I generally don't ascribe to one-issue voting, but sometimes that one issue overrides all the others because of the enormity of it all. As far as the County Commission goes, the wind turbine issue with zoning and setbacks is such an issue. My research has shown that most of the initial discussions about the specifics of getting zoning in compliance with the will of Consumers' Energy went on long before it was made public. Agreements with gag orders between the company and land owners make you wonder what agreements our elected representatives may have made in secrecy.
This is why this issue goes beyond whether you like having wind turbines south of town in Riverton and Summit Twps. It's what you should expect from the people who make these decisions at the County level, who refuse to look at the big picture. But I am not going to make the case for replacing all the derelict public officials who permitted this to happen in the background and without public input, until it was too late to stop the turbine juggernaut. I will yield the floor for that to Evelyn Bergalia, who put out a letter to the editor of the COLDNews, and then sent out letters to County folks, one that landed itself in my mailbox today. First the letter to the editor:
Voters have choices for county commission On May 19, 2011 at a Board of Commissioners meeting, Commissioners Lenius, Lange, and Morong all voted against Mary Nichols' proposed increase to
1,320 feet for wind turbine setbacks. These votes by Lenius, Lange, and Morong allowed Consumers Energy to locate S0-story tall wind turbines 1,000 feet from homes in Riverton and Summit Townships, and that is how close they are being buiit today!
A year later on June 26, 2012 at the Board of Commissioners' planning and drains committee, Commissioners Lenius, Lange, and Morong voted for a motion "made by R. Morong and seconded by M. Nichols to request the Planning Commission review the setback gudelines on wind turbines
and consider increasing the setbacks. Motion carried." (June 26 meeting minutes)
It is unconscionable that Lenius, Lange, and Morong were not able to bring themselves to vote for an increase in wind turbine set backs in 2011, and now, in 2012, they have referred them back for consideration of an increase to the Planning Commission. Instead of acting in 2011, these three men doomed residents in Riverton and Summit to live 1,000 feet from 50-story tall turbines. For
this alone, Lenius, Lange, 'and Morong deserve to be voted off the Board of Commissioners.
District'1 voters should elect Susan Boes - not Joe Lenius;
District 3 voters should elect Hank Wykretowicz - not Chuck Lange, and
District 6 voters should elbct Janet Andersen - not Rich Morong.
During my comments at the July 10, Board of Commissioners meeting, I referred this June 26 standing cornmittee vote to an LDN reporter, but so far - nothing has been printed in LDN about this newsworthy vote. Why is it that LDN can spend so much space on wind turbine construction
but not one word on four commissioners referring the turbine setbacks back to the Planning Commission for review?
In his LDN interview, Commissioner Posma made reference to the idea that a land use cannot be "zoned out" of the county. While il's true that uses cannot be zoned out, they can be regulated
and limited. ln fact, a ltictrigal court has already upheld that the height of 'wind
turbines can be limited to 30 feet (Johnecheck vs. Bay Township, 2003). The 30 foot limitation- can be up held as long as it is based on slatements in the jurisdiction's comprehensive plan
concerning preservation of scenic views, tourism, and propefty values - sound familiar?
In 2003 and 2011, I gave copies of this case to the Board of Commissioners,.including Tom Posma,
but he continues to ignore it and misrepresent the facts.
District 7 voters shouid elect Aldon Maleckas - not Tom Posma.
And finally - talk about "transparency" or I should say lack of itl At a planning Commission meeting in Dec. 2010, Mike Schneider said wind turbine zoning amendments should not be considered because Consumers Energy had already ordered their wind turbines - mind you, this was a full
month before Consumers Energy had even submitted their Special Land Use Application in January, 2011. I guess when Consumers Energy ordered their turbines in June, 2010, they were just pretty darn certain that they had the project in the bag even before project review and approval - and with commissioners like Mike Schneider ready to accommodate Consumers Energy's every wish, I guess they were right. Voters in District 2 should elect Bill Carpenter - not Mike Schneider.
This year there are true ideological contests for County Commissioner in 6 districts. on Tuesday, Aug. 7, voters can bring new hope to Mason County when they elect Boes, Carpenter, Wykretowicz, Nichols, Andersen, and Maleckas to the County Board of Commissioners.
Evelyn Bergaila
Riverton Township
A simple voter's guide for those of like mind which was in my mailbox, I would only add that if you are in the Fourth district and want to vote for the lesser of two evils, vote for Curt Vanderwall, as he has shown a little contrition, and doesn't hypocritically trumpet "Transparency" like his opponent Loose Wires:
There's a race in every district, vote early and vote often.
I agree with the posters slogan and encourage everyone to get rid of the corruption that has taken over the County Board. This current board has disgraced itself with their obvious bias toward Consumers and their money and their lack of empathy toward the people who elected them to do the right thing. Just wait until all of the aviation lights are blinking during a a beautiful summer night. Then we will be subjected to these monstrosities day and night.
And the 'usual suspects' who voted for facilitating Consumers' Energy were a solid voting block for most other things that smacked of bad management ethics, like the health insurance (up to nearly $20,000 per year) benefits, later incorporated into a near fourfold raise, the Mason County Growth Alliance subsidizing, etc.
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