Phishing is an e-mail fraud scam conducted for the purposes of information or identity theft.  Recently, someone joined the Ludington Torch under the name "Wanda Marrison".  Something seemed fishy to me when she sent me her initial message. 

Wanda Marrison is also the name of a Ludington City Councilor and has an e-mail at the City website.  She has sat at three FOIA appeals and sat in judgment of whatever John Shay had presented to her.  Our "Wanda" sent me a series of messages, the last of which determined to me that she was not who she portrayed herself as.  She never received my two sendings of information to the actual councilor's address, and shown ignorance of someone who seconded my appeal where I was raked through the coals by the City Manager.  IMG_0098.jpg   Whoever it was had the usual arrogance you find with such City Hall officials but had misrepresented themselves.  I suspended her membership until such time as she wants to re-sign in at her official E-mail, so that her identity is not a problem.  Any ideas of who it might have been?


From Wanda Marrison to XLFD Sent Jan 31

I don't recall getting anything from you. Would you like to send them again.

Wanda Marrison
From XLFD to Wanda Marrison Sent Jan 31

If you are Ludington CC Wanda Marrison, I originally sent all appeal messages to the E-mail address that is on the city website. It used to be which was a probable misspelling of what is there now, where 'charter' is spelled correctly. I think I sent to the first back in March for theoriginal appeal, then the other at other times. Unfortunately, I still have the former in my contacts list and try to add the 't' when I send it.
The E-mail you signed up on here is not either of those. Allow me a dose of skepticism as to your identity, until you perhaps provide some proof of your identity. I am not sending my private information to someone who may be an impostor.
If you are Ms. Marrison, you did sit without comment while private, and irrelevant, data about myself and my requests were divulged in a public meeting in November. And agreed with John Shay's new policy that greatly restricts the FOIA, and was exactly what Shay was doing for many of my requests.
It is my understanding, that the FOIA requests and appeals I and XXXXXXXX filed are dead issues to the city anyway.
You've already decided with the unanimity.
From Wanda Marrison to XLFD Sent Jan 31

Yes I am the CC Wanda Marrison, 604 E Melendy, 845-6744
I am have been hearing bits and pieces of this since last Jan when I started this job. I feel I am being lumped into something that I only know half of the story. Please be open minded before you lash out at all of us. AS you can see I am NOT hiding behind a fake name.
Wanda L. Marrison
4th Ward Ludington CC member
The is correct
or you can use
From XLFD to Wanda Marrison Sent Feb 1

I sent the 'appeal' letter of Nov. 2010 to your wlmarrison E-Mail address. Let me know if you get it, and whether you 'get' my points.
From Wanda Marrison to XLFD
Sent Feb 2

you would have to resend it as I don't see it as saved.
I probably deleted it not really knowning what it was.
If there is a name I don't know I do not open it.
Hence I am reading the Touch archive's on this subject that seems to be a stress on many sides.

Wanda Marrison
From XLFD to Wanda Marrison Sent 1 day ago

Wanda, if I was John Shay, I would be charging you $.25 for each E-mail page of data I sent to you. He did this with one of XXXXXXXX's recent requests. That is of course, a bit ridiculous and I will resend it again totally free. I will put 'FOIA' on this next send.
You can get quite a bit from our archives on the FOIA events. And we are the 'Torch' not the 'Touch', though I like your name too.
From Wanda Marrison to XLFD Sent 1 day ago

If you feel I need to be charged just let me know where to bring the money.
I have gotten NO special treatment from city hall and don't except too.
If I personally need info I would file a FOIA request, pay the charges and get it.

Wanda Marrison

BTW sorry about the typo error. "Torch" seems to be a proper name for this list.
From XLFD to Wanda Marrison  Sent 8 hours ago

So Wanda, what's your point?
Do you think it is OK to:

1) Broadcast private info about an individual at a public meeting that has nothing to do with the appeal (i.e. the information about my bicycle traffic stop, my name, and my e-mail address). BTW, the traffic stop involved a stop sign that was placed illegally 25 ft. beyond the crosswalk, and did not have a traffic control order to back it up.  Feel free to FOIA that fact (stop sign on the west side of the William-Loomis intersection).

2) Broadcast the details of my FOIA Requests, many altered from their original form and intent, at a public meeting, and give those leads to other news outlets.

3) Charge me nearly $900 to view the Building Inspector's annual Building Permit Summaries for the period 1985-2008? The rationale for the charges being that the BI would have to personally look through each address folder since there was no summary found for three of those years.

4) Charge me $600 to inspect the records involving the suit that Jack Byers brought against the City. Then changing the total to $120 when I asked for an explanation of the charges which still weren't given. The FOIA law, state and local, requires the FOIAC to detail the charges. Only when I brought up the appeal did I get that the charges were for three hours of the CM's time, which begs the question, "Why can't a low paid clerk do the same action?" as per the Act.

5) Respond to nine separate FOIA requests as if they were one? Each of the nine requests reviewed on appeal in November were sent in separately and asked about nine different subjects, but he had only one reply which did not detail the charges for each or explain whether the records actually existed or not.

6) Charge a person $57 to inspect the competitive bids for the water tower painting project, without an explanation of what the charges were for, and then give them 25 pages without a competitive bid within, just an overpriced contract that can be easily researched as greatly overpriced.

7) Charge a person, a known indigent person at that, $.25 per e-mail-transferred page of material.

Feel free to answer any or all of those with your opinion. Check out the law--even the local version backs up my words.

Our team of people are looking for answers that your team of people have been and are trying to withhold from us.
How do you explain why your salary is at least $3600 per year, instead of the $50 per year as according to the charter? There has been no ordinance since 1992 that affects your salary, according to FOIAC John Shay.
Wanda Marrison sent around 9:00 PM 2-2-2011

1. Can you give me the date of this meeting.

2. I would like to see the FOIA request you speak of to see what was altered
what date was the information "broadcast"? I need to know where to look.

3. 1985-2008 that's alot of years. I can see why that would take alot of time.
Was there something specific you are looking for on these permits? Might cut
down on the time if they knew what you needed off them.

4. I don't know who is qualified to pull what. I assumed it depends on what
information you are looking for.
I will ask if only some people can get into certain files. I know everyone in that office has a specific job.
No one in there is a "jack of all trades".

5. Again I can't aswer that. I do not see FOIA request. I don't know how the response's work. Give me specific info so I can ask.

6. I didn't see any other bids for the water towers. I will asked if there were any. I assume there wasn't.  Otherwise I would have seen it.

7. Was this for a FOIA request also? I can't asked about it if I don't have the proper information.

As for my salary. I did not determine that. This is a job that needs to be paid for just like any other public offical. Even at minium wage, and punching a time card for the city, I would be paid more than $50.00 per year.  CC's don't just show up twice a month.

Do you have a suggestion for CC salaries. Needs to cover phone and personal car usage for job related duties, as any company does.

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She's a newbie, give her time to catch the disease of the rest now, maybe she's not that ingenuine yet. Never can tell. Or it just could be our own BGW persona, againnnnnnnnn.

As for the real Wanda Marrison, she has been on the City Council for over a year and hasn't distinguished herself at all except as one who's for higher taxes, governmental power, neglecting letters from citizens, and continuing the corrupt status quo.  Look over the minutes for 2010 and see whether there is any argument to that view.

Be that as it may, this wasn't her, and I have sent an E-Mail to the Hon. Wanda Marrison informing her that someone is claiming they are her on my local website.   

Just another instance where you always should play it safe on the net and don't assume another person is who they might claim to be, because they just might not be them. 

How would you like me to distinguish myself on the council? Suggestions anyone? 

As per your suggestion XLFD I have re-signed up with my email and and have signed up with my other mail. 

Will you continue dialog now?

Again you can call me at 845-6744 or at 690-2506

I have failed to hear from you today at either one of these numbers.  


Sure! I want to pay Higher taxes also. I just would LOVE to have my property taxes increased.

I'm made of money! I can throw it away everyday! lol "get it?"NOT

As for the water bill increase. I didn't want to pay more for my water bill either, but it was the right thing to do to pay the bills. 

Governmental power? Better explain this one to me. 

Letters from citizens, I have received a few from wind farm people and one from a person in the fourth ward concerned about wild cats with no signature or return address. I also had a email from gentlemen that was having problems with the Loomis Street boat ramp lights. That was responded too right away with an email.

To all others reading this:

Feel free to carry on a dialog with me. In a respectful manner would be nice.

Wanda L. Marrison 

Welcome back, Councilwoman Marrison. 

As an open forum, we get our share of people claiming themselves to be this or that.  If someone came on here named "Barack Obama", chances are they would be fibbing. 

You used a different E-mail address than the official one, made up a seemingly lame excuse for not getting my first E-mail re-sent, and did not even mention the second time I had re-sent it.  You also claimed ignorance of a few things which I presumed a councilor involved in three FOIA appeals would know. 

Failing any other way of showing me that you were who you stated you were, you were asked to re-enter the site through your official E-mail, and I respect you for doing just that.  It shows you have the capacity to be a stand-up person. 

Now to answer your first question.  A good way to distinguish yourself from the usual Ludington pol is to make a commitment to keep our taxes low, and quit spending the people's money on foolish things. 

You were not on the Council when the LCC raised the water and sewer rates drastically (19% and 8%, respectively, plus inflation-adjustment), raised the fees and taxes on a variety of things in December 2009, or when they okayed a $830,000 alteration to the city marina, or when they okayed the $1.2 million contract with Utility Services for painting both water towers w/o competitive bids.  Many of us in the great unwashed see this as an intolerable way to take and spend their money, which is getting harder and harder to earn around here in these times.

Councilor Engblade has at least tried in many instances to control these costs and appropriations.  What about you?  Nothing I have seen in the minutes distinguishes you as a person who really cares about either.

As I have iterated other times when a person has asked me to call a local politician, I will not do so.  Not only would I like a record of what you and I have said, I don't want to waste my minutes in some pointless exercise, LOL. 

If you want to talk to me, do so here, send me a letter, or send me an E-mail.  Create a new public record.

BTW, since you appear to be the real deal, do you want me to revise the title of this thread into something more respectable and appropriate?


How sad you won't trust other politicians.

I guess you won't be applying for a CC seat in the future. there are some coming up you know and the Mayor's seat also, hint,hint,hint

Has anyone else on the council asked about your battles with City Hall. I bet not.

From reading the archives here and what little I have been told about

you at City Hall. I believe you BOTH are coloring the real problem.

BTW you better leave the title of this thread until you see fit to introduce yourself face to face to me. Please bring a witness of course. Then I will be the REAL DEAL and not just appear to be.



RWR said, trust but verify.  My reluctance to talk with 'Ludington City Hallers' over the phone stems from an incident in 2008 while I was on the Ludington Fire Department.   Major flooding had occured that year, and I had prepared my trash for a special pick-up advertised in the local paper.  It was never picked up, and I was given a city orange slip after about a week.  Note, I was quite busy helping others elsewhere and rarely visitted my residence.

I called and asked Carol Ann Foote about it, told her it was materials prepared the way the Daily News specified, and she told me I would have to take care of it.  I pointed out what the article said and suggested the city honor its commitment it made for that special pick-up.  I said nothing antagonistic other than that, but stood my ground. 

After that call, I had my superior read me the riot act for upsetting Ms. Foote.   When I asked what I had said to upset her, he could not say, but he had heard from her she was very upset and demanded I apologize to her.  I did, for him. 

But still to this day, I believe the apology should have flown the other way, because I was right, and the newspaper confirmed that.

This is a "lame" excuse to put me into a group of people that I was not even associated with in 2008.

NOT MY PROBLEM/NOT A CITY HALL PROBLEM< this is a personal beef with Carol Foote, your supervisor and you. 

Is everyone in that office your enemy? You sure make it out to be,  "My reluctance to talk with 'Ludington City Hallers' over the phone stems from an incident in 2008." Why hang on? May I suggest that you move on. You just might get some positive/friendly results from City Hall, (just my opinion)

Take Note: This time you are "broadcasting" your own personal information about problems with someone in city hall in a PUBLIC SITE, NO ONE ELSE. 

How about giving me a piece of budget that you think should be trim or cut out all together.    

Give me a place that I could suggest taking money from to pay for a "life guard" program including safty equipment for the breakwalls.

You have been watching the budgets for longer than I have. You must have some ideas.


Wanda Marrison



I think you were just rude and presumptions to assume that the term "city hallers" had to refer to the elected potion of the office down there. Personally.. in both Ludington when I owned a home there.. or Hamlin when I bought one there. Its the office help, that tends to lose track of why we need to keep personal records personal.

And if you are in fact reading the archive of this very forum, you will see many instances of places we feel monies were to only not well spent but places we feel they may have been outright mis-apropriated Mrs Marrison.


Two such examples are the very last two entrees in this very thread.

Ludington has a very schizophrenic record when it comes to decisions in regards to favoring as you say Ludington the Vacation Spot, or Ludington the work place. And those two items are not mutually exclusive. But examples of things decided on that take away from the Vacation spot Ludington include low cost items like Life Guards in favor of high cost and no guarantied returns like the million dollar day dock.

Or my fav.. the vote of confidence for the project which will single-handedly take from the million dollar view here being the wind farm(s)

Or the vote to allow a potentially dangerous plant to expand in downtown Ludington only two Blocks from the Marina ( house of Flavors) From my understanding he was offered land outside the city but he pushed and we your predecessors ? caved..


If you are actually reading back through the subject threads.. you should be able to see many instances of gross over payment for services rendered such as the Water Towers here thread entitled Watertowergate?


Your lifeguard remark here implies you have not indeed gone through and read many areas we uncovered such as the lifeguards appeared to be cut to begin with to pay for a larger retainer on the layers in this city ( which we may just need more with no lifeguards) How could we afford the million dollar day dock ( read massive loans) and not a simple safety item we had already afforded up until the year of the day dock?

And from the perspective of Jobs created lets see life guard two shift college students=6or9.

How many part time jobs did the Day Dock create? 0-1 maybe? are not the same folks who already run the rest of Marina, ( was it full this year?)


                                                 Respectfully Richard Rawlings


PS if you do not see to answer any other portion of anyones thread posted so far here XLFDs question here in quotes below would be truly appreciated.

You were not on the Council when the LCC raised the water and sewer rates drastically (19% and 8%, respectively, plus inflation-adjustment), raised the fees and taxes on a variety of things in December 2009, or when they okayed a $830,000 alteration to the city marina, or when they okayed the $1.2 million contract with Utility Services for painting both water towers w/o competitive bids.  Many of us in the great unwashed see this as an intolerable way to take and spend their money, which is getting harder and harder to earn around here in these times."

Scottville got the water tower there painted recently, for less than half of the unchallenged quote we did here in Ludington. I think that could have paid for life guards for a few years don't you think?

this is the thread to the whole investigation

RWR said, trust but verify.  My reluctance to talk with 'Ludington City Hallers' over the phone stems from an incident in 2008 while I was on the Ludington Fire Department.

This is what he said to me. Looks to me as I was included into the "City Hallers" group. Why would this reasoning be used? Iwas not even there, or for that fact knew anything about it till this was used as the excuse to not speak to me.   If I am wrong I missed it.

I have not read ALL of the archives here yet. I am guilty of that.

Watertowergate will be the next one. 

This forum has lots to digest. I am just starting.



I was just pointing out an anecdote which was a learning experience for me.  I had said nothing provocative on the phone to Ms. Foote other than I followed the directions of the paper and had expected the City to contact the Waste Company to remove the paneling I put out.  To honor their word; just as I expect anyone to call me on something if I don't do it after saying I would.

There was no record of the call to back my side up, or to show that she was advocating me to pay for a service which should have been provided, as per the city's promise vis-a-vis the newspaper. 

Unless there is something that can only be transmitted via the phone lines, I feel more protected by having it in writing.  That way, only the intent of the words can be questioned, not the statements.

Being a businesswoman, you would make written contracts with someone you didn't trust completely, wouldn't you?


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