Who's your favorite for the race for president 2012?

On the dem side the obvious favorite is Obama who I can't say I would ever vote for. I won't be entirely surprised if another dem tries to make a run.. at this point they might have a chance. If someone did, I would listen to what they have to say and go from there.

As far as the republican side goes, the ones I am most interested in at this point is Perry (being not very religious that's one thing I don't care for about him) and Herman Cain. Perry has been successful running TX and has did things to help create jobs. Some say "well there are a lot of minimum wage jobs".. which may be true... but they are still jobs, not everyone gets to be CEO. Cain is a successful business man and might just be what Washington needs right now. His lack of political experience could be a plus or hindrance.. we shall see. I'm not overly crazy about Romney.. just get the feeling that he's a republican version of Obama.. Bachman isn't doing much for me either, she's just to, I don't know, not what I want for a president. Ron Paul has a some good ideas but his foreign policy is so so at best. In the debate last week in Iowa, he seemed to be defending Iran who is obviously ran by crazy people in regards to the nuclear program and tried to compare them to Russia. Russia who obviously had Nukes, was like the USA, we had them as a deterrent... with Iran, they would use them regardless of it meant millions of their own people died.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?

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Kind of like Ron Paul - except for his abortion stance.

I think that even if you do disagree with Dr. Ron Paul's stance on abortion, you have to respect his willingness to breach this issue and be consistent in his thinking on it.  Let's not forget he has taken the Hippocratic Oath, and has a firm stance on when life begins  Ron Paul on Abortion.  He also believes it should be an issue resolved by states, like any good Constitution reader should IMO, and further explains his personal beliefs here  RP on Constit. and Abortion.

But he still is invisible to almost all media, though John Stewart to his credit points that out to anyone else who doesn't notice:

Obama has shown his failed Statist positions on many things during his first term, and you know that will come back once he gets re-elected.  The best way to go against him is with someone with an anti-Statist position, which the two winners of Iowa, Bachman and Paul, Tea Party stalwarts, have.  I would love this ticket with either topping it, as the one that goes into November 2012.

Now that Gov Perry has declared, he is my new favorite choice. I tend to be libertarian in views, however I am also a realist. Both establishment Democrats and Republicans, can not seem to help themselves interfering with foreign countries either in the form of sanctions ( mostly democrats) or out right military Actions ( Republicans or Community organizers).

This being said much money could be saved my forcing the government to live within its means and in legitimate wars like WW1 and WW2 forcing the countries we help and the defeated one pay restitution, As one who losses in court should also do.

While I do consider abortion murder. I do not consider birth control as such like the Catholics do. I do not think we should spend all of our time and resources trying to re-litigate a past court case. And rather be happy with letting God ( if you believe in him ) or mother nature( if you don't), take care of the err-ency of that choice.

That's it. I'm moving to Canada, LOL.
Wouldn't it be cute if Hillary decides to challenge Obama? As it stands now, the Dems don't have a chance on this election, unless of course it means that Hillary or some other favorite comes along soon.....lol. Either way, the Dems showed their true colors for the populace the last 2-1/2 years, and change is coming for the better soon to be sure.
While its not likely that that would happen, she would probably give him a pretty good run for his money... would probably even beat him I think. I got a feeling a lot of people have had enough of hope and change and would rather just see some results.


I would stay far FAR away from Perry. Do a ton of research on NAR( New Apostolic Reformation).


Here is a link to the rest of this  article

Prior to 9/11, the Taliban government in Afghanistan did not register very much on American radar screens, with one notable exception: when it blew up two colossal images of the Buddha in Bamiyan province in early 2001. But destruction of treasured artifacts isn't just limited to the Taliban.

There's a right-wing politico-religious presence centred in the US, but with a global reach, engaging in similar practises, destroying religious and cultural artifacts as a key aspect of its ideology of "strategic level spiritual warfare" (SLSW).

Until recently a fringe evangelical movement, warned against as deviant, "spiritual warfare" is rapidly positioning itself within America's mainstream political right. It's well past time for political journalists to start covering what this movement is up to.

As an example, leaders have bragged online about the destruction of Native American religious artifacts, which their twisted ideology somehow sees as a liberating act, promoting "reconciliation" between estranged groups of people. Critics, however, see it as reflecting an eliminationist mindset, while traditional conservative evangelicals have denounced the ideology as un-biblical. Some even claim it is actually a form of pagan practice dressed up in Christian clothes, according such artifacts a spiritual power that the Bible itself denies.  

The ultimate goal is to replace secular democracy, both in America and around the world, with a Christian theocracy, an ideology known as "dominionism". The supposed purpose is to "purify" the world for Christ's return - again, strikingly similar to what the Taliban believe, but also significantly at odds with more common, long-standing Christian beliefs about the "end times", as well as the nature and purpose of prayer, and the roles of human and divine power.  

This description might seem utterly fantastical, but copious evidence for it is hidden in plain sight, scattered across the internet, in books, on YouTube, and tracked by a small community of researchers at sites such as  Talk2Action.org and RightWingWatch.org, as well as by evangelical critics. The question is: When will America's mainstream media catch up?"


Another article is The Biggest Religious Movement You Never Heard of: Nine Things You ...



Those in NAR basically want to do away with the constitution and have the USA ruled by religion. They truly are the American Taliban(only "christian"-yeah right) as they like the Taliban destroying Budha statues the NAR has destroyed Native American Artifacts.. Do some research, it doesn't take long to find out what these NAR folks are about. But our media has yet to catch up and inform us like they should have done by now.


I think Ron Paul is the best bet.

Why would I accept a link to the Aljazeera propaganda page as factual in the case of a simple and obviously constitutional based Governor of one of the few states growing anything? 

While I do accept there are extreme right wing groups in America. I do not see even in your links real evidence Gov Perry is part of or ever has been a part of one. The part that clued me to this is Perry's unabashed support of the founders constitutional principles he sites when speaking.

I don't expect you to take anything as 'factual'. I figured someone would go after the source of where i got the info being it is something so demonized as Al jazeera, but they are no diffrerent other than their perspective than Fox news.

I gave you people some easy places to start doing some research from. I gave the diving board, it is up to the citizenry to jump off into the pool that is the interwebz and find there own preferred sources.


I suppose i could have just said to research "NAR + Perry", but not everyone wants to do all their own research. Here is the link that should give you people the desired proof that Perry is a part of a right wing "dominionist" group (it is six or seven pages long but there are plenty of resources that should lead you people into an hours and days long rabbit hole of web searching about it if they so desire.

“The Response”  (one of the same articles linked above) There are many more on the web and much info about these crazies for those interested in finding it.


I haven't watched this but it should help with the research as well video




looks like the connection your looking for comes at bout the 8 minute point in the video
City of Ludington ethics match to those of most elected officials including Rick Perry cronyism 101

well, Paul Ryan is considering entering the race, should make things gear up abit. One thing I'll say for Ryan, he had the guts to actually put on paper the kind of cuts necessary to cut our? country's debt. Only to be shot down by his own party, Wash. elites,

Time will tell, shoot, with so many jumping in the fray, maybe I'll take a stab at it . Then take my war chest an retire to the good life..


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