Police Recording Has William Marble Shot Before Ordered to Drop Any Weapon

Nancy Marble, His Distraught Wife, Led Out of Her Own House in Handcuffs


Late on January 14, 2014, a former Mason County Eastern teacher, a community involved, beloved man who spent over 35 years of his life teaching kids in the Custer area, was shot in the chest by a state trooper and summarily died.  The original news reports, which did not surface until about 10 hours later, were sometimes conflicting of what happened, here is the original Torch article on original shooting


After these initial reports, which included neighbors and professionals he worked with telling us what a friendly person he had been throughout his career, the public waited for some official word from the Michigan State Police, who were investigating the case concerning their own state trooper, whose name was withheld until the Prosecutor's report came out over three weeks later, which found the trooper's killing of Bill Marble justified.  Still FOIA requests were ignored to get information to the public, this article details how the MSP obstructed letting the public see the evidence. 


Now, thanks to the MSP taking over a month and the threat of more lawsuits against them, the Ludington Torch has exclusive video and audio of that night's events after spending over $100 for it. 


It shows that the official report is a bit off base, it shows that Bill Marble was shot before he was ever engaged in conversation or told to drop a weapon, it shows that Nancy Marble was led out of the area in duress and in handcuffs after seeing the horror of her husband getting shot,  it shows that Bill Marble was denied prompt medical attention.  It shows the trooper's callous disregard for Bill Marble's fate or Nancy Marble's feelings.


The prosecutor of our county, says this activity is justified, do you?  He surely did not feel that way when a trooper was fatally shot in our area unjustly.  Look at the video, check out the stills and commentary, and decide for yourself.



At 12:40 in, Trooper James Luttrull arrives in the driveway and gets out after driving full code (lights and siren) from east of Scottville.  For the nature of that call (woman with phone problems), it seems odd that protocol would have him drive that way in such bad conditions.




At 20:05 Hammerle arrives.  If the video timeline is unedited, as it seems to be, then unlike the official report from the prosecutor, which says Luttrull overheard 27 minutes of arguments, is greatly in error, as there was only about eight minutes. 



Shortly after this, at about 21:00, everything develops.  Listen closely to what sequence of events happen.  A gun shot rings out at 21:07 before any trooper says "drop" or anything else.  Trooper Luttrull, aware of his microphone (he references it at the 35:25 mark, and the 45:30 mark in the recording) continues to tell Bill Marble to drop his gun even after it has allegedly been shot out of his hand.  Nancy screaming and repeating the words, "Oh my God", finally tells Bill at 21:51 to "lay down", then runs away.  The reports make it seem like she was telling him this immediately.


But the reports also say that they said drop twice before any shots were fired, and I don't hear it.  I also don't understand how they could take off their holster strap, draw their weapon, take off the safety, and shoot Bill Marble when he had the drop on them at point blank range down a clear hallway, vacated by Nancy, according to the official report. 


At 28:06 Hammerle walks back out, leaving Luttrull alone with the Marbles, Nancy is behind a locked door. 


At 28:55, Hammerle heads back up, soon to be followed.




At 29:19 Two MCSO deputies arrive, they try to help coax Nancy Marble out of the bedroom after checking in.



Deputies begin to talk Nancy out of the bedroom, she admits to be very afraid (starting at 34:00 in).  At 37:40, someone sounding like Luttrull says:  "Bill, you're doing fine, Buddy."

At 39:44, a MCSO deputy comes out of the house.




At 41:16, after no struggle and admitting to being very afraid at the situation, and after having committed no offense, unless hiding from the people who just shot your husband without a clear reason is a crime, Nancy is led out of the house in handcuffs.  Although we can hear the interchanges with Nancy throughout, nobody informs her why she is being taken into custody and marched out of her house.  Through the official report, we learn she was taken for interrogation down to the MCSO.


Even if we are to give the police the benefit of the doubt for lying in their official report about the shooting incident which killed Bill Marble, this is at least as big of an indignity.  Nancy has just seen her husband get shot, had deputies tell her that she would be safe if she came out of the bedroom with her hands up, and then is summarily handcuffed and led out of her own house, against her own volition, while the police are free to adapt her house to their reports.




At about 50:00 the microphone is away from the house, and away from Luttrull, probably placed back in his vehicle.  We hear radio traffic occasionally.  By the end of the one and a half hour video, William Marble is still as close to the hospital as he was when the video started.  Killed in his own home shortly before midnight on a cold January morning without any warning by a trooper that can unstrap, unholster, unsafety, and shoot a gun quicker than he can say "drop".

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Part of what I'm looking to get next is the three Nancy Marble interviews.  And I hope Nancy Marble would contact me, I would like to talk with her and get her actual story in a non-coercive environment, and help hook her up with someone that can help her get justice for William Marble, because it won't come from the criminal justice system here, and our local newspaper will only work against her.

If Nancy sues, I hope she gets more than any sort of monetary settlement; I hope she gets Bill Marble's dignity back, his good name, his decades of dedicated community service that were snatched away from him by a crazed gunman with a badge, a sympathetic band of brothers that 'investigated' the incident, and a prosecutor that developed a slanderous, and false, narrative.

I don't have time to listen to the entire recording but from what I did hear in the lower recording it appears that the 911 dispatcher got Mrs. Marbles mood and intent all wrong. She kept saying how Mrs. Marble was unusually irate. I never heard Mrs Marble acting irate. She may have been a little agitated because her phone wasn't working properly. The officer should have gone immediately to the door to see what the situation was all about instead of hanging outside the window and because of that the trooper mistakenly came to the wrong conclusions as to what was going on inside. From what I can tell this incident was improperly handled from the first 911 call to the officer going to the door with a drawn weapon. Someone needs to be held accountable and maybe even prosecuted. Boo to 911 dispatcher, boo to the MSP trooper, boo to the MSP investigation and a big boo to the Prosecutor. It appears that this was being swept under the rug with the hope that noone was paying attention. Certainly not the news media or the prosecutor. Only the stellar reporting of the Torch's own star reporter has revealed the truth. Great job X.

Thanks for your support, Willy.  For those with limited time start watching/listening at about the 20:00 mark until a little while after the shooting takes place, and the screaming of Nancy Marble subsides.  Otherwise, check out other points of recording that streeter or I have pointed out. 

Here's another thing I noticed which calls Trooper James Luttrull's mentality that night into question.  He turns onto US 10 at Custer Road 1:07 into the recording, occasionally goes in code and he looks as if he goes really fast in some bad conditions and arrives at the middle of Scottville at 3:25.  Thus, it takes him 138 seconds to cover three miles, about a mile of that within the Custer and Scottville city limits.  That is an average of 78.9 mph for that stretch.  To respond to a non-emergent situation, even if the dispatcher botched the intent of Nancy's calls to 911.

Between Scottville center and Stiles, another three mile stretch, he slows down a little and it takes him 143 sec., then covers the last 1.5 mi. of US 10 in 72 sec.  For that 7.5 mi. stretch on US 10, with a maximum speed of 55 mph in good conditions, he averaged 76.5 mph in snowy, icy conditions.  The guy's lucky he didn't kill anyone else on the road that night-- not that he would have been held accountable for it.

It's hard to listen and interpret all of the audio on this recording, and I just had my ears cleaned out of wax 2 weeks ago, lol. If we could get that yapping dog and dispatch removed, it sure would help for me. The video speaks volumes of the MSP report that was made however, imho. Things just don't match with any certainty all too often.

Cop Block has published an article based on this shooting at their website, check it out:  http://networkedblogs.com/UnUpm


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