I think everyone has heard about the trial of Mr. Zimmerman in Sanford, Fl.. The second degree murder charges look like they aren't going to fly. So what does the prosecution team do now? Since the defense team has now rested their case? Well, they now want to change the charges to get some sort of conviction, any conviction, and all for public injustice, not true justice. The prosecution now insists that a lesser charge of 3rd degree murder, manslaughter, and child abuse also be put in the mix. How the judge can let this happen after the trial is over, is ridiculous to me. But, in this day and age, with all the injustices happening around us daily, ok, why not, right?

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EyE, why do you say you believe GZ is not guilty, then go on like this over and over defending Martin? You are at odds within yourself, and it doesn't make for sound and astute posting here. Just think about this for a moment: GZ can't pull the bullet back now, what's done is done. A jury trial with the best legal minds in that area, and an unbiased jury, deliberated the facts, facts that the police and witnesses all testified to. The judge appeared biased and didn't exactly act for justice, yet when the jury's decision was rendered and read aloud, the result was GZ was found not guilty. GZ's reputation and name are stained forever, whether you think he's guilty or not. He has to carry the burden of his deeds to his grave. Where do you think GZ can live or work without all this media hype following him? GZ is now in a unlocked prison cell for life. He will have a hard time finding any work, or living in peace with fellow citizens. What the DOJ and Holder do next is also frightening. This may continue for years ahead with civil rights charges to follow by the Feds.. Whether you believe GZ is guilty or not, at this stage of the story, has surely become a moot issue now imho. 


I checked into your allegations about Zimmerman's molestations claims. The sources you gave along with several others I found, which were all liberal media sources, failed to report the whole story which I found in a conservative news outlet. Your sources only told half of the story which would make one believe that this allegation was about an adult on child incident when in fact the woman had said this happened when they were both young kids. Whether the molestation happened or not is debatable. This is the problem with liberal media. They have an agenda and will lie, withhold and bend information to try and scam the public. As far as being a "woman beater" I have personally seen cases involving family and friends where the woman had lied about abuse to get even with the man for any number of reasons. Recently a family member was issued a ppo by his girl friend he tried to get joint custody of their child. She later admitted to making up the story to prevent a custody battle. If you believe women don't lie then your very naïve.

I wondered the same thing, Aquaman.  How can you believe George Zimmerman is not guilty, then run through scenarios where guilt is assumed?  It sounds like the beginning of a proof by contradiction, but EyE never developed it as such. 

eYe....what do those other accusations have to do with this court case? The other issues are completely separate and most of those sources you cited were gossip type sites. Your cousin could make claims against you and would that automatically make you guilty without a court hearing.

The proof beyond a reasonable doubt did not manifest so he was found not guilty. This case was a racism case and continues to be fueled by our own fearless leader.  What about the cases where the race is reversed?  If Zimmerman had been black and Trayvon hispanic this would never have received the attention it did.  Look at the track record of the media and let us let jury's produce their verdicts without government interference.

I wonder if down the road our Hispanic friends will remember who started this when they go to the voting polls next time.

I’ve been searching for the evidence that George Zimmerman is a racist. I have been unable to find that evidence. The prosecution did not present any evidence to even suggest that Zimmerman was a racist in any way, shape or form. If George Zimmerman really was a racist would there not be some evidence? For example: A neighbor who heard George say the “N” word or some previous altercation with an African American. In fact the prosecution proved the opposite with their star witness using racial terms while on the witness stand.

It is outrageous that Obama spoke with a negative bias toward Zimmerman before the trial even started.  

The media jumped on this story, but they did not come up with any evidence to even suggest that Zimmerman had any kind negative relations with any African American. The lack of evidence led NBC to fabricate their own evidence by editing a version of the 911 call from Zimmerman. The editing made Zimmerman appear to be profiling, but the original 911 call told a different story.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton did what they do best. They kept the fires of racism going. If you keep telling the same story, sooner or later someone may believe it.

I’m not making an argument of whether the shooting was justifiable or not. My point is that the shooting was not racially motivated.  The news media and Al Sharpton created a lie just for a story and a moment of fame.

The media lies made George Zimmerman the most hated man in America. Whatever shortfalls that George Zimmerman may have, being a racist is not one of them. Race is not always the reason when people of different races have altercations. Like the boy who cried wolf, using the race card when it does not apply could create unbelief even when there really is an issue. I blame the media for that.

The FBI interviewed dozens upon dozens of people and did not come up with any evidence that Zimmerman was a racist.

The protesters and rioters found Zimmerman Guilty before the trial started. They were not present during the trial, and they do not have all the evidence that the jury saw. I keep hearing that a million or 5 million people believe that Zimmerman is guilty. How many of those millions have sat through the entire trial and have the information that the jury had access to? It is a sad day for our country when the President of the United States puts out bias information about a person who has not been to trial. A man's life has been destroyed because of the media looking for a story and a President who feels he is above the law.


Although I would dare say your position is 'evolving', I will agree with you that the investigating police agency may have been a bit lax in their original assumptions of GZ's innocence, and would have made thing a lot easier for themselves and GZ if they had more fully investigated the killing at the get go. 

Which is a good reason for all those haters going after Zimmerman to instead focus more of their venom and causticity at the local police, where institutionalized racism may have played a part.  But heaven forbid we put a local police department on trial for not following proper protocols.  If there is to be a civil trial, this would be the better focus, not George Zimmerman.

Very well said Brian, X, and Willy, I agree on your astute points of reasoning. EyE, you overstepped your last statement too again, imho. You say that Martin is "an innocent teenager"? All the prevailing information on Martin shows quite the opposite. Teenagers are quickly making up some of the most wanted criminals in modern history, esp. big cities. The mob actually hires them for assassins because their age presumes they get off, or are not tried as adults, in too many cases. Some of those laws have been strengthened in recent years, but, the fact remains, some teenagers aren't as innocent in mind and soul as you portray them. EyE, the other thing is your comment about "carry conceal people". They are strictly licensed to do so, and they usually carry most of the time, esp. if their job requires it. They don't go off shooting at anyone, for any reason, as the law requires them to be very scrutinized in their background checks and training in usage of such weapons. You say it's GZ's fault he followed a suspicious person, did his job as a neighborhood watch captain, and is also guilty for carrying, cause he might need that for an emergency situation, not that he plans any, just that shxx happens in real life. Yes, think about it, it was a real life emergency, and GZ saved his own life, before an "innocent teenager ended HIS life".

The repeated references to Martin as a "Young Child" made me laugh. I think this was an attempt to play with the emotions of the jury who were mostly mothers. I was in the marines at age 17, so I'm not buying it.

The media, CNN, seems to believe that racism can only be experienced by blacks. I believe it goes both ways. Zimmerman suffered more racism in the past year than most white or black men will ever have to endure.

Thanks for your again, cogent response, Brian, you seem to see thru the fog quite well my friend. A real asset.

A Quote from Booker T. Washington:

 "There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs." Now, I do not know the agenda of Ms. Weinger. However, as I watch the destruction of the black community in America, I have had it with the politics of race baiters who use iambic pentameter sing-song speech to anesthetize blacks from the reality of their demise."


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