When you read some of the other threads we have been chatting about here, I wondered how many people noticed the government has single handedly shown what we all must learn. To save money, live within our means and not over rely on credit for anything.

     AS many of us lost our jobs as the economic bubble burst the governments solution was to spend money it did not already have ( borrowed) to bail out companies it declared too big to fail. The end result by most reasonable ecomists is this. This will result at some point once the economy does start creating real money. The interest rates on the notes other countries now own America (like the Credit card companies own many Americans). Will spike up creating the second of what many have discribed as a double dip ressesion. This in fact did happen as Our government tried to make things better back during the great recession.

No government or entity is too big to fail especially when the other countries would really rather see us fail. They for the most part envy us. Not the other way around as many liberal interests would try to have you believe.

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Right Disarm, look back in history when the US had no Fed tax system, no State tax system, no sales tax, no taxes to speak of unless it was real estate. How come the country functioned with a military and other departments then, and cannot now? Because citizens across the country invested, spent, and saved their earnings wisely. They've made us believe it's rocket science now, so, with a complicated and greedy system of taxation and tax collections, it's not a clear picture anymore. By the time you get all said and done with taxes, you have barely 20% or so of your earnings left to splurge or save nowadays, if you're real lucky and frugal. Compared to about 90% previously.
And can you imagine a local government back at that time having the nerve to triple the taxes of a bunch of senior folks in their community? Former teachers, neighbors, benefactors, of yours that have paid their dues throughout their life, now saddled with at least $140 each more per year of just local taxes-- possibly illegal taxes.

I suppose if the chief administrative officer, the chief executive officer, and the chief law enforcement officer in the area are hired mercenaries from elsewhere, then, yeah, it does come easy.


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