Casey Anthony: An Act of Heroism Two Years Earlier?

On Wednesday's big radio program, Radio commentator and entertainer Rush Limbaugh pointed out the following: 

"Some of the hosts of the cable news shows, you know, what I don't understand about it is they're all card-carrying liberals. When does the death of a child bother them? I've never seen them get so upset over the death of a child. If the child had died, what, two years earlier in the womb, this woman would be a star, she'd be a hero, and, folks, I don't think that's cliche to say. And I don't think it's a cheap attempt at humor. I think that while it may be uncomfortable to hear, one of the reasons it's uncomfortable to hear is that there is an element of truth in it. You people in the media, if you really, really think she's guilty and you want to feel better about this, just tell yourselves that she just waited a couple years to get an abortion and you'll feel better. You're feeling uncomfortable, right?

Even Snerdley winced a little bit at that. Why did you wince, Snerdley? It's brutal to hear. Exactly right. It's brutal to hear. So is abortion. Abortion is brutal, never characterized that way. And the reason it's brutal is because there's an element of truth in it. I just wanted to put it out there."


What he effectively says is that this happens every day and the media only becomes outraged when taxpayers with a conscience just want to stop paying for it.   What do you think?

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I too thought the same thing.Why is this more brutal that sucking the brains out of a baby that is half born? (Partial birth abortions)

There are sad consequences later for the Mother who aborts a child even in the first trimester. Few know of the guilt and grief she endures when she has a child later on, or can not have children due to a botched abortion earlier...Yet she can not talk about it to anyone.

Those milestones lost are times of regret for many who aborted their baby. Sometimes they go to a park and see a child and think about that baby they killed who should have been that  age. 


But then again, large amounts of Medicare funding has been channeled into free abortions for those who can not afford them. Check statistics as to who gets those "free" abortions.

I think Rush is an A$$, and if people can not tell the difference between an abortion and murdering a 2 year old child - it's really not even worth pointing out the obvious.

LISA  what is parcial birth obortion  other than murder.   Pull the head out and kill the baby at 7 months.   So with your statement you agree with murder.  Why didn't she abort the child, or adopt it out so some one could love not party for 30 days and after mother asked come up with a wild story.

Lisa,  If someone considers life beginning at conception or some other benchmark, there really is no difference after that point is reached-- to them

Except, of course, the punishment the state enacts on those who prevent the future growth of that mass of living cells.


I believe that is the point. Those who appose abortion see no difference. Those that favor abortion think that the age of the child makes a difference. Those in favor of abortion will not flinch when a baby is partially born and is killed but if that same baby is allowed to be born and is carried to the nursury, then has it's head smashed by a physician while in the crib sleeping in the viewing area, then it's considered murder and we're talking a difference of an hour.

I agree with those against the partial birth abortion. But I have no problem with a person making the choice to abort at or before the twelve week point. It is not for me to push my personal opinion onto another woman that is why I am pro-choice, I would not have an abortion but I am not going to tell another woman that she can't just because I disagree with it.. At that early twelve week point the cells are nothing more than a mass of dividing cells,just a pea sized and shapeless mass of tissue. anyone who has miscarried early can see that it is just a bloody clump of tissue, no hands, or feet or eyes or any recognizable as a 'person', more similiar to a glob of red colored phlegm. I had that happen to me and I looked at the tissue mass quite intently and it is no different than a thick glob of menstrual blood.

So are you effectively against second trimester abortions, Lando?  It sounds like your line of demarcation is based on development and the person-ness of the fetal tissues. 

Sorry to hear about your loss, either way.  Has that affected your perspective on this issue?

It hasn't effected me in an emotional way as it did show me that at that early point that there really isn't much there except a glob of cells/tissue. I have read stuff that the anti-abortion crowd has published and do see there point and might even swing that way from time to time but if I had to make one solid opinion without changing my mind then I would say allow only 1st tri-mester(except in cases where the carrying to term would kill the parent or the baby would not survive outside the womb or have major structural damage that would prevent any sort of life if born), but that glob of tissue at the 1st trimester was just like a big glob of phlemg(kind of stretchy but stuck together) except red.

I would presume that your miscarriage was not by choice, and perhaps you might feel otherwise if it had been.  From a man's perspective, it is difficult to see all sides of this issue.  But I've read some gut-wrenching prose from combat veterans relating the trauma afterwards of not only seeing others close to them killed, but the after-effects of knowing they killed other people, even though they were the enemy and even though it may have saved their life or their buddy's life.

They wonder:  how they lived their life, what their family was like and how they dealt with the loss, what their hopes and dreams were, what they may have done if their life was not cut short.  The military can train you to kill, but they can't train you not to care.  We owe so much to these heroes.

So, I wonder, what goes through the mind of a woman who goes through with an abortion, days and years after the fact.  It has to be even more difficult than the soldier's burden.



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