It would be safe to say that most of us that follow politics at all, see the mention of some people that are... well... probably not the best representative of the party they are trying to represent.

All to often of late we see comments about how the people taking part in the Tea Party's are all racist or violent or that they are just plain dumb. Obviously that isn't true. The people that follow the Tea Party are as far as I can tell, decent people of all ethnic and economic backgrounds. Are there a few bad apples? Sure. Any political party is always going to have the random idiot here and there. Generally speaking, I've haven't heard of there being much of any sort of trouble at the Tea Party rallies.

Basically what i'm getting at is that when you hear of a group like the Tea Party getting characterized as racist or whatever, its a bit dishonest to do so and whoever is reporting it as such is doing a disservice. Imagine if everyone that was a liberal/democrat was classified as a heavy drug user simply because a few well known people were drug users. Or imagine that because one republican was shown to have had an affair, that they all be labeled as such. It's a disservice to any and all of these groups and in the grand scheme of things, isn't fair to any of them.

I'm of course not suggesting that you have to love or even like any given political party.... for that matter, you don't even have to support any political party. I prefer to keep my avenues open as far as politics go although i'd have to say I do have some interest in what the Tea Party is doing. I like the idea of average Americans speaking up and letting the people that we vote into office know that if they make bad decisions/votes that the voting public will have a say if they get to keep their jobs when their next election comes around.

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It is scary how the mainstream media has depicted the Tea Party movement, and stereotyped them whenever they could. Objective reporting is about as near-death as democracy is, and this health care law has shown who is the most guilty of the malpractice that caused it.
After my one and only Tea Party experience on 4/15/10, I strongly urge any and all that are skeptical about their true intentions, to attend one. If you come there to witness, participate, or just ask a few questions, you will be impressed and go away feeling good and patriotic. If you go there with a bad attitude, chip on your shoulder, looking for an argument and fight, you might not like the end result, or in most cases, you will probably just be ignored. But, if you went anywhere else with that bad temperament in your mind, the result would likely not be any different. The reinvention of the Tea Party activists is long overdue, and something anyone against higher and unfair taxation should support, irregardless of party or religious affiliation.


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