A recent perusal of the City website shows the following as part of the minutes for the 2-28-11 City Council Meeting, recently posted on that site:
"Moved by Councilor Scott seconded by Councilor Holman, to approve the Workplace Safety Policy. City Manager John Shay presented this policy to Council and explained the purpose is to foster and maintain a safe working environment for every employee of the City. It puts a renewed emphasis on a secure site by locking a door, and deals with threats or any harm of any city employee. If necessary, a letter of trespass would be issued to an individual that is creating a safety concern against a city employee. The letter of trespass would prohibit a person in question from entering a city building until further notice. Councilor Scott questioned whether on page 4 if the City has to send a letter of trespass by regular mail or by certified mail. City Attorney Richard Wilson explained that the letter of trespass referred to in this policy would be delivered personally. Motion Carried."
When I received a "Letter of Trespass" for City Hall/LPD the very next day it spoke of the Workplace Safety Policy. At the time I thought it was either some sort of entrenched, lengthy Federal law warning employees about running around the office with scissors in their hand, or the protocols to avoid paper cuts. I had not figured it was passed the previous night at the local level, with no discussion except for the method of service.
So will the citizens ever know what this policy actually states? It appears to have the authority to restrict peaceful, dissenting citizens from being able to access the public services they pay and support with their taxes and fees. It appears to allow the City to put the spotlight on any person and talk ill of them publicly without showing any cause of why they chose to do so. Is this what we have come to in Ludington? In America?
We have a FOIA request on this Workplace Safety Policy that was sent on Tuesday night-- I will post that policy when it becomes available. We have also requested the interoffice communications that led to the developments of this policy.
Pathetic little man he is.
I wonder how Ms. Marrison voted on this issue. It seems she would have had enough time now to read all the threads and documentation here at the Torch and see that Shay is as unethical as a person can be. I understand she has not been here from the start and catching up may take a while, but even a few hours should give her the info needed to see the wolf in sheeps clothes that he is. He is a bad man.
John Shay, City Attorney Richard Wilson, and any other public employee (or is that independent contractor, CA Wilson? LOL) are and have been cordially invited to participate on the Ludington Torch in any way they wish to explain this policy and any other policy we have questioned here in the past. Or send it to my E-mail address.
Aquaman may have a point: John Shay, Heather Venzke, Nick Tykoski, are all youngish and do perhaps lack the maturity to distinguish right from wrong, public from private, theirs from yours, rights from privileges, etc. in the positions they have been appointed to.
The above excerpt from the City Council meeting could easily remind one of that symbiotic relationship between the Council and their appointees, RJE. That and the 'rubber stamp' mentality in those elective offices that has only grown stronger as this municipality has grown stronger in power-- I see only CC Engblade as the only one bucking that trend, and this is his last year. Meanwhile, the people and businesses "out of the loop" continue to see their rights and earnings ebb.
Yes, Lisa they have obviously noticed the link, Dev. of Authority pt. 5: Signs of Love and have had some time to react to it. Their reaction, attack me and my motives, instead of showing documentation to the contrary of my assertions, lends credence to my public record-backed assertions.
I try to be meticulous in my investigations and search for exculpatory material when something seems so amiss. That's why it usually takes me a little while to get out an article, because credibility is important. I wish some in our government, and our local newspapers, would get that idea.
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