Residents of Mason County Eastern made the sleazy decision to raise the taxes of their part time neighbors and did not raise their own taxes to pay for the services they use on a daily basis. Dipping into non homestead residents pockets to rob them so they themselves would not have to pay their fair share. This has always been a pet peave of mine. What a bunch of cowards.

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Thanks XLFD, yes I did indeed dodge that bullet, my place is in Freesoil. Up until last year I did have to pay the higher non-homestead tax, I was sad to see they closed the school but was relieved when my taxes dropped - because for what I paid I seriously had no services provided.

And to answer your wall post no I did not watch the Red Wing game - I have been slacking lately.

Probably all for the best you didn't watch, they wound up losing in OT 4-3.

I am a little surprised at the news of your taxes dropping; I presumed since the kids of Freesoil are now going to school elsewhere that you would fall into either another school district, or else you would still be paying to the Freesoil School District, which would then apportion that money to the districts where the kids were going for their education. 

You are definitely one lucky homesteader-- unlike those MCE school-district homesteaders. 


Yes it was a welcomed surprise, the taxes for there was a lot more than the taxes for my place down by Detroit - where I actually had services - city water, trash pickup, police and fire dept. But  nonetheless I love that little village and hope to move there someday when the economy turns around.
That whole quadrant of the county is beautiful, and lightly populated by friendly, interesting folks.  I just may move out there when they finally banish me from Ludington.
Lisa ONCE the school board is about to dissolve the board has to deside of who is going to be are tax base. Right now it could be given to the ISD and they do what they want with property and tax base or we the board can let MCE OR SCOTTVILLE to be our tax base but from what I here so far is they are considering MCE as there taxes are lower than scottville taxes.
Mason county resident set forth a list of new demands.  New issues they wanted for the creation and betterment of what they say, their community.  They were promised by the Democratic party that they would assure and develop their so called wish list.  So, after this debating issue and election once again, as Democrats do, they communicated with mason county establishing a dialogue that specifically resided to the fact that now that they were in office, and they truly wished to have their voters receive their wish list, that in their estimation taxes must be raised.  Again.  Taxes. raised is how Democrats give you what they promised.  I thought to be wrong?  I may be over zelous?   No.  Fact.  So, when a Democrat asks for your loyalty, and wants you to live in their perfect bubble, just like the credit issues of our nation, I can assure you, you may get what you vote for.  You now have what you voted for.  And you still want more?  More?  wow. who is going to pay for it?  me? You?>  socialization of incomes?  money only grows on trees planted by those who never have a clue how to forest a crop.  they just charge some one.  so, you may get what you want, and what you vote for. I can assure you, it wont come free.
very good points... and Welcome back Christopher...
Glad to see you back Chris. Did you have a nice honeymoon?
Because most will not come up here to vote on it. That is mostly why they do that.
Also if you have two homes well guess what you can afford this if you can't then I don't know why you have two homes in the first place. Where I stand I see most people around here that live here year round have barley enough money to pay bills and put food on the table.
Some of us have 2 homes because we inherited a family home, and just because people have 2 homes doesn't necessarily mean they can afford the higher tax rate - I am lucky because I share the burden with family members. I'm all for paying my fair share of property taxes, but I shouldn't have to pay more just because I don't live there full time.


They can't vote because they are not full time residents. Are you one of those folks that thinks others should pay your bills. What kind of cowards vote to raise someone elses taxes while not raising their own. So what if a person owns 2 homes. What business is that of anyone. Don't you realize how much extra taxes you would be paying if these folks had not bought property and built homes in the area. If it wasn't for them you would actually be paying a lot more for the cost of local gov. instead of freeloading off their backs. In Hamlin twp. alone, half the property tax is paid by non homesteaders. Like I said, that kind of attitude is just progressive socialist bullsh-t.

And unfortunately, it's always going to happen in similar circumstances, because there really wasn't much of an argument for voting against the millage increase. 

Those who want you to vote for such a millage can claim you'll have better schools with more money and all the extra toys and better teachers that go with it, and say there is no extra cost to the voting public.  CK is correct in noting that the progressives have most all of us believing in the 'money fairy', where public tax money comes from thin air into the system in such circumstances.

Arguing against such a millage hike, on the other hand, will have you portrayed as someone who wants the area's children getting inferior education, teachers to get laid off, etc.  Meanwhile, you can only defend your position by suggesting it is patently unfair to a segment of the taxpaying population who have no say in the matter, no vote. 

Even in a somewhat fiscally conservative area like Custer, that only plays to less than 20% of the voters, apparently.  But these are desperate times.


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