Residents of Mason County Eastern made the sleazy decision to raise the taxes of their part time neighbors and did not raise their own taxes to pay for the services they use on a daily basis. Dipping into non homestead residents pockets to rob them so they themselves would not have to pay their fair share. This has always been a pet peave of mine. What a bunch of cowards.

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Out of curiosity what are all the resources they are using?

I don't know the same ones as everyone else, but I like to be contrary about ppl who make more than me when I work hard too! and I am in a grumpy mood lately so, pms maybe; it sounded good at the time. I am in a I hate life and am miserable why should anyone else be happy mood. Nothing is fair and I feel like no matter how hard I work or save I will never have what people who came up working in the past few decade will have. The economy is in the dumps and unless a person was of working age in the 60's 70's and 80's we may as well live off welfare and be able to stay at home and home school because we'll never have anything anyway.


Life is hopeless and pointless. Why even bother working when our money is worthless. May as well stay home and raise kids better like they did when women could be at home,not forced to work just to pay the bills. Sure women wanted options, but now the repercussions have led to us not being able to be proper parents and being expected to work, not that working itself bothers me it is just I can't be home and do all those neat Mom things with the kid.

Wow I am sorry you are feeling so down in the dumps, hopefully tomorrow you will be in better spirits. I disagree with your perspective of women working though, I would never want it to go back to the way things were, many women were forced to stay in loveless abusive relationships because they had no other options. Our personal want of possessions has gotten us into the boat we are in now. But anyways I do hope you get in better spirits soon.

This may come as a suprise to you Lando, but, alot of us have worked thru the 60s,70s,80s and are working still today. You eventually learn to apreciate food on the table, roof over your head, and a loving family. Material things do not make a person happy. You'll find alot of those who have the things they have, are spending their life working to keep those things.

Happiness is in the mind, not the wallet.

I tell those who don't know me that I am independently wealthy, and my wife says she'll buy the independent part . It's all in the mind.

I personally know some very weathly people and guess what, they are no more happier than I. Even tho their garage cost more than my house

As I had told my kids, and now my grand kids, I've had everything in life I ever wanted, just didn't get it when I wanted it. 



How can anyone rarely be somewhere and use all the resources? Do you understand how much taxes are paid by people who cannot claim a homestead. That's taxes you don't have to pay. You certainly sound like a left wing socialist who is jealous of someone else's hardwork and success. The vast majority of non homesteaders are not rich. The reason this topic tics me off is because I recieved some hunting land that was passed down through the family and that land is located several counties east of Mason county. The selfish homesteaders in that area decided to vote a tax increase for folks who were non homsteaders, just as the slimeballs in Mason county. Our family would use and visit the property quite often, from hunting morels to deer hunting. We would purchase all our supplies, gas, food ect at local establishments near the property. Because of the selfish and greedy attitude displayed by the homesteaders we no longer purchase anything in that county. We bring everything we need with us. We no longer use the restaurants, gas stations, drugstores, food stores, hardware stores ect. I would highly recommend that all the non homesteaders who just got robbed by Mason county homesteaders do the same.

"You certainly sound like a left wing socialist who is jealous of someone else's hardwork and success" Heck, sometimes I feel like one too!

But like you said, the property you have was "passed down through generations" or whatever. EXACTLY because nobody can afford to buy it now days.


How bout instead of saying stay home and live off welfare, i say why not just insert barrel into mouth and solve the problem now. It is not going to get better no matter how hard we work. We will never have that Lk MI front property.

For Pete's sakes Lando you need to talk to somebody. Your letting things get you down to far. No matter what happens to the poorest of Americans they still have it much better than most of the World's population. I wouldn't have been so hard on you if I had realized you were feeling so low. Yes it is going to get better and who cares if you or I do not have Lake Michigan property. We have LSP, Stearns Beach and much more to enjoy anytime we want. Most people will never have what they want anyway so life becomes a compromise. And that can be a good thing because that means we still have choices. Sorry I got a little to gruff. Take care of yourself.


It is getting closer to being a "buyer's market" for real estate.  I know someone who brought just less than 40 acres of undeveloped land for under $700 an acre just recently here in Mason County. 

Yes, the nice areas and the nice houses in Mason County will cost you some dough, but you can still get yourself a nice plot of land and set up a house within your means that will serve as your home.  Some of it may seem unreachable, but don't forget to have the audacity of hope.  Hmm, that sounds like a slogan to run a campaign on.

If you are to put any barrels into your mouth, just make sure they're root beer barrels; they're yummy, cheap, and just may help your sore throat problems.


What towns are affected by this, I would hate for my taxes to go up.
I don't know. The MCE school district.
Whew I think I dodged that bullet.
Here's a link to the school districts in Mason County.  They have strange borders, like a gerrymandered congressional district:   Mason Co. School Districts


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