Most Americans over 21 years of age can likely remember back on their impressions of what happened 17 years ago on September 11, 2001 as it played out in front of them. Most Americans experienced a change in their world view and their sense of security, as the events that unfolded showed that we were not invulnerable.
Though that day motivated some foreign engagements that later turned more into entanglements, and spawned legislation that treasured security at the expense of liberty, that day seems far away for most, and fortunately, no similar incident since that time has transpired to traumatize the youngest generation of Americans growing up. The only reminder we seem to have of the day that affects us outside of this month is if you travel on a flight, and compare the strict security now with the distant past.
But I have noticed a trend in the seventeen September 11s since the first, and I wonder if it's just my own peccadillo. Whenever this day of the year falls on a Tuesday, noting the original was on a Tuesday, I experience the gravity and the gravitas of the day much more severely.
It happened in 2007 and in 2012. Like this year, the weather was roughly the same as it was on 9-11-2001 in Ludington-- one of those sunny but cooler days. For no other apparent reason other than it's a Tuesday, does the past catastrophe come to the forefront of my mental awareness with a vivid remembrance. When September 11 falls on any other day, it seems much less tangible, much more remote.
Does anybody else experience this phenomena, or am I just on my own crazy island?