the diff. between cop trio in Mcadams and a REAL cop

This guy keeps his cool, the trio in the Mcadams case acted the fools.

The following I did copy it from another sites comments section:

A little perspective, please. This short clip begins long after Toth and Witherspoon were pulled over. All we see is Toth already in handcuffs and the cop arresting Witherspoon, with none of the lead up. According to news reports Witherspoon was interfering while the cop was trying to administer a sobriety test to her husband. She was, reportedly, refusing to stay in the car despite the cop repeatedly telling her to stay put and was also yelling at him and taunting him. The video begins at the point where the cop has completely lost patience with her. Where I come from the LAPD would already have had two back-up units on the scene, Toth would be on the ground with a knee in his back and a gun pointed at his head, and Witherspoon (were she not a movie star) would have been tasered or worse. IMHO this cop was chill and Witherspoon was lucky he knew who she was (he did) and that the whole thing was being taped. Can you imagine what a more typical cop, with less patience and more macho, might have done to these two if they'd been black, hispanic, or just a couple of anonymous white shlubs? Most cops, unlike this guy, go instantly gonzo apeshit if you disobey an order.

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lol, so true ""Can you imagine what a more typical cop, with less patience and more macho, might have done to these two if they'd been black, hispanic, or just a couple of anonymous white shlubs? Most cops, unlike this guy, go instantly gonzo apeshit if you disobey an order.""

We see in this case, Ms. Witherspoon, coming up to get in the way of an arrest, which is clearly obstructing a police officer in discharge of his duties.  The trooper does a super job, in defraying the situation, as did Reese afterwards:


In the local McAdam's situation, it's generally agreed that Joseph was only photographing the LPD officers in a non-obstructing way, and later leaving the scene amicably.  The three local goons in blue allegedly never assigned a cause for arrest or did there appear any cause of arrest, when you look at all the transcripts and records available.  And that is limited, because the MCSO has denied the tapes of the squad cars to the public via FOIA, and apparently erased McAdam's own recordings.  As Reese would say:  "Don't you know who I am?" LOL

I love it. The cop handled it well and I must say Witherspoon was not as crazy as I thought she was going to be. She didn't yell or scream, she just asked questions. But when the officer told her to stay in the car then she should have done just that. I like how her husband apologized at the end. I've always liked Witherspoon and I'm glad she stepped up and took responsibility for what happened.


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