A reader forwarded me the link to this Michael Barone article from October 11, 2008 (the day before the first post at Legal Insurrection), The Coming Obama Thugocracy:
I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.” Actually, Obama supporters are doing a lot more than getting into people’s faces. They seem determined to shut people up.
Read the full article, it was prescient, and it brings back forgotten events, like this one:
That’s what Obama supporters, alerted by campaign emails, did when conservative Stanley Kurtz appeared on Milt Rosenberg’s WGN radio program in Chicago. Kurtz had been researching Obama’s relationship with unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers in Chicago Annenberg Challenge papers in the Richard J. Daley Library in Chicago — papers that were closed off to him for some days, apparently at the behest of Obama supporters.
Obama fans jammed WGN’s phone lines and sent in hundreds of protest emails. The message was clear to anyone who would follow Rosenberg’s example. We will make trouble for you if you let anyone make the case against The One.
Kathleen Parker demonstrates that nothing has changed since Barone’s article, Why the ‘threat’ on Bob Woodward matters:
This is no tempest in a teapot but rather the leak in the dike. Drip by drip, the Obama administration has demonstrated its intolerance for dissent and its contempt for any who stray from the White House script. Yes, all administrations are sensitive to criticism, and all push back when such criticism is deemed unfair or inaccurate. But no president since Richard Nixon has demonstrated such overt contempt for the messenger…
And, as has become customary, officials are using the Woodward spat to distract attention. As Woodward put it: “This is the old trick . . . of making the press . . . the issue, rather than what the White House has done here.”
One difference between 2008 and 2013 is that in 2008 the press was merely cheerleading for Obama.
Today, the press is Obama’s enforcer, swiftly turning against a legendary journalist like Bob Woodward who dug out facts which endangered, in ever so slight a way, Obama’s power.
The press itself has become the greatest threat to freedom of the press