You may have heard about an incident that happened during game three of the World Series between the Houston Astros and Los Angeles Dodgers. The Astros' Yuli Gurriel, a recent Cuban defector who has played for a year in the Japanese leagues, hit a home run off of the Dodgers', Yu Darvish, who happens to be Japanese, and all was fine until he went back to the dugout after rounding the bases. At that point he made a provocative gesture which has got him into a bit of hot water.
This momentary gesture became the story of Game 3, with an almost universal condemnation of the act, and a call for Gurriel's suspension from the series (particularly from Dodgers' fans and politically-correct sports and news outlets). As a result, the baseball commissioner suspended Gurriel for the first five games of the 2018 season without pay, but not for the World Series. Gurriel agreed to not appeal the suspension and to undergo sensitivity training in the offseason. The Astros said that they would donate Gurriel's salary lost (nearly $323,000) during the suspension to a charity that supports diversity efforts.
Despite the attempts of contrition by Gurriel, and the acceptance of it by Darvish, some people still believe harsher terms are warranted, some are not Dodger's fans. But why? Mocking, taunting, and disrupting the opponent is often what gives sports an added flavor that thrill fans all over; the fans love to do it too. What fan doesn't love seeing their baseball hero connect for a game winning homer after striking out three times earlier and see them round the bases in their home run trot staring at the pitcher and nodding his head as if to say "Yeah, that's right; I did that."
While the action by Gurriel may have seemed racially insensitive to those of Japanese descent, it was not directed at them, it was directed playfully at the pitcher who just served him up a dinger. If we consider it a racist gesture, let's consider that Japanese baseball still incorporates their own brand of racism in their leagues. On any professional Japanese team, only three 'foreigners' are allowed, and only two can play at any given time. Their national pastime of Sumo wrestling allows only one 'foreigner' per stable. Do those that practice political correctness to the extreme ever cover the real racism in making such artificial quotas like that? They don't appear to want to start that conversation.
As for the actual act of artificially slanting your eyes being an act of racism, if you were in Japan and a Japanese man came over to you and non-threateningly made fun of your 'Western' eyes by doing what the gentleman above is doing, would you consider that an offensive gesture, worthy of censure and brand it racist?
Ironically, what many Americans see as the epitome of bad and provocative gestures in sports, kneeling during the national anthem in professional football games, has not been penalized by the NFL. Professional baseball and football players operate under pretty much the same rules and yet MLB has decided to penalize a Cuban-American severely (over $300,000 is pretty severe) for spitelessly mocking another player, while the NFL has fumbled penalizing those who would spitefully mock the anthem, the flag and the patriotism of all Americans at the beginning of their games.
First of all he was in the dugout when he did it, not out on the field and certainly not right in the pitchers face. Noone would have even noticed if the TV network had not made a big deal about it. He could have been scratching his eyes for all we know. I am so sick and tired of this diversity crap. The foolish left thinks they can control peoples opinions and emotions. Basketball and football players routinely trash talk when they play. I don't like it but I'm not playing so if the players want to put up with it, so be it. Let's be fair about diversity. There should be more white athletes especially in basketball and football.
The left wants everyone to embrace diversity as long as we all think like them and agree with them. There is no diversity in thought as far as the left is concerned. If you have different opinions than what the left demands then you are a hater, bigot, racist, etc,etc.
The equality and diversity movement is a Marxist / Communist construct. Equality and diversity are polar opposites but people are buying into this nonsense and it is being pushed on to the children in our education system. How can there be a "diverse" but "equal" society? Take monetary considerations for instance. A diverse economy has all levels of economic income so how can we all be equal? That's where Marxist proponents come into play. They want wealth to be shared equally. It's impossible to share everything equally while claiming to be diverse. It's convoluted reasoning.
Consider peoples ethnic and racial backgrounds. When multi cultural people gather such as in the U.S. they settle in areas where the people have a common background and beliefs. Chinese [China town] Polish communities, Cuban areas, Mexican areas, German settlements, Muslims [the most isolated communities], Jewish, Amish and Christian settlements, etc. It's a basic human nature to live in and around people who are of the same race, ethnic, religion etc. So in comes the equality / diversity propaganda which tells people they are wrong to segregate themselves and they must live and co-mingle with all others. I personally think it's a good idea for communities to blend but it must be voluntary and not coerced or forced upon the people. Eventually we may be as one but I don't think that will happen as long as whites are constantly called racist and blamed for all the ills of the World. Race baiting has become a staple for the equality / diversity crowd, a means to control dissension to their cause. Call someone a racist in order to silence them has been a most effective way of dealing with those who have a contrary view of the diversity movement.
So, It doesn't bother me that a baseball player made a gesture that the diversity crowd finds objectionable. As far as I'm concerned the incident was between the batter and pitcher and they should have settled it Mano y Mano but the progressives wanted to make a big deal about it.
Would you be so kind as to expand your explanation of "equality within diversities"?
I agree Dyana but I think that the "equality", "diversity" and "social justice" movements are not about Civil Rights. The purpose of theses movement is to control people of a certain persuasion, meaning whites and specifically white conservatives. Any thinking contrary to these movements is met by censorship of thought, opinions and free speech as is the case on college campuses or at conservative political rallies such as Trumps which have been interrupted vocally and violently by the left. These are tactics which were used by the fascists, communists and Nazi's in the 20th century. History is repeating itself and we must not make the mistake of assuming that leftists have only good intentions and are doing this for the good of the people. The News Media, Education system, entertainment industry and Deep State Governments are all trying to subvert the United States. It's as plain as the nose on our faces. Anyone who can't see that is only fooling themselves.
As far as opportunity for Blacks, can you name anything Blacks are being prevented from doing or how they are being discriminated against? By constantly focusing on past problems and not pointing out all the progress made in the name of minorities is, in my opinion, missing the whole point. We can't live their lives for them and much of their problems stem from how they organize and live their lives.
Diversity and equality are opposite concepts, but both goals are being sought by our 'enlightened progressives'?! Profound observation, Willy, and let me just clarify their linguistic opposition to each other note the synonyms for equality:
which include common antonyms (opposites) for diversity, in particular 'sameness' and 'uniformity':
Then, this movement desires two entirely opposite outcomes. This explains how they can strive, for example, to go to extremes in attacking the most benign of Christian values, while simultaneously defending the worst excesses of Islamic fundamentalism. How they can say that black lives matter, while the abortion rates of black women are 4 times higher than white women, and all the cities where black genocide seem to be taking place are the ones ran by the Democratic Party since at least the 1960s?
It doesn't matter where you run with the football when you are trying to achieve either of two goalposts that lie on the opposite side of the field; which is probably why they often seem to go out of bounds without a care about doing so. Rules are for those that disagree with them.
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