WSCC narrows Presidency replacement of Dr. Dillon down to 11 candidates

Looks like the WSCC will be getting a new President soon, after almost 6 months of being without one. The WSCC trustee board announced they have narrowed the 60 member candidate list down to 11 candidates now. Of course, the candidates interviewed and selected thus far are confidential to the public, the public that finances the college. Closed meetings are in place to make sure all is kept secretive, as per the usual procedure, when the college trustees don't want John Q. Public looking over their shoulders. The 11 remaining candidates are to be announced finally on Monday, whoopee! I'll just bet that NONE of those finalists are from Mason County at all. It truly would be a shameful act to select someone locally for that plushy $100,000+/year job. I wonder if anyone locally even applied? And if so, why didn't they make the cut? Afterall, the previous President too was an outlander, and look how he abused his office, college car, and so many other things still being kept secretive under the terms of these crooked employee contracts that private citizens aren't privileged to have. Look for the updates tomorrow in the MC Press and the Lud. Daily Snooze to report on this important issue. (And as usual for some reason, can't load attachment of the LDN article). Someone help? Thanks.  (EDITOR:  Done!)

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Hope no coffee grinds or leftovers went to waste X, thanks very much. Also, my apologies to your kitty cat if he needed some relief from the LDN scraps, hardy har.

I think they withhold the names of the applicants to maintain their privacy because most people looking for new positions don't want their current bosses to find out, lest it cause problems at their current workplace, especially if they do not get the new job they are seeking. If people knew their names would be made public it would assuredly prevent many from applying.

As if to make you look foolish, Willy, at about the same time you were making your above post, the COLDNews was publishing the identities and backgrounds of the eleven finalists; three are already serving as community college executive officials in Michigan. 

So much for my opinion.

With the WSCC Boards record regarding transparency, Willy, I was surprised that they released the info.  Perhaps the COLDNews used a FOIA request to get the information, wouldn't that be a novel twist?

Don't discount your valued opinion Willy, that's a good point, but, I think it applies more readily to the private sector, not the public sector. Just as I suspected and would have bet on, there are NO Mason County applicants as finalists. There are three from Michigan, all the rest are out of state applicants. Should come as no surprise, poor old Mason County has NO qualified people to do this job efficiently, and with strong leadership skills. Too bad another outlander is about to get a cushy big paying job, and will spend vacations and most of their earnings, out of town/state.


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