In the continued quarrel between the Cole supporters and Fiers supporters about who has ran the more honorable and ethical campaign, there have been a lot of claims.  For the most part, I think most of these claims are personal, and viewpoint-driven.  But something that continues to bewilder me is the seemingly blatant personal attack that Kim Cole regularly does in a subtle manner in his "promise" ads:



This was clipped from Friday's COLDNews.  Sergeant Cole says:  "My promise to the people of Mason County:  I will restore pride, tradition and honor to the Sheriff's Office"  Emphasis added on the verb and abstract nouns of his promise.  Looking closer at the definitions of those terms:


restoreVerb:  1.Bring back; reinstate.   2.Return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position.

prideNoun: 1. A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.

traditionNoun:  1. An inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior.

honorNoun:  1.  High respect; esteem

To restore these three abstractions, therefore, he is effectively saying that the three have been lacking in the current administration.  That Jeff Fiers has ran a sheriff's office where pride, tradition, and honor have been lost somewhere along the way.  Three questions to Kim Cole or his supporters about Sheriff Fiers:


1.  When has Sheriff Fiers not been proud of the MCSO, and the part he plays in it?

2.  What positive traditions of the MCSO has Sheriff Fiers eliminated or ignored during his one term in office?

3.  When has Sheriff Fiers been anything but honorable, to his office or to his subordinates?


And then one last question:


4.  How specifically will Sergeant Cole restore these when he gets to office, thus fulfilling his promise?


The statement Kim Cole makes in his advertisement is negative and insulting, and shows that he may just restore pride in the office, if we consider the fifth definition of pride, which is generally considered one of the seven deadly sins:  "an excessively high opinion of oneself; conceit."  

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Why argue? The name calling is no help its like being in high school again. Listing facts of pro and cons of both canidates would help anybody undecided. I like Fiers and Cole as people to talk with. They have always treated me good no matter what the situation was. I voted for Fiers the last election. He is a good guy, but I am not happy with how he took care of safety issues and the upkeep of the jail. Saving money is great if all repairs are made and all safety requirements are purchased. He hasn't done that. He should of taken care of stuff and then returned unused money. This is my opinion. I feel everybody has a right to there own opinion. Do vote for your choice.

Lauren you are correct.  Jeff is a nice guy, I also voted for him 4 years ago.  Then you look at the last years and see the only thing he can say is that he saved money.  Saved money for what?? The money is coming in no matter what.  You want to no equip your men and woman and make them safer?  You don't want to use new parts for your officer’s vehicles and make them safer?  He would rather buy used parts and damaged parts to replace things on their cars.  Jeff realized that he was working for the county citizens, but didn't realize he was also working for his men and woman on the road and in the jail.  He cared more about being able to safe he "saved money" than saying he is making everyone in this county safer. 

Never has he addressed the US 10 situation and do anything to make all of us safer driving out there.  Never did he comment on the shooting of the LPD officer and walk about how his men were doing after that since they were also shot at.  When has Jeff ever come out and talk about a case that his men and women have been involved in and talked about what a great job they did or are doing? And you wonder why morale would be down.  I would be he never even contacted his men that were shot at the day of the LPD officer shooting.  Why would he?  Because it was one of his supporters....


As for you A Baker, I never said that if you get on the wrong side of Cole,he will treat you wrong.  I said I, as in myself wouldn’t treat you very well if you were a jerk to me or disrepsected me or tried harming me.

Lauren and Sean, just fyi, Sheriff Fiers HAS corrected all the issues of safety and vehicle upkeep, he already pointed this out in the debates last August & Sept., keep up on current events please. He made sure to get these done when budget permitted it, not just spending money wildly at every turn of the road. As for Dave Maltbie, he's an old friend, and I saw him in Briggs about 3 weeks ago, he is back on the force, and his disposition and appearance are just wonderful, he's made a very nice recuperation I am happy to report, I told him he had a lot of us worried, and he smiled and thanked.

I didn't say anything about Sgt Maltbie and being back on the force and how he is doing, I know he is doing great and his back working, I said Jeffs men who were fired at multiple times.  And no Jeff dint correct the safety issues.  Corrections officers are still without vests that fit them and him saying he "corrected" the problems, doesn't make up for him putting used and unfit vehicle parts on his road deputies cars. 

Nope sorry sean but when you used the term "either" it was in refering to him cuz that was the subject,so once again THANK YOU it is obvious that you to know of his antics.You do also with your last few statements make it sound as if cole is only for the rich,you also make it sound as if Jeff only has the support of the poor...Is there some kind of point that you are trying to make? Or is it just more air being released ?

What did I say to even come close to sounding that Cole is for the rich and Jeffy for the poor??

It comes down to allowing people to make their own choices without getting offended by the choices they make. The difficulty comes into play because some people keep trying to convince other people that they know what is best for the other. Everybody should be allowed to make their own decisions without other people shoving their own opinions down somebody's throat. Too many people take disagreement as a personal attack. That is a sign of insecurity.


I'ts funny you would say that because in the other thread,, you seem to think non residents should have influence in local politics because they have business interests in the city. If the "City Proposal' was the brain child of and supported by only Ludington residents then that would be allowing "people" to make their own choices. Don't you think these non residents are trying to convince other people they know what's best for others? Your contradicting yourself.

Anonymous For Safety,


Most people like to think they are overwhelmingly 'right' when they offer their viewpoints. Most people are stupid too (but of course that's just my own biased opinion).

Common sense is not very common anymore, and the ability to 'think' and 'reason' is sadly missing in a sizable portion of the population. It has been called the "Dumbing Down of America".

That is why you see so many people in discussion forums verbally attacking others all the time.  Because when somebody disagrees with them in print (not face-to-face), they are not equipped to think rationally about the reasons behind the varying viewpoints. 

I believe that everybody should be allowed to their own opinions as long as their opinions are offered in a responsible manner.  You sir have stated your views in a responsible manner without attacking anybody. The final tally will ultimately be decided only by the actual residents instead of by the outsiders whom the opponents here are speaking against. In my opinion, it seems to be a form of 'fork-tongue' on their part.


And of course your statements don't apply to you because your gifted while everyone else is stupid. Must be nice to be so smart in a dumb World. Common sense is just a matter of opinion. One persons common sense is not someone elses. For instance It's hard to understand how Nordic folks can sit in a steamy sauna then jump thru ice into freezing  cold water. Doesn't sound like common sense to me but to them it's normal. And if people disagree with you that means they are attacking you because you are smart and they are stupid. 


I am not inclined to argue with you because common sense tells me that it would be foolish. You say I am gifted while everyone else is stupid. Look at the arguements and attacks on this board between people who disagree about Fiers/Cole, and then tell me again that some people are not weak when it concerns somebody else disagreeing with them. It is the same way all over the internet.

You have your opinons and I have mine. I hope you are feeling quite satisfied about taking my comments out of context.

Forget it sean you deleted your statement when someone points out things that you say you delete your statement so there is no use .We will just agree to disagree.For the record in the statement that you deleted you had said that all of the Tallman lake people can cry when it is over,you also say you can tell who supports Jeff because of the yards that his signs are in.Every time a point is made I love how all the cole supporters say" huh I don't know what you are talking about" .


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