It seems that alot of police in Michigan are not up on the gun laws

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed

HOW ODD THAT MASSACRES MOSTLY HAPPEN IN "GUN-FREE ZONES"! When will the brain-dead Left wake up and draw the obvious conclusion? Gun bans kill kids

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

MI: Open Carry Lawsuit; Police Report or Dashcam Video?

Open Carrier With Revolver

Johann Deffert is suing the Grand Rapids Police for their treatment when he was stopped while openly carrying a handgun.  Now, two versions of events are being put forward.   In the official police version, as reported in
“Deffert was alone, and was loudly talking to himself,” Moe wrote. “Based on the area, and Deffert’s unusual behavior, R/O (responding officer) was concerned Deffert may have mental issues and was about to commit a violent crime.
The responding officer then elaborates:
He secured Deffert in handcuffs. He then secured a .40- or .45-caliber semi-automatic pistol with attached flashlight.
“Deffert immediately began stating that he was exercising his right open carry,” Moe wrote. “R/O explained to Deffert, he had that right (to) open carry as long as he was not a felon or had any documented mental orders.
“R/O further explained to Deffert, R/O would release him as soon as R/O checked him in LEIN (Law Enforcement Information Network). Deffert stated he had neither. Based on Deffert’s answers and odd demeanor, R/O was not so sure Deffert did not have some psychological issues. Deffert would not elaborate on why he was talking to himself. He had no cell phone on him,” Moe wrote, in a four-paragraph narrative.
The problem is that people who claim to have seen the dashcam video from the officers patrol car say that the video does not support the R/O's report.  From the comments on  Tim Beahan , who claims to have seen the dashcam video, writes:
 Tim and I are on the leadership of a group called Michigan Open Carry and are local to the GR area. The plaintiff contacted us after his incident seeking help. We reviewed his case (the video) and sent him to a qualified attorney.

I have tried to be open and honest about who I am, and the facts of this case. If you still do not believe me, I understand, but I feel there is nothing more I can do.
In a later post:
Having reviewed the video, the comments offered by the responding officer are a complete fabrication. I'm looking forward to his impending career change.
Tom Lambert, who also claims to have seen the video, chimes in:
 "But, his attorney, Steven Dulan said Deffert “repeatedly offered his identification to (police), who refused to retrieve it for several minutes, instead choosing to debate public policy with plaintiff.”"

This is backed up in the video. If the R/O just wanted to "check out" the plaintiff, why did he debate policy with the plaintiff instead of checking him out?

 "Deffert would not elaborate on why he was talking to himself. He had no cell phone on him"

Both are not true as demonstrated on the video. Perhaps if the R/O had listened to the answers to his questions, this might not have turned out this way.
The dashcam video has not been released to the public.   Deffert's lawyer is said to have the copy that Lambert and Behan say they saw.

The  Police in Warren, Michigan and Grand Haven have settled  claims with open carriers who sued.   It will be interesting to see if Grand Rapids Michigan does the same.   A common requirement of such a lawsuit is training of the police to respect the second amendment rights of open carriers.   Another common requirement is that plaintiffs are required not to talk about the settlement.

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Check out the links inside that last link supplied referring to the three places Open Carrying was vindicated, presented below.  Remember, police training is rarely complete on training their officers about rights of individuals, preferring to focus more on the unlawful extent of their powers:

On August 2nd, 2008, five years ago, Christopher Fetters was illegally arrested for exercising his Constitutional rights during the Coast Guard festival in Grand Haven, Michigan.  Parts of the original article are still available on  The High Road.  Fetters was legally carrying his holstered Glock when he was disarmed, arrested, and had his pistol confiscated.

When the city attorney read the law, he realized that the City had made a mistake.  The charges were dropped and the pistol returned.    Mr. Fetters filed a Federal lawsuit against Grand Haven for civil rights violations.  The lawsuit resulted in a cash settlement for Mr. Fetters in 2010, along with an agreement to educate their officers about the legality of open carry, and that open carry is not probable cause for a stop.

In 2009, a similar situation occurred to Mr. Haman, in Warren, Michigan.  Another lawsuit resulted in  a $5,000 settlement for Mr. Haman, and training for Warren police officers.

In 2012, an 18 year old man exercised his constitutional rights by open carrying his birthday present, a rifle, slung over his shoulder in Birmingham, MI.  He was arrested and his rifle confiscated.  He was found not guilty in a jury trial.   He and fellow open carriers then exercised their rights in Birmingham, MI, with Mr. Combs triumphantly carrying his rifle.

Just what exactly are future police being taught at cop schools. Certainly not the Constitution, laws on the books or what and how to enforce the laws they are deputized to uphold.

MI:Lawsuit says Open Carry is Political Speech, Police Knew Carry was Legal

Open carrier in Arizona at Political Rally

I have often made the case that openly carrying guns is political speech of the first order.   Criminals almost never openly carry, because they do not want to draw attention to themselves.   Police virtually always know that open carriers are engaged in political activism.  An open carrier who had a loaded gun pointed at him by Grand Rapids Police, when the police knew that he was not breaking any law, has filed a lawsuit charging violation of his rights on  first, second,  and fourth amendment grounds.  From the complaint
38. Plaintiff's act of openly carrying a pistol in public was intended, in part, to increase awareness that open carry is lawful in Michigan and to rally public support, therefore qualifying it as symbolic political speech.  Defendants then violated Plaintiff's First Amendment rights without provocation or justification.
From recently obtained radio traffic, it is clear that the dispatcher knew that open carry of firearms was legal, and that this information was relayed to the police that were sent to the scene.   Why they were sent is uncertain, because the dispatcher informed the woman who called 911 that openly carrying a pistol in a holster was legal.    Tim Beahan on suspects that the purpose was to harass the open carrier.
I've mentioned elsewhere that this is more likely 'payback' for OC proponents pressuring GR to eliminate an illegal orinance, and Heartwell's personal fear & prejudice clouding his judgement.
The article at has sparked a lively debate in the comments, with those who defend the police actions questioning whether a dashcam video exists (as mentioned in this previous article), and those supporting the open carrier saying that they have seen it, but cannot ethically release it because the open carrier's lawyer is not yet willing to do so. reporter John Agar is reported to have requested the video from the Police.  Those who say they have seen the video say that they expect the city to release it at any minute.

Most peculiar are those who claim to support open carry, but say that the open carrier is going to cause a public reaction that will push the legislature to ban open carry.   What is the point of a right, if you cannot exercise it for fear that you will be arrested?  Michigan police have already been educated that open carry is a right in Michigan.   It will be interesting to see if another settlement is in the works for the City of Grand Rapids.

Gun violence is down but the liberal, biased news media forgets to report that.



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