Found this very interesting after watching Mayor Duggan speak in his state of the city. I must say it was very encouraging, for all, not just the elite, he had a plan for the WHOLE city. Makes me wonder, why wont Leadington clean up the PU Bayou, it is their mess? Why won't the COL council band together to help all of the city residents, not just the transients? 5 marinas in the area adversely affected and have almost no business.

We can not close our eyes to the facts that Leadington is testing high for lead but it is much worse, they wont even consider to clean the mess they made and continue to make in the PU Bayou? This from 2008 and is festering so bad that 2 weed treatments could not make things even useable.

Why do they not want this beautiful and historical building block of this city to be at least made useable and not condemned?  What is their motive? Why won't the epa, dnr, state come in and rescue us poor people?

2016 is the year of the non establishment politician and any of you that contribute here that may be on the fence to run, please run because it is the only way to reclaim this beautiful city. I pledge support!

If not for these 5 original marinas then Leadington would not have 2 city owned that the residents are chased from. Just clean the damn mess,we made you,now make things better for us, or......

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Guess I just can not grasp a city that does not want ALL of its residents doing well and supporting them. What is, and, where are their motivations coming from? What are they trying to achieve? Why would the 4th ward councilor not be fighting hand and foot for the people he represents? Or at least respond to emails?

I have seen references to Detroit in these threads but they are working for all, not against all! Guess they learned their lessons the hard way! Leadingtons only savior for the underrepresented is XLFD, and some on here challenge him and put him down? This guy is our white knight and we support his efforts, and would be willing to donate to his cause and run for Mayor!

I would rather be considered an educator than a savior, because I can't guarantee anybody that supports me safety or security, but I can guarantee you will learn something.  Look within for your own salvation, following my lead will get you trial and tribulation that will surely test your mettle until the world becomes changed through your own will.

Besides not being available until 2018, the mayor spot is a figurehead position, with very little power to do anything other than ceremonial in nature.  They cannot vote on anything unless the odd-number of councilors have a tie vote, they cannot usurp any of the power vested in the city manager.  A Ludington mayor who wants to go in a different direction than an entire council and the city manager is doomed to failure.

I agree entirely that we need good men and women to come forth in the four wards up for re-election this fall (1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th) and someone anywhere willing to try for the at-large position that Kaye Holman will be term-limited out of, and come in with a fresh perspective.  At least three of these people being against rental inspections could get that turned around.  We need more than just a focus on the downtown and transients, we need focus on the around-town and residents-- and not the bad type of focus where the COL invade their property, their pocketbooks, and their general business.

One problem is that we rarely hear about what is going on with the Council. They are mostly mute regarding the decisions they make while the local paper plays along with them.


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