This evening we had a gubernatorial candidate (for any true Goobers out there, that means a candidate for governor) visit our small Michigan town we affectionately call Ludington. One of the large field of Republicans named Donna Brandenburg was scheduled to be in Ludington at 6 PM after having an earlier event down in Hart at 2 PM. Both were noted as free events used to meet and greet with the candidate. Her event was scheduled at Harbor View Marina, which had campaign signs dotting the parking lot along with a couple of traveling billboards which follows along on her campaign stops.
After this reporter took the above picture, I looked all around the marina which is owned by the state and operated by the City of Ludington and is therefore a public marina in two different ways and doesn't pay a lick of property tax or many other types of taxes, such as gas taxes that our area's private marinas must bear when they sell their boat fuel. As I passed by a little after six, I could see and hear that all the action was taking place inside the Harborview Clubhouse, they had the front door propped open a bit, perhaps for ventilation or perhaps to show that visitors were welcome.
I thought it would be kind of nice to drop by and see what she had to offer, but then I remembered I couldn't because of an arbitrary policy that should have applied to every single person attending this meet and greet. Back when I mistakenly thought this wasn't a private marina, I had called 911 because Marina Manager James Christiansen was wanting to throw me out of the clubhouse just after I called their help desk so that I could shower and change clothes in their locked locker room before going into the pool. The police report described this encounter and described city policy as regards the marina, according to the marina manager and his assistant goon, former LPD Officer Tony Kuster.
Harborview Marina rules, according to the marina managers, supported by Captain Wietrzykowski, and allegedly backed by the city manager's written policy (never revealed) was that only registered and paid boat slip guests are allowed to use the clubhouse at the doubly-public marina. So unless Ms. Brandenburg and her guests this evening all had boats in slips in the marina, they were there illegally.
None of those present were getting arrested or thrown out by the gendarmes, yet I could have been arrested had I set foot in the clubhouse, and I risked the very real and embarrassing threat of being thrown out of a political rally simply because I had challenged their bizarre rules for their public facility in the past, which goes completely against equal protection laws of the Constitution of the USA and Michigan's Constitution.
Donna Brandenburg, if you are to ever achieve the lofty position of governor, I hope that you can review the City of Ludington's unconstitutional lordship over the public facility known as Harborview Marina which has led to this scandal that you are now part of.
Brandenburg's absence at a recent debate attended by 8 of the 10 Republican candidates for governor has me wondering about her readiness, though her stance on the issues seem to give her credentials as an American First fighter, not as a RINO. Alas, setting her campaign stop at a 'member's only" clubhouse funded by the taxpayers of Ludington and Michigan should tell anybody wanting to eliminate a choice from the crowded field of candidates that she's the one to take off.
Be advised that mainstream media outlets will always try to make you want to choose a RINO over a conservative or libertarian Republican, and they were getting good at it on the national scale, putting McCain and Romney on the ticket for 2008 and 2012. But then an odd thing happened in 2016 and disrupted the whole uniparty game.
When I looked at the poster in your photo above I thought that it was a picture of a man and we would be dealing with transgender issues in the upcoming election. I looked at Brandeburg's website to determine if the candidate was gender confused and found out that Donna was a woman with children, however I did not find what political party she is affiliated with. I'm assuming she's a Republican because her site says she is a Constitutional Conservative. If she is a CC I wish her well. Harbor View does not seem to be large enough for this type of usage but then again there are not that many venues in Ludington that can handle large crowds.
As someone else pointed out, she reminds one of Jennifer Granholm without the mole. Her yard signs and traveling billboards do not really say anything about herself, and as you note, her website seems to also want to keep her party affiliation discreet. She seems too passive; I would like to see a bolder candidate succeed on the Republican side.
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