybe I need to find something more to do when I'm sick.. lol
I noticed that rare feat you accomplished, you discussion hog.  It's the first time I've seen that happen here.  That's okay, but we still want you to get well.  I'm going to ruin that shortly, so enjoy it while you can.
Play World of Warcraft, that should consume all your time!!
Hope your feeling better.
I'm feeling better tonight finally.. think I might actually leave the house tomorrow for the first time in2 days.. well, other then the 2 steps to grab the mail anyway
Get well soon Dave and Guido, you guys should know better than go swimming in the middle of winter, .............................LOL.
Wow,  my hubby is in hospital as we speak. He almost died, but hoping to come home soon.
I hope he has a speedy recovery.
Thank you. Still in fair condition.


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