Upon visiting with my daughter last week in Ludington I was informed the reason my ex-wife's husband now wanted to install internet access was WKLA no longer carried the Rush Limbaugh show. I had to laugh as that also as well as one late night talk personality was the only reason I ever turned on WKLA AM.
My questions would be; A. when did they take him off? B. Did they take him off as a result of a public poll of some sort? ( if so many people missed the poll) C. What did they put in his place? Are they now a liberal news outlet? or did they switch to a different format?
My theory about how conservatism would be dismantled in the U.S.A, was always isolate; ( make a certain person or idea unpopular whether it was good or bad) Then gradually simply take them out of the media either through polls or if a poll wouldn't support it change the format of the offending station. The arena of ideas has no friends in the main stream media anymore. If we cant find a liberal show that can make money through commercials we will just kill off the ones that do and take monies from the government or liberal front groups to alter the content of the debate.
Thank you and I appreciate anyone's input. Quido
I haven't listened to Rush in years. That said, I do know that his ratings are fine overall and his paycheck is huge. His popularity is hardly a problem. Whether or not he's a good spokesman or not is kind of a pointless argument. I mean really, who's worse, Rush for using the narcotics or Obama for using illegal drugs? Seems to me neither would be good spokesman if we are going to dwell on things they have done in their lives. What have you done Cyndi? Are you a perfect angel that has never gotten into trouble?
So anyway, I'll profess to being no angel... and I doubt anyone else here is either.
Peace y'all
A few people I know have been wondering what happened to Rush also. He has been off WKLA since November I do believe, and they put in Michael Savages talk radio program. I don't know the rationale for it, but apparently WKLA doesn't look at the ratings as an indicator for what to program.
I don't know whether their ratings have gone down, but I know most of those have tuned into other further away stations for their Rush fix they've grown accustomed to. Savage, from what I have heard, is as right if not more, than Rush, so it wasn't strictly a decision based on ideology.
I will not delve into Cyndi's highly inflammatory comments which site no links to anything let alone a fact to back up her suppositions especially about the hearing lose being the result of his ( addictions).
" If I remember correctly his cochlear implants were needed due to his addictions to these potent drugs he was abusing. Self inflicted hearing loss." Some say sex causes blindness also... your comment is about as valid as those who would make that claim also. Some would call that libel passing something that bad along as though it is true but hey... We are flexible here. We will assume it was just an ignorant transgression.
But let us assume for a minute it were true. I am sure I would not hear the same drug addict lines if it wear some liberal talking head with the same issues like oh Micheal Moore or such would I ?
And XL your definitely right!!! Michael Savage would make Rush look like a liberal.. so it does not appear to be an ideological reason more than likely a we didn't pay to have him renewed one. I would love to have anyone who listens to Michael chime in on how moderate he is!!!! lolol
And Cyndi??? I no longer live in Ludington ..so I was not asking the question for myself I have many internet choices. I was truly asking for a guy who really did not want to pay 30-40 bucks a month for internet access to listen to him.
Actually... If you read the whole post explained the question really wasn't for me.. other than wondering what prompted the choices, and thus could he be back.. As I know several people who are actually getting internet for the sole purpose of picking him up via web now..
The funny thing here is Savage is probably almost giving his service away as he considers himself more of a crusader for the cause.. He tends to be more Libertarian in belief which tends to aggravate the other two so called main stream parties.
Thank you for the info about MTE however I remember I used to listen to them when I was a kid and they had a larger transmitter, as they played more of the stuff I liked music wise. At some point they went down in Transmitter power and I no longer could pick them up. This also must have been around the time I was looking into good ole dial up net for my information fix lol
Does anyone think the regulations pertaining to Net neutrality will eventually be expanded to limit Rush ( conservative Hate speech as the libs call it) across the board as the Chapter 9 ravaged the Men's sports in the schools it was designed to give the ladies more opportunities?? hmmmm???
RJE I agree with your assessment of Rush. He will be the first to tell you he is a proud Republican. I also agree being a Libertarian Bend the Savage will take it to both current parties in our political system. I also like Glen Beck for the same reason. The choices anymore are not left or right, they are up or down. Up being more freedom of business to grow as a capital driven system. Down being government regulation to the point of impeding the very thing they claim to want to create. Many special interest groups can be blammed for helping that process along also. But if the Government went back to its constitutional roll of being limited only to the things states could not do on their own IE Military, Some infrastructure issues etc... Anytime I hear the left try to knock that idea by asking what a (Libertarian view) of America would look like, they need to go back and read history. The Democrats and Libertarians were against Lincolns plan to Abolish slavery not because of the Slavery issue its self, but as a matter of popular states control of issues. Does this mean because both of those parties teamed up and were ultimatly shot down during a long and bloody war that we never should have accepted input from those parties again?
The Dems think that's why we should not accept the principle of limited government, by stating its unfairness to those who cant do for themselves. The Republicans are terrified of the tea party ( a Libertarian Leaning group), because they are also afraid of the loss of control they may create, being so limited the issues that changed the election cycle.
Thank you for your fact based input to my question RJE.
Yeah I know about the Vacation type talk on Weekends Aqua Thanks. I actually like Levin a lot and already listened to tthat guy they have in Rushes spot as he used to be on late night on WKLA and this was the time I was going to and from work.
I haven't heard of Rusty Humphies actually.. I may have to look him up when I am not listening into Al Jazeera.
I think I listen to more talk of more different persuasions than anyone of the face of the earth.. So I tend to get defensive when someone acts as though they are insulting me by informing me that one of the most listened too Radio shows of all time (Rush) is completely junk. He even calls himself political satire.. what more do they want??? lol I can honestly see some lib nut listening to his first two minutes of broadcast where he declares himself the most influential man in politics and taking him seriously not as the satire he is presenting. Personally I only get to hear his show once a month or so when I am home during the time slot he used to fill.
I listen to Rusty Humphries sometimes on my way home from work (if i'm working the late shift).. is either that or Alan Colmes.. although I can usually only handle Colmes in small doses because he's so snarky most of the time unless he has an interesting guest on or is actually talking about something interesting.
Depending on what time I go in, I usually listen to Andrew Wilkow or Bubba The Love Sponge. Wilkow is pretty good, as far as conservative talking heads go, he might be my favorite. Bubba of course is more of a comedy show then anything, not usually political which is nice.. sometimes just hearing something funny is all ya need.
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