X, as long as I’ve been here and watched you call Shay a “perjurer” without a flinch, I’ve never delved into you being one too. (That was your business) You committed perjury when you listed your voting address at your parent’s house, while actually living on Dowland. Those papers are signed under penalty of perjury. You stated on here that you never physically lived there, but to register to vote in that precinct YOU MUST RESIDE THERE stated Under penalty of perjury. The city must not have caught it and I didn’t say anything because it was YOUR business. Statute of limitations should have passed by now. If I was part of the City or County as I have been accused of by Aqueerman, I surely would have contacted Spanolia to review this long ago.
Did you ever vote in the wrong precinct? That’s a crime too.
Reply by XLFD 2 hours ago
Still you claimed "You committed perjury when you listed your voting address at your parent’s house, while actually living on Dowland. Those papers are signed under penalty of perjury."
I considered my only 'static' residence to be at my parent's address, I would go there daily. The Dowland address was my work address where I managed the six apartments and yet spent the majority of my time. There was no willful deceit on my part, and no reason why I would even care at that time about which ward I was part of. I considered that my only truly fixed address.
Reply by XLFD 3 hours ago
There is no flinch in calling John Shay a perjuror, because he is. He swore in a court affidavit under penalty of perjury that the eleven records he gave to me in response to my FOIA lawsuit were the records I had sought in my FOIA lawsuit, knowing full well that many of them were not compliant (the extraneous records were to assist his legal defense), and full well that many that were compliant were left out-- almost twenty records with his signature on them and well known to him according to DDA records showing him at the meetings these things were decided.
As for what you wish to claim is my perjury, I will tell you what I've said before, I registered in 1998 to vote; at that time, and even now for most intents and purposes, my mailing address and the address on my driver's license was my parent's address in the sixth ward. Michigan law states that the same address must be used for voter registration and driver's license purpose.
So even if I wanted to register at the Dowland residence, which was used for apartments then, and more importantly where I had no actual 'apartment' at the time I initially registered, and several times thereafter, I would have had a conundrum, and would have been lying if I had said I was living at Dowland, even though I mostly slept there each night.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on February 29, 2012 at 1:28pm
Larry, please show me any document that I have posted that said I live in the Sixth Ward. For someone who said in another thread that:
"If my child were a minor and did something in school that is determined to be legal then you have no right to dig your little claws into our lives"
"if it were one of my children, I would be very concerned if XLFD or his assistant were using FOIA's to dig into my family's personal concerns."
"If that were my child I might become personally concerned about you and your assistant trying to dig into my child's behavior."
"I would become personally concerned about you or your assistant trying to dig into one of my child's behavior. I think you would too if it were your child."
"I would be very concerned as a parent of that student if XLFD or his assistant were trying to dig too deep in my child's behavior or our family's private affairs"
And asked inquisitively in that same thread about whether I had been a teacher or was still teaching, you are beginning to seriously creep me out, and not just with your inconsistency.
Reply by XLFD on March 3, 2012 at 10:52pm
That address is not my residence; more of a past (and sometimes present) mailing address that the county must have had on file. I had sent PA Spaniola an E-mail, and the PA doesn't like that form of communication, and sent me a letter to where I used to be registered. I had to re-register at the place I have physically lived at this whole millenium, 137 E Dowland Street, to be a candidate in the Third Ward.
Kudos to you, Dale, for finding the document Larry spoke of in the archives. It does make him a little less creepy. But also just remember that a mailing address can differ from a street address. I had my mail delivered to and originally registered at the Pine address, when there had been some problems with lost and misdirected mail at Dowland.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on March 3, 2012 at 11:47pm
RobbyK, Dale, and your brother Larry,
I appreciate your due diligence in coming on here and being concerned about my registration, but not about the disenfranchisement performed by the City leaders. Great priorities you have.
The fact is that I have lived physically at my current Dowland address since 1994, initially registered at my mailing address in Ludington town in 1998 and changed that at the beginning of 2011 to make sure I qualified for the office of Third Ward Councilor. The City of Ludington and most members of the LFD can vouch for me that the Dowland Street address has been my physical and primary mailing address since 2001.
I must submit that three members of the City Council, the City Manager, City Clerk, and Mayor all interviewed me for the Third Ward Councilor seat in April 2011. Councilor Castonia was the first, and none too politely, to point out my registration address was in error, a fact I corrected after the meeting, but amazingly I still didn't get the job, LOL.
Permalink Reply by XLFD on March 4, 2012 at 10:46pm
How many times do I have to tell you. That was not and never has been my residence, it has been a mailing address. The letter of trespass and the WSP never says I have the right to petition John Shay for entrance. I have done it in the past, but it has been ignored the last three or four times. I take that as him denying that right.
And why would anyone need permission to get John Shay's permission to enter the City Hall to vote? Bring up a valid point, please.
SO which one is it? “I considered my only 'static' residence to be at my parent's address” OR
“The fact is that I have lived physically at my current Dowland address since 1994" ????
I can provide the rest of the permalinks if you like. Interesting how you can file legal papers all the way up to the Michigan Court of Appeals but are incapable of filling out the Michigan Voters Registration Card properly.
Thanks for posting that Guido. If the Left has it's way any person will be able to vote even if they live under a bridge in Mexico.
LOL! You're the one defending someone who may even have lived under a bridge in Mexico!
Game, set match? They're talking about the "mailing address" not the voting address, we've been through that Elvis. ROFL!!!!!! I love it when idiots use the ELVIS phase and are wrong!
You obviously didn't read the whole regulation there Melinda. The point is the "spirit" or this regulation is to allow anyone to vote anywhere with the exception of obvious (intentional fraud) of where under this regulation does not exist.
"vote anywhere" yes! so as long as they're LEGALLY registered where ever ANYWHERE is. OBVIOUSLY. Not vote ANYWHERE as in the WRONG ward/district. How can a person like you be so wrong so many times and keep on going,LOL.
Gee Willy??? Melinda seems to have such a vested interest in your mental well being??? Why isn't she more worried about his/her own?
Probably because regressive conservatives are always saying things like "incest is best" and Willy has probably come to believe it. Get counseling Willy, it can only help. Stop listening to people like Guido! Its not best!
Guido. That's because there is very little mental there for any well being to exist.
Keep trying to hijack the discussion all you want, the real question is, WHY WAS IT SO IMPORTANT IN 2012 TO XLFD TO STATE HE "INCONTROVERTIBLY" LIVED ON DOWLAND AND FORGOT HE ALSO LIVED ON PINE, FOSTER AND WHEREVER HIS GF LIVED. WHY HE WAS SO ADAMANT HE LIVED ON DOWLAND? The rest are just statements to confuse the issue and detract away from the perjury, but they definitely make his 2012 statements lies'.
Hows that go? "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Keep telling yourself that, but the only ones believing it were your minions.
Well bottom line here, is Melinda is trying to use a strategy of devolving factually informative threads, to personal mud slinging which creates a web page of which anyone casually happening upon based on keywords quickly dismisses on the basis of the source of controversy. Lord, now I sound like Pelosi "We must pass the bill to see whats in the bill aside from the fog of the controversy.": Paraphrase That is pretty bad. Facts are only inconvenient to that bunch.
Damn, I think I ran across Melinda in some counselling session at some point. Sad what passes for education nowadays.
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