Today my partner in mudrakery, Eve Alone, gets a phone call from Sergeant Schultz (insert your own Hogan's Heroes ironic reference here) of the Ludington Police Department. She passes me the phone. It seems he was trying to serve me something about trespassing that he couldn't elaborate on, but he arranged a place to meet so he could give it to me. I was with a group of folks in my vehicle so I went to the site with a sense of curiosity and wonderment, and several potential witnesses.
When I got there he was still reticent about explaining what it was about ,saying the papers explained it, and politely handed me the following:
Included was a similar notice for 201 N. Washington, the address I recently requested paperwork for because of certain ethical questions (some of those are discussed in the Development of Authority: Part 5).
Trespass Notice 201 N Washington
We all found it rather ridiculous as we discussed it over dinner. The only thing I have done is put out the public records that would seem to show that two affianced members of the DDA may have violated some rules. Ms. Venzke or Mr. Tykoski have apparently taken it otherwise, without explanation of their own actions or what I have done to "make them concerned".
I suppose if the corrupt Pentwater politicos can fire Bear Millard from the Pentwater Fire Department for putting up embarassing information about the misuse of public property, these guys figure they can keep me from going to the City Hall and the Police Department for putting up material that shows how the sausage is being made here in Ludington.
Let's see, now I can't go to City Hall to inspect and scan records for an FOIA request. Now I cannot go to a City Hall Meeting and talk, in clear violation of the Open Meetings Act, section 3(6): "A person shall not be excluded from a meeting otherwise open to the public except for a breach of the peace actually committed at the meeting."
Don't fret Aquaman, I am not the one in desperation mode.
The one who is testing the limits of his power has reached that point apparently. You may have noticed his name on the bottom of that letter of trespass.
Friday's newspaper article had CM John Shay saying that I could come to City Hall, I just needed to call them first so a police officer could be present. They even put these words in large type. I suppose I would have to do the same at the police station, LOL.
My notice that I was served (above) is quite clear in its last two paragraphs that I am expressly denied from entering City Hall, that I would be committing a misdemeanor, and that I could be arrested. By that very officer I alerted. Nowhere is there a 'call first' clause. His words in the paper are meaningless.
We will find out whether Mr. Shay has that authority-- like you, I believe he doesn't.
But I don't have a police department under my control, backing me up.
Oh brother, I can just see Johnny trying to issue Letters of Trespass for city streets!
It's like when LPDs Mark Barnett told X way back in 2008 that he, the Chief of Police, had the authority to restrict bicycles from riding on city streets. I can't remember his funky reasoning, but he said something about them impeding the normal flow of traffic. I think he wound up saying he could have bicyclists just push bicycles on sidewalks. Mr. Fun that guy.
Still I like the idea that he would stay home more often : )
I think you have misinterprated the situation. Mr. Rotta has never expressed ill feelings about any "staff" and he has never mentioned anything about being "out to get" someone. He is trying to get City Hall and Mr. Shay to recognize the rights of citizens to question policies, procedures and actions of their Government and it's officials and the publics right to freely obtain information about those policies, procedures and actions without being harassed and slandered.
John, I am not aware of your perspective in this issue, but (as RJE countered) I am not out to get anyone on the Ludington city staff. I have been in a journey to try and understand the root cause of why the events that happened in 2008 to me, and to the earnest Ludington Building Inspector Jack Byers in 2007-8, were allowed to happen as they did. My quest for answers just leads to more questions.
A City Manager and staff with honor and integrity should be open to answering these questions. Instead they put up hurdles in my way, defame me and my motives, and try their best not to answer questions that their employers (the taxpayers and electors of the City) have with the running of this town and its finances.
Any gripe you may think I have against anyone on the Ludington City Staff has a basis behind it involving the appearance of impropriety or outright breaking of the rules that govern this city, state, and/or nation. Unfortunately for us all, it is more widespread than just the City Manager and his interpretations of laws and ethics.
The FOIA request of the address folder of 201 N Washington Avenue (which was done by 'Eve Alone' on 2-16-2011) has been looked at and will soon be commented on. We are in the process of getting more information from Freddy Mac for their records on that place, for there are some mysteries about their role. My only allegation about that home up until now is a comment I said that they got a darn fine deal buying a house purchased two months prior by FHLMC for nearly half what they (Freddy Mac) had brought it for. The rest is part of the public record.
If you look at their past, FHLMC has not been the most ethical of entities, so don't read any extra allegations against Nick and/or Heather into it, if there was something underhanded done. In the meantime, Nick and Heather could do well by commenting on their part in Sign-gate which does involve some serious allegations regarding bids, contracts, and conflicts of interest, as noted in Development of Authority: Part 5.
Basically John.. I think if you look back at all of the threads here dealing with the subject of the Home on 201 Wash it after initial research appears was on the up and up.
You can see by the name of the forum you are posting in we consider ourselves to a advocates of the correct and transparent running of government. When this occurs, sometimes, something that on the surface seems unseemly, becomes clear. In fact that property transaction would have become clear much faster if all the stall tactics on information would not have taken place.
The fact it is still being brought up is more to do with several juvenile spam type posters that keep the particular thread alive. They have yet to learn sometimes silence is the best policy.
And the City Manager needs to learn that when you decide to obstruct the flow of public information (through FOIA overcharges, procedural miscues, and changing the rules to make it more difficult to get) in ways that are less than ethical or illegal, you invite more investigation into those areas you obstruct.
The transfer of the N Washington house becomes more suspect to me when the owners specifically sanction me from it, when I have no inclination at all to traipse there. As a libertarian, I am much more responsive to private property rights than our 'progressive' advocates in local government, exemplified by Mr. Shay and Ms. Venzke. Through the Development of Authority series I have noticed a pattern where we see our tax money being directed into projects and events that put our public money into private hands in a manner I find reprehensible and immoral on behalf of our leaders.
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