I found a whole lot of surveillance cameras this last week in Ludington public restrooms, fourteen total, twelve hidden.  I would not be surprised if there were more.


I went to the Ludington City Hall tonight, August 26, 2013, looking to get the City Hall to quit breaking the law and invading the privacy of our guests and citizens in illegal and illicit public bathroom surveillance.  For having such a quaint notion, I was upbraided by several Ludington public officials, beginning with ZBA/Board of Review member Wallace Cain, continuing with Mayor John Henderson, City Manager John Shay, City Attorney Richard Wilson, and ending with a see/hear/say-no-evil bit by Police Captain Mike Harrie, sitting in for Police Chief Mark Barnett, who was home "watching the movies", if you know what I mean.  The whole amoral bunch will have their ridiculous comments ridiculed when the video from this meeting becomes available (except for Harrie's, whose comments came after the meeting).  Here was the public comment I gave, complete with pictures, and links that are only available here.


"Tom Rotta reclining at 137 E Dowland Street. 


Tonight I want to discuss criminal law and its implications as regards the continued illegal surveillance of our citizens and our guests in areas where they deserve to have their privacy respected.  It also ties in with my FOIA appeal, which due to an unwritten change of policy in these proceedings, I have not been able to give my side of the appeal at the last few meetings where I have appealed to this body for justice under state FOIA law. 

I humbly ask the city council to re-establish the right to state my case for appeal in FOIA matters, since the City has seemingly proven time and again that they have no interest in transparency by violating the Open Meetings Act and FOIA at will.


In the Michigan Penal Code, section 750.539(J) it says:    "A person shall not... Surveil, Photograph, or otherwise capture or record another individual... under circumstances in which the individual would have a reasonable expectation of privacy."   As far as definitions, 'person' can refer to a body corporate, such as the City of Ludington, and "reasonable expectation of privacy" has historically covered bathrooms, even public bathrooms.  When one steps up to a urinal, or one sits on a toilet, he expects to do so with privacy, and should not be able to look up and see a recording camera pointed at his private parts.   This is a felony violation.


And this is what happens at the Waterfront Park's men's room.  I set up a ladder and took a picture with my camera placed in front of their illegal surveillance lens and at the same angle and I took this still picture."

"As you can see the toilet and urinal fixtures are plainly visible, as is much of the common areas.  From this angle, the City Government knowingly videotapes a profile of you at the urinal where they can see your 'Johnson'.  Notice you can clearly see the handicap assistance bar around the toilet; that is the same height as most men's private parts. 

But this one camera is not the only illegal camera in the men's room there."


"You will notice a vent right above the men's stall where it looks as though a little damage has happened to one of the vertical slats.  A zoom into that particular vent reveals:"


[Another view here] "A camera pointing down, discretely recording more bathroom activity.  It is hard to determine where exactly this camera is pointing but its purpose appears to be to record activity where men expect privacy.   But women at the Waterfront Park have 'eyes in the sky too.  They not only have the obvious camera pointing mainly at common areas, they also have a "duct" camera."



"Here is a faraway shot showing another busted slat in the ventilation."



"And here is a zoomed shot of the hidden camera in the woman' restroom.  What is the purpose of this hidden camera in the women's restroom pointed down over the stalls?  I can only guess at lewd and lascivious purposes.  But let's take a look at other public restrooms maintained by our City Hall.  Here's the men's room at the North James Plaza:"



"The break in the ventilation screen is less noticeable, but the camera is obviously there."



"Once you zoom into the bottom left side, a closer look sees that this hidden camera goes back to the City's locked maintenance room.  The women's side appears to have the same type of well-hidden camera in their duct.

But one could claim that these were put there long ago, by some unknown pervert that once worked for the City.  When we take a look at the new $100,000 men's and women's restrooms in Stearn's north bathrooms, however, we find that someone has put covert cameras in to look at you in your most private moments."



When you sit down at the first men's stall, you look up and see a hard-wired smoke detector, but this in itself is odd since the original blueprints for this bathroom has the smoke detector's above the stall, and the electrical floor plan...



"... created for this renovation shows no connection for a hard-wired 'anything' in that area.  But when we take a zoom into this "smoke detector..."



"... you see some camera lenses pointed at you and your crotch.  You then go to the second stall:"



"And again see the 'smoke detector'.  But guess what?  It sees you too!"


"What an infringement of your privacy!  But seriously, could the City spend money on such things as smoke detector cameras?  Yup, as seen by this receipt here."



"The first item is a color smoke detector camera purchased in 2000.  And how did I get this document?  A FOIA request for the invoices of the purchase of the Waterfront Park security cameras.  Not too surprisingly, the hidden ventilation cameras were not part of the invoice.  [My time was up at this point, I continue with my prepared statement.] DPW Director and Ludington School Board member Shawn McDonald was the contact for these purchases.

The women's bathroom at Stearn's Park also has a smoke detector camera able to look at each of the stalls there.  Remember, the renovation was done earlier this summer."


"This is the first stall's close-up view."

"This is the second stall's close-up view."


"And this is the third.  All shots were taken while sitting on the toilets.  Whenever you sit in this restroom, you and your privacy is invaded by one or more people at City Hall, with approval from the highest authority.  And is there a public interest in this privacy invasion?  I'd like to hear it, and I invite the police chief to come with me after the meeting to further look at these cameras and discuss the implications of their placement."

For more photos and analysis (added 8-29 at 7:17 PM):  supplementary-photo-pack-ludington-sees-you-poo-in-public

For an explanation of what those odd devices in Stearn's Park really are, check this out (added 8-30-2013 at 7:45 PM):  some-relief-for-the-understandably-paranoid-folks-in-ludington

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I will give a "thumbs up" prize and bonus praise to the first one (other than John Shay who has a FOIA request in for the same information) who can find what these "humidity detectors" are and posts it here.  I can't find them anywhere on the web, and there is no writing on the outside of the device to get a clue. 

I wouldn't advise anyone to go there and remove the cage and look, however.  They'll send the goon squad down there to kick your a$$ and tase you for messing with their camera-- er, moisture monitor. 

If the vandalism issue stopped, would you still use surveillance?   Would you support the surveillance leaving the city jurisdiction?

Jkillips made a few odd comments the first day and then took off on their own, probably when they realized how foolish they sounded.  If it's the same J Killips that has opined on Facebook, she may want to come back and explain her views, rather than running when your views are discredited as they were on the first couple of pages.  Here was their first two comments in case you missed them:

Whoever Jkillips is, they have a filthy mind & they are no friend of liberty.  

wayne, Jkillips is, or was, a poster whom appeared here in desperation to help city officials, then suddenly disappeared just as fast as appearing. It's a Jamie Killips, female sales secretary for Great Lakes Castings here locally. She apparently has a skewed perception of life and reality. Her hubby's dad is a big wig there, Rob K. Sr., thus probably why she has a job there, as well as probably her hubby. Nepotism is alive and well at the Foundry, and of course the City of Ludville!


Although Jamie Killips looks to have posted similar bunk on Facebook, we should never jump to conclusions about the identity of a poster based only on the name they decide to use here.  If I recall, someone on LDN's comment section uses your initials and makes some inane posts.  If it is her, however, and I worked at GLC, I would look closely around the bathroom the next time I went bathroom there, based on her view of personal privacy. 

The Killips family is probably annoyed with me for calling the previous Ludington School District's (LSD) interim superintendent, whose surname was Killips, a plagiarist and a liar for an incident that happened back at his former school and here.  Another connection here is that the person who ordered the spycams back in 2000 and probably before, was Shawn McDonald, City of Ludington DPW superintendent, and LSD Board member.  This could get interesting. 

Such is the destruction of society, nepotism, letting yourself be flushed down by the local clique, making excuses for having cameras in a private area, arresting veterans, contracting with Department of Homeland Suckerity....  elitist minded towns?  A.I.P.  (abandon in place, & wait until the City Police & "councils" have starved themselves out).  


I checked the "humidistats" in the Stearns Beach north building and it may be what the City claims however I did not see any company logos or model #s on the unit. It seems to me that if there is a  camera  it's not set up to view the entire room. There is a beam that blocks the "humidistat" from the north side of the facility and the cage around it would surely be an obstruction if it were a camera. I also checked on the internet and found no humidistat tha resembles the one installed in the facility so I'm still curious to see what the City has to say in the FOIA request. If these turn out not to be cameras that still does not excuse the use of cameras, especially "hidden" cameras in the other buildings.

To turn on fans to elimate moisture build up and circulate air to prevent the formation of mildew.

The complete absence of any words on the outside, the acting police chief's refusal to check these out with me, the lenses, and in particular, why isn't any sort of special electrical system like this accounted for in the blueprint for the remodeling of these restrooms that just finished in June 2013, has me betting on something other than what they have been constantly revising in their releases. Blueprints

Those are "bid plans" and  the "humidistats / motion detectors" could have been added later. The City could end this controversy immediately by cooperating and assuring the public that they could have made mistakes when installing this equipment, however, being the group of egocentrics they are, I don't see the Council getting the truth out any time soon.

The City has an addendum to the original blueprints, again not mentioning any sort of electrical system work along these lines, see it here, but there always exists that possibility that it could be harmless-- but why can't they show it?  Oh yeah, multiple felony counts. 

Guess we'll just have to wait and see; if it isn't as harmless as they say, I predict some heads will roll from outside pressure.  But the City is on record for their belief, and I am for my disbeliefs.


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