The name of the game is numbers. Can't always believe what you are being fed.


The real Obama jobs index is worse than you thought

posted at 10:01 am on January 11, 2014 by Jazz Shaw

Ed gave us the rather sobering numbers yesterday from the December jobs report. Those were some pretty brutal numbers no matter how you look at them, and they reinforce the fact that you have to look at a lot more than just the published federal unemployment rate to get the full picture. With that in mind, Andrew Malcom (the Prince of Twitter) and the rest of the editorial staff at Investors Business Daily have compiled a full set of employment statistics for the Obama administration, including historical comparisons to previous administrations, recessions and recoveries. If you thought things were bad, you’re right. But you might not have realized just how bad they are. Here’s just a sample.

6.3 million: Net new jobs created since Obama’s recovery started in June 2009
13.8 million: New jobs that would have been created had Obama’s kept pace with the average of the previous 10 recoveries.

3.6%: Growth in private jobs since Obama took office.
43%: Growth in the number of temp jobs.

91.8 million: Number of people not in the labor force as of December.
525,000: Increase since November.
11.2 million: Increase since Obama took office.

6.7%: Jobless rate 54 months into Obama’s recovery.
5.1%: Unemployment rate 54 months into George W. Bush’s “jobless” recovery.

13.1%: Jobless rate in Dec. using a broader measure — U6 — which includes people marginally attached to labor force or working part time for economic reasons.
9.2%: Average U6 rate in Bush’s eight years in office.

There’s plenty more, so you should steel yourself, have a seat and read the entire thing. One of the additional stats which is extremely important, but particularly dismal, is the drop in median household income. During the height of the recession from 2007 to 2009, household income dropped $1,006 annually, as you might expect during such a crisis. But during the “recovery” from then until now, how much did it bounce back? It dropped an additional $2,535 per household.

One reason this is so important is that Congress is getting ready to address the Democrat talking point of “income inequality” this year as the elections approach. As I’ve said before, this is one of the more clever bits of populist marketing that the Democrats have cooked up in a long time. But the reality of income inequality hides what should be a rather obvious truth. The “problem” in this country isn’t that we have too many rich people. The real crisis is that we have too many people who can’t get a decent job and miss out on the opportunity to climb the ladder. Obama has had more than a full term to turn things around, and yet his policies have led to increased poverty, not prosperity. Incomes are going down for the working class, not up. So if you want to fix “income inequality” in America, perhaps you should review the jobs data above and reconsider the policies leading to this unacceptable state of affairs.

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Good post easy.

Amazing the lost house hold income during a RECOVERY

Since that June 2009 recovery the inflation rate has gone up 8.64%, making that $2535 loss of household income even more dismal.  This means that a household spending roughly $30,000 before to make ends meet will have to spend that much extra ($2535) but has that much less in income.

The 12.41% inflation rate since 2007 has hit us while the household income has dropped $4547.  If our free market system wasn't so messed up by government policy interference, those numbers would be more in line with each other, and families wouldn't be getting pinched both ways.

According to statistics, for every job gained, five people left the work force.

Not Good

Sounds much like Obamacare numbers, for people who signed up for health care and for people who lost coverage.   

If only more people would start questioning the numbers when they see them. For instance, when the Dec jobs numbers were released and it was well short of what they were estimating yet the unemployment rate went down to 6.7, a intelligent person should be questioning whats going on... not just be like "big deal, nothing new". Until such time that more people question what's going on, they will continue to be sheeple.

Good point, Dave, I'm wondering what's going on and I don't necessarily qualify as one of them there intelligent persons.

Here is the most disturbing statistic

But not unexpected; when an employer of lesser skilled workers can keep out of the mercurial "affordable" health care by hiring a couple of part time workers doing 24 hrs./wk. for far cheaper than they can hire a full time worker at 40 hours it's a no-brainer as to what will be the result.  Once again the low paid, unskilled workers are reamed by this administration, but many still remain loyal to the president because they don't understand the mechanics of what's happening, and remain ignorant sheeple.

That is the most amazing thing of all. How can these people be so ignorant.

Indeed, and on a different subject.


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