I was out riding my bicycle on this nice October day by the residence of a lady I know.  She is beautiful, yet simple; she is the ward of a guardian, whose decisions are made for her.  She was adopted long ago with strict rules given by the parents as to how she was to be taken care of.  Recently, her guardianship has changed and the rules were mostly forgotten.


I noticed a truck that belonged to a friend of the new guardian.  Concealed by some nearby foliage, I seen him taking advantage of her.  Before I could do anything, I saw two more of the guardian's friends drive their vehicles up to her place, and they got out and joined in the assault.  I wanted to call 911, but knew the guardian was a co-worker and a very good friend of the local police chief, who would allow this to continue.  I sneaked off, disgusted, and went home to get my camera, so as to chronicle the nasty development to help her in the future.


When I got back, the vehicles had left and this poor lady was hurting.  She had multiple cuts all over her body, and they had even spray painted her all over. It looked painful and I took pictures of the hurt they had inflicted on her.  Before I could even think of doing more, they came back and brought some more friends with them.  The anguish I felt with not being to help this lady was great, but I went away while they came back at her.  Once again they assaulted her, cutting her up, damaging her beyond immediate repair.  I took more pictures of the carnage, but they paid little attention to me-- they knew I couldn't help her out, and they had weapons.


They continued this for the rest of the afternoon, cleaned up a little bit afterwards, and left.  I consoled her afterwards, but knew there was little I could do to help her before they would come back again and do worse to her.  Tomorrow the raping will continue.


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During:  100_1091.JPG   100_1097.JPG   100_1100.JPG


Post:  100_1107.JPG   100_1108.JPG   100_1109.JPG

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Their voice should at least be heard, but unless they were proponents of the dog park originally, the vote by Ludington electors should be made, because the use has been diverted.
I disagree with you Aqua, on this one. A gift is just that, and once given the previous owner gives up all claim to it. What does matter, as X brings up, is the contract. I would, however, love to hear what the Cartier family does think, not feel, about this.
Max, I think you indirectly linked this thread with the "Art of the Sleight of Hand" thread! In an ethical environment, gifts are gifts, donations are donations, contracts are contracts, etc. They are not instruments to subvert the intent of laws and run around ethical problems.

I think it is very material to check out the original contracts (and any legal amendments thereof) of the Cartier's, and so that is why I have requested it through an FOIA request.
"What is the cost of a clear conscience"
---Preacher (Clint Eastwood) in Pale Rider

I happened upon this movie on one of the channels last night. In the movie a group of miners are being harassed by the local tyrant and were going to be ran off their land until Clint Eastwood's character comes along. With his help, they overcome the local tyrant and are able to keep and live on the fruits of their land.

This morning I went past the bacchanalia of the dog park faithful who were putting up the fences of the dog park inside Cartier Park. There was never any public debate on the location of this park, never any public vote even though the City Council's terminology sets aside this portion of Cartier park to be used as a dog park and city law demands a public vote, never any chance for the people who wanted a dog park, but didn't want their precious parklands used for that purpose to offer their input.

This dog park is not legitimate, and I will see to it that it eventually either gets that way or gets denied at this location by the owners of that land. I have nothing against the dogs, or their owners, just the corrupt people and practices that were used to steal the land from the citizens of Ludington at large without their knowing and/or consent.

I wonder how anyone who knows the laws and knows all the secretive dealings that have taken place among City Officials regarding this, one who heads this Dog Park Committee, can see this dog park and have a clear conscience as to how it was acquired.
Got the review back from the lawyers. As far as they (I asked 2, one not from Ludington) were concerned, the city just put up a fence. Anyone can walk in it and thru it - with or without a dog - same as before the fence, so there was no "change of use". No vote was needed.
Hmmm, this seems to be a hotly debated issue now, after the fact from over a year ago or so, wonder why? Can't say it's not to be expected in some quarters, but, it's still just another thang, that which is already done now, so, go visit the new dog park soon, when they finally get the finishing touches on it. And do bring your puppy and pointer over to get a run in. I'll see ya over thar!
Jen, I will run this past my own lawyer eventually; he is currently busy on other fruitful stuff regarding local people, places, and events. The City Charter's language, the City Council's language, the DPC President's/City Official's misuse of his office, the clandestine give-aways of parkland in the public domain, etc. will give him some excellent reading.

In the meantime, enjoy the Ludington citizens' public parkland for your specialized use. And for all who had a hand in putting this dog park here, remember this quote by Margaret Graham when your head hits the pillow at night:

Conscience... is the impulse to do right because it is right, regardless of personal ends.”
I still don't get how come you think this is a diversion.

The land is still owned by the city, it is still a public park.

Saying it is a diversion is like saying that when Microsoft created windows 7 it was a diversion from windows 95.

The park is still a park, it may be an upgrade, changing with the times, becoming something that is more usefull to more people, enhancing itself. Windows is still Windows (is not Linux or Safari).

They may be changing with the times and the needs of the people but they are still both the original, yet upgraded product.

I don't see why since you are not a resident of the city of Ludington you care so much. I would think that there are issues that are in your township or the county that you could be a watchdog in regards to and let a city resident if so concerned take care of city issues.

And, you are going to just screw things up for dogs more than any people and why you would want to do anything to hurt a dog I don't understand. That is what you are doing in the end, it is the dogs who would lose out on a safe off leash run area. Those poor dogs are going to be who you X hurt in the end.

and for that....for hurting those dogs and taking away something they would enjoy.....“Conscience... is the impulse to do right because it is right, regardless of personal ends.”
You go girl! And don't take any back bites from the dog haters round here. Woooof!
do you 3 realize that you can be against the dog park as it was created here and be perfectly fine with dog parks and dogs in general. like xlfd i think this dog park is a misuse of the city park. like xlfd i think this dog park could have been located somewhere else and could have been debated on if some people were agin it. our city parks will be taken from us a piece at a time by our own short sitedness until we are left with just a bunch of special theme parks which cost us admission to get in. this at least deserves more than just deals made by area dog lovers in the goverment. i am a taxpayer of this town and unless he has moved recent i think xlfd is also if i have my intel strait.
heres an idea from someone who lives here with all due respect to you out of towners who think you should tell us what to do. why not put the dog park in the unused nw corner of oriole field. you have parking you have some fence already standing. proceeds can be given to the school not recycled to the city tycoons. its closer to the people it is supposed to serve not way out in the boonies.
Good post Charl; when I saw my name mentioned 3 times I figured I was being taken to task once again.

Aquaman, if the City of Ludington decided to put a fenced enclosure on your business' property in town without your approval and reaped all the financial benefits of the use of an acre or more of your land, don't tell me you wouldn't be fighting it. Maybe they would put their own marina in, and figure they were not changing the use.

Sheila, if the village of Custer did the same to your house or business, and put in a nice little fenced in industrial park without seeking your permission (or them caring whether it was given) don't tell me you would be happy.

Here's an idea, let's get some land for this dog park legitimately. If a deal can be worked with the LAS, Charl's idea makes some sense. They were talking about the water tower area earlier until they got a sweet deal on public parkland. There is plenty of city-owned land that isn't protected by statute here in Ludington that were not considered.
As for my residence, I usually live in the City of Ludington, but when we have windy weather, my refrigerator box sometimes gets blown into PM Township or beyond.
Some of you guys and gals should know, the Cartier family gave this parcel of land to the public, via a conditional contract for it's special uses. The City of Ludington oversees that usage as the grantee or guardian. If the Cartier family or anyone else sees that the Park is not being used in the manner the Cartier family wants, they, or the Cartier family can object to it at any time, and if necessary, take any public or legal action they prefer to reverse that usage; or in the extreme, take the entire parcel back as family property. Max, the Cartier family members today have just as much say-so over this matter as their forefathers, they did not give up their rights, and have proved that in certain cases in the recent past. Personally speaking, I'd prefer to see a dog park closer to downtown, where it's not so far from most dog owners. And I don't think Cartier Park was the best place either, but now, it's kinda a done deal. And no one objected publicly when the matter was in the city council being debated. I would like to see a copy of the exact wording of the gifted parcel to see what if any rules or conditions may or may not have been broken. X, you can't compare private land to public land, apples are not oranges, simply put.


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