Baby Kate petition regarding bothced LPD investigation

Found this when looking through my Facebook updates a few minutes ago. Apparently members here are not the only ones that think the LPD botched the investigation into the baby Kate disappearance. Follow the link at the end if you wish to sign the petition.

Why this is Important

Katherine Shelbie-Elizabeth Phillips was 4 months old when she was last seen in Ludington, MI on June 29, 2011. Kate's mother, Ariel Courtland, reported that Kate's father, Sean Phillips, drove off with the infant after a fight between Ariel and Sean. Within hours, the Ludington Police Department arrested Sean Phillips on the charge of felony kidnapping. Once paternity was proven to the court, the charges were reduced to the less serious Parental Kidnapping. While Sean Phillps remains detained and awaits trial, he has maintained his innocence and reports Kate's mother, Ariel Courtland, was the last one to see Kate. With much speculation and uncertainty about Kate's disappearance, we are asking for more from the Ludington Police Department. While one suspect is detained and awaiting trial, a baby is STILL missing -- nearly 4 months later! It is time for a more thorough investigation than the Ludington Police Department wants to provide.

Provided below is a list of the Ludington Police Department's failures regarding this case:
-- LPD has stopped looking for Kate: They have not continued searches and will not allow other agencies and trained professionals to donate their time to the search for missing baby Kate.
-- LPD has stopped investigating Kate's disappearance: They have not conducted interviews or followed-up on important leads. When tips are submitted, phone calls and e-mails are not returned.
-- LPD is not considering all possible options: They will not consider the possibility of additonal suspects, such as the mother, friends/extended family members, or strangers.
-- LPD is not keeping Kate's story in the media: They do not provide press releases, nor do they ask the public for information and/or assistance.

Overall, it appears that the Ludington Police Department is more interested in obtaining a conviction than finding a missing child. Even if Sean Phillips is found guilty of his pending kidnapping-related charges, Kate is still missing. What happened to baby Kate?

Please sign this petition to show your support for a more thorough investigation into the disappearance of missing baby Kate. Your signature will be sent to Bill Schuette, the Attorney General of Michigan, with a formal request to investigate the faults of the Ludington Police Department. This formal request will also include a request for more experienced and committed law enforcement professionals, such as the Michigan State Police and/or the Federal Bureau of Investigations, to assit with this investigation.

Thank you in advance for your time and support. Should you have any questions regarding this petition, please contact:

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I somewhat agree with Sohn.  The more media exposure you have for your visit by the LPD detectives, the more likely you are to put pressure on them to devote their energies and resources on real investigations into the disappearance of Baby Kate, and to gain public sympathy for that cause.  Or to get real investigators to look into why LPD's actions are taking place.

Deleting them after displaying them accomplishes neither.  It may make some doubt the veracity of what you offered, or your motives.   

Could someone lead me to the facebook or other page about this.  I wasn't much intersted before in baby Kate but now it looks to be getting spicy. 



Just do a Facebook search for Baby Kate and you will quickly have immediate access to more than a dozen different Facebook sites devoted to Baby Kate.  Some are OK and others are disrespectful.

baby kate who is responsible for her disappearance

Let the truth be heard about stroller mom. Might be disrespectful but at least we are doing more then most Ludington residents...Sad. 

Amen , all this page is concerned about is bashing the city not finding Kate.


I think you are doing a remarkable job. You, just as all of us, feel there is more to this story and the police are targeting us because we are so vocal. I wish there was more that we could do but unfortunately, I feel this is solely in LE's hands. And they are going to strong arm anyone that doesn't agree.

My only question to law enforcement.... Why so concerned with public opinion of Ariel?

Thank you. I also agree with you. but as I have said my goal is to find Kate not get into the middle of some local Issues. And I am with you on wanting to know why LE is so concerned with the publics opinion of Ariel.

They know my opinion of her and it will NOT change.

I do not care for the Ludington LE, as we all know. but in no way want to get in the way of Kate being found . Do I believe they have messed this case up from the beginning,yes! starting from the amber alert to searching Ariel's apartment with a family friend almost TWO WEEKS after Kate missing.


Be careful of making such generalizations about the Torch.  We actively critique the Ludington city government, but we also actively support finding out the truth and hearing the voice of the people.  Our two objectives probably have more in common than you think.

Like you, we are concerned with situations here in Ludington that do not add up under close scrutiny.  LPD Chief Barnett is an unelected official who answers to the City Manager, and so he and his department does not have to listen to the common folks, like you, who demand they do professional work. 

For four months, the LPD's focus had been on the conviction of Sean Phillips, now it looks to be headed into an unhealthy direction.  All area residents should take note, and any facts, like you've shared here and could share here, should be available to them. 


I do agree with you on LE "seeming" to be just wanting an conviction on Sean.

but do any of us honestly know what in fact LE is really doing?

All I know is Wells is very persistent on Ariel being innocent, why I dont know.

And another that makes me mad , is when I do send something into Barnett , 

he never acknowledges that he received it.


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