An abrupt departure like this makes one wonder what were the underlying factors involved.  This isn't the smooth transition a hospital typically desires, particularly in the early stages of its integration into the Spectrum Health system.  As Vipperman is a holdover of the Memorial Medical Center days, Spectrum may have been inclined to switch over to someone more in line with their system from outside of Ludington.  The choice of his replacement may indicate such a change in direction. 

Is there any evidential backed speculation out there of why this move may have occurred at this time?

LUDINGTON — Mark Vipperman, president of Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital, is no longer employed by the local hospital. Tonight, Spectrum Health released an internal memo it had sent to its employees earlier in the day. It stated:

“Mark Vipperman, president, Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital, has left his role at Spectrum Health. Mark played an integral role in Ludington Hospital’s integration with Spectrum Health nearly three years ago. He helped lead the hospital through its transition into the Spectrum Health System and worked to attract new physicians to the community.”

The memo was communicated to the physicians and staff of Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital Wednesday afternoon, April 6, by Ludington hospital board chair Ken Rocco, Board Chair and Marc Chircop, senior vice president of Regional Relationships, Spectrum Health Delivery System.

During the search for Mark’s replacement, Randy Stasik will assume responsibility for leading Ludington Hospital in addition to his role as president, Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial in Freemont.

When Spectrum Health took over Ludington hospital three years ago, the local community was assured that the hospital’s leadership, including its board, would remain autonomous. Vipperman has been an active member of the community and oversaw improved relations between the public and the hospital during his tenure.

The statement ended by stating “Spectrum Health remains committed to serving patients and families in the Ludington community.”

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There's not much call for his kind of work in the Ludington area so I'm assuming he's going to be moving out of the area and looking for another hospital to run.

One would presume he would be leaving to take a similar position elsewhere, but there is no indication as of yet that that is the case, hence the mystery of why he left.  The mystery is further compounded by some additions made to the hospital board of directors on the same day, an out-of-towner and an out-of-stater coming in to help run the Ludington hospital.  These two coincidences may be related.

Another mysterious personnel move in the semi-public realm of local agencies was the resignation of West Shore Community College's Vice President Lisa Stich.  Again there is no reason given to explain why she resigned, and no reason why the 'news' was delayed (her resignation was effective April 1, but was reported on only earlier today).  Both of these positions pay very well, and people generally don't leave or resign from them without good reason or an alternative job of the same ilk already lined up.


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