Who is he?
This is a combination news article and musical, courtesy of the Ludington Torch and the local talented performer known as Ludington Police Department (LPD) Detective JB Wells. The lone LPD detective who is probably best known for his help in germinating seeds from Baby Kate's father's shoes in order to pin a murder charge on him instead of just a lesser charge that landed him in prison for ten years or so.
At the trial of that charge, his role amounted to corroborating a very incomplete timeline. One year later, there should be a few generations of plants, and no breakthroughs in the case, but the authorities are still blocking release of any part of the investigation.
“We’ve still got a job to do,” said Ludington Police Det. J.B. Wells. “We don’t have a baby yet.”
Maybe it's time to provide the full investigation to the public to finish the job of finding what happened to Baby Kate instead of having a small amount of people hoard that information and share only the parts that don't show the limitations of the investigation so far. Let us not forget at the Baby Kate trial that there had been revelations of adoptive parents that weren't checked until the time of the trial, 10 months after Sean was apprehended for the crime. One or two people looking at the facts, even capable investigators sometime overlook obvious leads and clues, sometimes lack specific knowledge needed to properly interpret the evidence. But during the time he was posing for the camera above (in July 2012) , he was involved with the investigation of the death of Lingyan Zou at the Ludington Municipal Marina.
One More Step:
Back in September of 2010, two years before this death, the inherent problem of the marina's new transient docks was discussed in the thread playgrounds-next-to-marinas: "The new transient docks, as has been noted before, feature an open 'sidewalk' on the marina's edge which is also open to the public. Notice how a single misstep can put a tourist or their kid over the edge and into the skanky water." Recall this was the same year that two people died by falling off the lighthouse breakwall during inclement weather.
When the original news came out and was broadcast by the Torch in unidentified-body-recovered-at-ludington-municipal-marina, the Nostradami of the Ludington Torch were once again speculating that accidental tripping or foul play were the likely causes of death, but that the official line would be a suicide, there was even a comic strip Colon-Comix along that line.
The officials kept the information tight including the footage of their marina-cameras, but eventually the autopsy was made available the-mysterious-marina-death-of-lingyan-zou, and finally after due diligence we received the full police report, analyzed it, and found it a bit wanting lingyan-zou-2012-marina-death. The Colon Comix were not that far from the truth.
Out of concerns for truth, justice, and the American way for this Chinese national, we have decided to do more to find out the truth, which I firmly believe is not near the script that Detective Wells outlined in his investigation. The obvious point to do this is to look at the weakest link of the investigation that can still be investigated. The veracity of the records themselves.
Would you care to walk with me?:
I sent an E-mail to Mark Barnett this last weekend:
"...I write to you in hope that you can clarify something before I make myself look foolish in front of other people in New York by claiming that one of their neurologists, Dr. Jenny Su, has violated the confidentiality of Lingyan Zou's medical records when a variety of information was disclosed to your detective, JB Wells, in his investigation.
In order to get to the bottom of it, can you have Det. Wells send me the date(s) he contacted Dr. Su by the phone to get all the information he put in the report, as I want to find out exactly why she divulged all that information without it going through the proper channels. Such a violation of patient-doctor confidentiality in New York, even when the patient is dead, is a big violation unless it is put through and okayed by the proper risk management authorities. I am planning on lodging a complaint to New York authorities against Dr. Su, if she decided to disclose all that information without such assurances.
But, if I hear nothing by the week's end from JB or yourself, I will have to presume there was no such disclosure, and contact the appropriate Michigan agencies to seek justice and a thorough non-conflicted investigation for Lingyan. Thank you."
This confidentiality break is significant and was explained with in the lingyan-zou-2012-marina-death thread. A neurologist as experienced as Dr. Su would likely not give such information without assurances from her risk management people, and even then not by phone to someone who could be just about anyone. The efficient teamwork of Ludington's information retrieval system (one thing I must claim some credit for) had John Shay respond to me on Tuesday morning: "...The City granted your request, as we have previously sent you investigative reports for this case. The City denied your request since we have no other records related to your request other than to state that Detective Wells spoke with Dr. Su on the same date (August 28, 2012) that he wrote the supplemental police report, of which you already have a copy."
Now let's take a look at the report in total, and a quick timeline. The event happened on June 2, 2012 and the autopsy (page 1) was signed by ME Marc Keen on June 14, saying: "she had been an inpatient at Bellevue Hospital in New York City where she was diagnosed and treated for schizophrenia and depression. She had prior attempts at suicide and ongoing suicidal ideations." Autopsy.pdf
But nothing in the report at that time, no interviews, statements or documents, had any such revelations therein, at that point. The only time that information was put down was on August 28, similarly on August 23 Detective Wells swore in an affidavit for a search warrant, among other things: "That according to family members and fellow employees, Zou had a mental condition, and had attempted to commit suicide in the past." The police reports have no mention of any witness saying either, though they did say she was strange.
The records seem to indicate that Detective Wells has either left quite a lot of material out of his investigation at the least, or is guilty of swearing falsely on an affidavit, and providing false information to the coroner so as to get the best result for Lingyan Zou's death. One that would protect the public entity he worked for from liability, and protect local tourism from the spectre of an uncaught killer on the loose, which would have resulted from a finding of an accidental or foul play death.
Let me supplement this report by saying that I believe that Officer Wells, beyond what I have seen in his investigations so far, is an individual who I believe is incapable of such deceit or machinations on his own. He is a good Christian man with a good Christian family. He may feel that nobody is harmed by the findings he presented in this case, but if he (or anyone else on the LPD) did knowingly fib to the medical examiner, or later fibbed on the affidavit, or later fibbed about the phone conversation with Dr. Su, there is somebody who has been hurt, maybe irreparably. That person is the man he sees in the mirror. Is there a good reason to bear false witness in this case just because your superiors want you to?
Ive read the full Lingyan Zu records and this and wonder how lpd can call this an investigation without cracking up. Ive read a lot about Wells bumbling thru the baby Kate fiasco on Facebook and here and its coming close to two yrs. on that with him now seeking only dirt and seed evidence that will somehow prove murder . You dont throw darts and then draw dartboards.
Wells was part of the SSCENT at one time (early 2000's) if I remember correctly from a news article or group pic in the paper. Therefore I disagree that he is a"good christian man" and do agree that he would be a pro at throwing darts and then drawing the dart board, As that is what SSCENT is all about, in general taking some pot heads who share the chore of getting marijuana between friends and turning one of them into a CI or civilian informant to take a SSCENT officer and make a 'buy' from these stoners who would never do more than split a baggie of pot with a couple friends, just happens that one of the friends was not much of a friend at all.
J.B.Wells, another outsider trying to make it in Ludville, and quite successfully too, with the help and promotions from another outsider, the famous rock-lobbing sooth-sayer, Mark Barney. So good to see these two "bobble it up again" in such professional fashion, don't we all think? JB, why don't you stick to the stuff of what you know best? Trying to intimidate and coerce your way into fame, and see how far it gets you. Btw, your Pro Detective status has yet to be proven, both in the public eye, and yes, in your lacking evidence and procedures. Now, have a nice Detective Columbo career, one which is WAY over your Talents as a true LE officer. Maybe singing is your true calling afterall.
Both JB Wells and Chief Barnett try to pass themselves off as exemplar Christians, but beyond talking the talk, they haven't seemed capable of walking the walk in finding and revealing the truth in several recent investigations.
Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light. --George Washington
Detective Wells running dry, but who holds any of them accountable? I didn't hear a reply to the email posted here that was written to the Chief. And where did everybody go? Everything's all taken care of since February 13 of '13?? I don't think so. One year ago, July 1, Bob Ford was murdered in his apartment off N. Emily St. Wells was called over because there was suspicion of foul play, of course. Maybe 4 month-olds rate higher than 60 year-olds. One year ago tonight (Sunday a year ago was June 30). Bob Ford had no idea what he was going to face the next day, his very last day on this earth. But it's more important to protect the criminal and disregard human life, our fellow human beings, our fellow innocent human beings, than to disclose yet another murder in little tourist-town Ludington. What else is there to do but stay insulated and carry on being irrationally dysfunctional within the department, and blow off yet another criminal attrocity, or, at least manage it so you look good in only your own eyes. I don't have to wonder how God feels about JB Wells singing songs as if professing to know God while living a lie, and at the expense of the innocent - for whom God gave up His own son. Only fools live like God can't see.
Welcome to the Ludington Torch, Nikki. Could you please explain a little more of what you are talking about, this is something that I have not heard of before. Bob Ford, in this LDN obituary is said to have died of natural causes last July 1. You seem to say that something less than natural transpired. Please contact me via message, or show more, and explain why you believe that is not the case. If there is something there, it should be developed, rather than consigned to speculation and rumor.
Interesting to note that for many years, Mr. Ford worked also at a local Chinese restaurant, like the above mentioned Lingyan Zou.
Thank you for the welcome. Yes, well.. apparently the bodies of non-Caucasians and those over 60 don't rate as high as 4-month olds who have yet to be found. Bob's sister has the photos the investigative team took the night they found his body. The photos evidence the murder. The photos don't speculate, or gossip.
She took her unanswered questions from the evidence in hand to an appointment she made with Detective Wells on August 8. Surely they would share what they found, eager to do their job. But she couldn't get past asking inquisitively who-called-who and what time did the first officers arrive when Wells suddenly shifted his pretension of caring and compassion to being agitated and defensive, even to the point of ordering her out of the room. Imagine that. Here, she though police were about caring for their citizens, especially the bereaved, and certainly of finding justice. So began her own investigations with all the pieces falling in place and matching up. She happens to believe all fellow humans are valuable, not just 4-month-olds. And she most certainly believes her brother didn't deserve to die the way he did.
And as far as the answers given to Bob Ford's cause of death, well, there's three different causes documented. Imagine that. But I guess that would be apropro from a medical team that never examined the body. Yes, that's right, and no autopsy was done either.
This day last year, was July 1. One year ago today, Bob Ford, a 30-year resident of Ludington, was lying dead, murdered in his own home, while Detective Wells, among the rest involved, surely are not sleeping well these days. Remember Bob Ford and Lingyan Zou this 4th of July. And remember who it was and still is who holds accountable the very justice system for whom all those men back then and now, have given their lives. Think about all of them, and justice too. There'll be enough people thinking about Baby Kate.
I am ordering the police report via a FOIA request from the City Police to find out what the official version of events (as mostly written by accomplished song-and-dance writer JB Wells) went down as.
I am hoping that you can provide me some of your 'unofficial' details/evidence about what you or others believe may have happened. The LPD has shown little accountability in the past for determining the truth of certain matters, it won't surprise me much if they have covered up another investigation.
Either way, I will at least provide the official police report and addendums when I receive those, and you can provide any refutable evidence into the record then if you want to. Thanks for speaking out, Nikki, but be careful yourself; these people can be discrete when it comes to making life difficult for you.
Good to see we’re not alone. Advocates are a good thing. Change is even better. And, yes, I'm well aware of the trouble they can be. The last piece of advice Bob Ford’s sister received when unraveling this story to yet another advocate was, "watch your back." She’s got a strong trust and faith in God, and regardless of what happens to her, she knows He misses nothing. Thank you that there appears to be support. It’s good to hear that she’s not the first or only to have experienced their malfunctional cover-ups and gross negligence in the name of feigning the saving of appearances at the expense of injustice and lack of safety upon the very citizens they’ve been hired to protect. Or, in other words, getting away with murder. Her belief is that if it’s God’s will, what will be will be. He is the ultimate judge and nothing gets past Him. But if it’s His will that she is not harmed, no one’s going to be able to make it happen. They’re just mere men. Those are her views as far as her safety is concerned.
Are you an attorney? For Bob Ford's sister to disclose the contradictions and gaps to Wells’ first report, as well as his final “narrative” would take more than typing it out here. Thank you for taking the time and effort to care enough.
In her meeting with Wells on August 8, he first prefaced for her that he was not a detective – that he was just a police officer, but because they are understaffed, he has taken on the role of “detective.” She hadn't even asked. Also, it wasn’t just Well’s behaviors on August 8 that heightened her pursuit. She came back the next day on August 9 to report to Barnett Wells’ maltreatment. She also assumed she would be able to continue getting her questions answered. She reminded them that she had a right to know what happened to her brother. She returned sure that this bad apple was a lone apple that just needed a reprimand. After all, who’s the police force for? She was certain that Barnett would take responsibility for Wells and reassure her that they were there to do their job, and so on with the questions and answers. Surely, Barnett would be eager to want her to work with them on this case. Instead, Barnett defended Wells and suggested she fill out a complaint form if she was so inclined. Ha -- she told him that that wouldn’t be necessary because she believed that management of his officers was what he would be better at doing. Of course, his response prompted only further distrust, shutting her down, so the meeting was brief. Barnett spoke little to nothing except to ask her what she thought was the cause of death. Imagine that - with them having the same photos as she! And then asking her if she didn’t think her brother’s death wasn’t an accident! All she could do was stare at him in unbelief. It doesn't look like she's even got all of the photos - although "all" is what she requested. After those two meetings, the only thing they left her with were fewer pieces to put together and more incentive to further validate the photos. She knew she wasn’t going to get the truth from them. The whole thing haunted her. Why wouldn't they, of all people so assigned, not be eager to do their job? We know that law enforcement at all levels, throughout Michigan are well insulated. But we’re the ones who put them there, whether they are voted in or not. It’s dangerous for entire nations, for any form of government, at any level, to be so insulated. They begin building a callous fortress around their hearts to the extent that they can so casually think nothing of their gross negligence of holding in disregard, the very people they're supposed to be serving. Maybe they are understaffed and under-paid - but case-by-case, just do what you're paid to do - do what you promised. And when they don't, what do we do about that?
Good musings, I could only wish our local police forces and those beyond could read it and see the underlying truths and perceive their own part in perpetuating the problem if they are part of it-- which most are, unfortunately.
No, I am not an attorney, but I play one on Ludington TV, constantly going after the officials of this City for their refusal to do what's right, honorable, and lawful. You won't hear this at the City of Ludington Daily News (COLDNews) but in 2013, I won a stipulated judgment against the City Council of Ludington saying they violated the Open Meetings Act twice by agreeing to a $95,000 contract on an E-mail scheme, rather than at an open meeting, as required by law.
In 2013, I and my associate were declared to have prevailed in our FOIA lawsuit by the Michigan Appeals Court; we had represented ourselves per se in both the local court and appeals court, eventually getting the information, and ordered to get costs and disbursements, which the City and our local courts are still resisting.
In 2013, I settled for $15,000 from the City of Ludington and John Shay in the 6th Federal District Court, after they had invoked a policy against me that trampled over the Bill of Rights, and prevented me from voting in two elections.
I have written strongly in the defense of Lingyan Zou, Darius Vanbrook, Joseph McAdam, Shelly Burns, Bill Marble and others who have had their rights, and sometimes their lives, snuffed out by our local "peace officers". It seems like always that truth is the first casualty when it comes to official reports.
So even though I am not an attorney or anyone with any power conferred by any government agency, I still brandish my honor and my citizenship (sometimes even my dignity) proudly in defense of the truth and the Constitution. In this day and age, both need to be defended, since the powers that rule amidst our mostly apathetic society seems to be working against them.
Can we clone you? We need more people like you. A lot of people have great intentions, even know what is right and wrong with authoritative decisions made inflicting unjust and long-lasting pain upon the very ones they're supposed to be protecting - but most people do not have a backbone, we've discovered. Well, when someone's not doing their job they get fired. How do we fire them and hire the right men? They're already understaffed and underpaid and have no one holding them accountable (police force, per se). You probably by now realize that they and the state attorney's office (their "boss") are good buddies. So, after you get the copies of the report, let me know what you suggest. And thank you for not giving up or giving in.
I'll send you some fingernail clippings and you can start preparing the XLFD army.
True representative democracy is becoming more and more remote, as both parties generally promote candidates whose objective is to give more power to the government and less rights to the people under the guise of safety, security, social equitability, sustainability, etc.
Then more and more of that governmental power is given to unelected bureaucrats who are only held accountable to few officials if any. All levels of government are growing into this, almost all government departments are also. The focus is typically to protect fellow units of government over performing their public service and duties to the people.
Barring the system reforming itself (as if), the only way that will change, that I can see, is by organic means. If enough people get screwed over by the system to the point of reaching a critical mass in the psyches of the general public, it may be self-corrected in the near future. If not, it will only get worse, and the organic means will come only in the form of a popular, likely-violent, revolution, which will be the only way to change it back to a just system.
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