50 Years Later, War on Poverty Is a Mixed Bag

WASHINGTON — To many Americans, the war on poverty declared 50 years ago by President Lyndon B. Johnson has largely failed. The poverty rate has fallen only to 15 percent from 19 percent in two generations, and 46 million Americans live in households where the government considers their income scarcely adequate.

But looked at a different way, the federal government has succeeded in preventing the poverty rate from climbing far higher. There is broad consensus that the social welfare programs created since the New Deal have hugely improved living conditions for low-income Americans. At the same time, in recent decades, most of the gains from the private economy have gone to those at the top of the income ladder.

Half a century after Mr. Johnson’s now-famed State of the Union address, the debate over the government’s role in creating opportunity and ending deprivation has flared anew, with inequality as acute as it was in the Roaring Twenties and the ranks of the poor and near-poor at record highs. Programs like unemployment insurance and food stamps are keeping millions of families afloat. Republicans have sought to cut both programs, an illustration of the intense disagreement between the two political parties over the best solutions for bringing down the poverty rate as quickly as possible, or eliminating it.

For poverty to decrease, “the low-wage labor market needs to improve,” James P. Ziliak of the University of Kentucky said. “We need strong economic growth with gains widely distributed. If the private labor market won’t step up to the plate, we’re going to have to strengthen programs to help these people get by and survive.”

In Washington, President Obama has called inequality the “defining challenge of our time.” To that end, he intends to urge states to expand their Medicaid programs to poor, childless adults, and is pushing for an increase in the minimum wage and funding for early-childhood programs.

But conservatives, like Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, have looked at the poverty statistics more skeptically, contending that the government has misspent its safety-net money and needs to focus less on support and more on economic and job opportunities.

“The nation should face up to two facts: poverty rates are too high, especially among children, and spending money on government means-tested programs is at best a partial solution,” Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution wrote in an assessment of the shortfalls on the war on poverty. Washington already spends enough on antipoverty programs to lift all Americans out of poverty, he said. “To mount an effective war against poverty,” he added, “we need changes in the personal decisions of more young Americans.”

Still, a broad range of researchers interviewed by The New York Times stressed the improvement in the lives of low-income Americans since Mr. Johnson started his crusade. Infant mortality has dropped, college completion rates have soared, millions of women have entered the work force, malnutrition has all but disappeared. After all, when Mr. Johnson announced his campaign, parts of Appalachia lacked electricity and indoor plumbing.

Many economists argue that the official poverty rate grossly understates the impact of government programs. The headline poverty rate counts only cash income, not the value of in-kind benefits like food stamps. A fuller accounting suggests the poverty rate has dropped to 16 percent today, from 26 percent in the late 1960s, economists say.

But high rates of poverty — measured by both the official government yardstick and the alternatives that many economists prefer — have remained a remarkably persistent feature of American society. About four in 10 black children live in poverty; for Hispanic children, that figure is about three in 10. According to one recent study, as of mid-2011, in any given month, 1.7 million households were living on cash income of less than $2 a person a day, with the prevalence of the kind of deep poverty commonly associated with developing nations increasing since the mid-1990s.

Both economic and sociological trends help explain why so many children and adults remain poor, even putting the effects of the recession aside. More parents are raising a child alone, with more infants born out of wedlock. High incarceration rates, especially among black men, keep many families apart. About 30 percent of single mothers live in poverty.

In some cases, government programs have helped fewer families because of program changes and budget cuts, researchers said. For instance, the 1996 Clinton-era welfare overhaul drastically cut the cash assistance available to needy families, often ones headed by single mothers.

“As of 1996, we expected single mothers to go to work,” Professor Ziliak said. “But if they’re shelling out most of their weekly pay in the form of child care, they can’t make sense of doing it.”

The more important driver of the still-high poverty rate, researchers said, is the poor state of the labor market for low-wage workers and spiraling inequality. Over the last 30 years, growth has generally failed to translate into income gains for workers — even as the American labor force has become better educated and more skilled. About 40 percent of low-wage workers haveattended or completed college, and 80 percent have completed high school.

Economists remain sharply divided on the reasons, with technological change, globalization, the decline of labor unions and the falling value of the minimum wage often cited as major factors. But with real incomes for a vast number of middle-class and low-wage workers in decline, safety-net programs have become more instrumental in keeping families’ heads above water.

The earned-income tax credit, for instance, has increased employment among single mothers and kept six million Americans above the poverty line in 2011. Food stamps, formally known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, kept four million Americans out of poverty in 2011.

Above all, the government has proved most successful in aiding the elderly through the New Deal-era Social Security program and the creation of Medicare in the 1960s. The poverty rate among older Americans fell to just 9 percent in 2012 from 35 percent in 1959.

But for working-age households, both conservatives and liberals agree that government transfer programs alone cannot eliminate poverty. The answer, the White House has said, is in trying to improve households’ earnings before tax and transfer programs take effect.

“Going forward, the biggest potential gains that could be made on poverty would be in raising market incomes,” said Jason Furman, the chairman of Mr. Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. “In the short run, that means things like the minimum wage, and in the long run, things like early education.”

If Congress approved a proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from its current level of $7.25, it would reduce the poverty rate of working-age Americans by 1.7 percentage points, lifting about five million people out of poverty, according to research by Arindrajit Dube of the University of Massachusetts, Amh....

But in the meantime, the greatest hope for poorer Americans would be a stronger economic recovery that brought the unemployment rate down from its current level of 7 percent and drew more people into the work force. The poverty rate for full-time workers is just 3 percent. For those not working, it is 33 percent.

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As stated, I can only go by the data presented by and for William, and was incredulous that a family of four with two full-time employed parents could not live above the qualifying line for all the services he mentioned.  I have rubbed shoulders with a variety of low income people, some without public assistance and some with, and I have come to the conclusion that poverty is more than just not having a certain amount of income each year.  

If you rub shoulders with poor folks and serve as an apartment manager for low-income housing for 16 years, you get an idea of who qualifies for what and why some people (no matter how much money they make) will always remain poor because of their spending habits.

Looking at indigency standards for FOIA requests also helps!  Indigency for FOIA has no legal standards, so if you go to a variety of sources, someone like myself may not apply for indigency in one regard or definition, but may in another.  Michigan has no set rule, but places like Utah define indigency as making under 150% of the federal poverty line. 

I claimed indigence for FOIA requests because I was making an income under 125% of the Federal poverty level at the time I applied to the City for that benefit-- my impoverishment assisted in part by the City putting a highly publicized letter of trespass on me for intimidating and threatening behaviors they wished to apply to me, directly helping me lose my job at Oxychem.  You know, the place where John Henderson works in personnel matters.

Indigent due to income is what my old affidavit of indigency states.  Now that I am technically indigent once again, I nor my co-plaintiff who both qualified for indigency before, no longer qualify, because we are not homeowners.  The new policy passed last January by Ludington's city council makes it necessary that you own a house to make a case for indigency.  Is that how you define indigency?

Finally, I, Willy, and others have both stated on numerous times, why is the public forced to pay public servants twice for doing what is their duty?  The City Manager has stated there is no record showing that any city employee has worked extra hours to fulfill my requests.  So why am I or anyone else charged for three hours of the City Clerk's time to see the records of purchases made for that year's beach safety, or the variety of other arbitrary and capricious labor expenses that were never envisioned to be charged to the public?  And why is he charging a $.25 fee per page for copying computer records onto paper when I specifically ask for computer files that can be sent with a copy and paste onto an E-mail?

Sadly, anyone who works full time at a minimum wage job or part time in several jobs can be classified as indigent using guidelines like Utah has, and so there are plenty of young, able, capable, healthy people settling upon being indigent.  And older fools like me that live Spartan lifestyles, that don't ask anything of the system other than them being accountable to the people.


When is the Church going to canonize you. I don't think there is a Saint Eye as yet. How nice that your so considerate and we're so mean. St. Eye has a nice ring to it don't you think.

Interesting mélange of videos, Willy, offering some questions to ponder on the 50 year old war on poverty.


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