Republican leaders again showing their true colors

House Speaker Paul Ryan talks to reporters at the Republican National Committee headquarters on Capitol Hill on June 14, 2016. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., issued a stern warning Thursday about the rhetoric coming from Donald Trump about the way government should work.

“We will lose our freedoms in this country, including all of the Bill of Rights, if we don’t robustly defend the separation of powers,” Ryan said at his weekly press conference inside the U.S. Capitol.

Again, Republican leaders such as Ryan are bad mouthing Trump, the man who is trying to unite and lead the GOP to victory in November. I can't remember when a party has tried to sabotage their own presumptive Presidential candidate. This is history in the making and for those who have followed this story and know exactly who the Republicans are can see that both the Democrats and Republicans are hell bent on steering this Country over a cliff. It's absolutely amazing how the GOP is doing their damnedest to prevent Trump from succeeding. No GOP leader who is bad mouthing Trump has ever tried to seriously stop Obama from wreaking havoc on the American economy, it's people and the Constitution. The person that all of the GOP candidates pledged to support is now the target of their scorn. What the Hell is the matter with these people. The upside down rhetoric coming from the Democrats is only equaled by the nonsensical garbage spewing from the Republicans. If anyone had any doubts that these two parties are trying to sink America then this should be a wake up call. We are in deep sh_t. The last 8 years have been a disaster for America and this is only the beginning.


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Trump wasn't among my top tier among the Republican candidates back when that issue was being decided, but it's just too sad to see all these so-called Republican leaders trying to walk back just about every thing he says because it's not politically correct.  Trump will lead the Republican Party into uncharted territory for them; it may not be all good, it may be a lot of ugly, but it is better than having the usual neutered presidential candidates they have been throwing at us so steeped in appeasement that they offer little difference from the Democratic choice.

Thanks for helping with this thread, Willy, I have been a little overwhelmed lately with things coming up.

Oh no, X, hope everything's OK. Hang in there.
I think they're all so scared of Trump because he's not beholden to "big anything". He's self funded. He tells it like it is. And I believe he truly loves America. The people see this.

Some great comments so far, and a great thread by Willy. So far this political season regarding the R party, we the people are seeing something mostly "sincere, honest, cutting facts, politically incorrect, and coming from the Silent Majority" that still care. More "voters" are appearing in huge numbers, and doing what comes natural, and should be invigorating, voting for the best candidate! "Making America Great Again" isn't just a political slogan now, it's becoming another dream of Americans from all walks of life and incites something long lost of late, excitement for the future. When is the last time that idea has been contagious and popular? Way too long imho.

Thanks Aquaman, We are in so much trouble because America is full of stupid and ignorant liberals.

The biggest farce and damage to America imho, is coming from people popularizing the notion that entitlements are the way to go thru life, young and old alike. Both Hillary and Bernie have made this notion their base for voters, people that can't imagine that real work and sacrifice are the American way, that holding your hand out is. There is also a popular notion that my generation and others older than the 30 and under group, have not earned their assets and toys, but inherited them from others. This of course makes them ignorant with false information, and our own Obama said it too, that most didn't make their own home or business, it was someone else. All this fuels is the mindset of being the laziest and worst you can be, and most Americans have always believed that they must be the best they can be. It's a sad and unfortunate mindset that undermines our entire system of freedoms and hard work. 


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