The following letter will be shared with the Ludington School Board at their regular meeting on Monday; I will be unable to attend the meeting due to a conflict in my schedule.
I appreciate the school board's review and discussions of Covid-19 guidance and protocols of the local health department as noted in the agenda for this August 15th meeting. I have reviewed their medical director Dr. Morse's presentation, representing the health department's position on whether mask usage should be required in schools this fall.
Notably, the presentation has some findings that deserve highlighting, let's quote some:
- Attending school does not appear to greatly increase risk of COVID-19 infection to children
- Transmission within school settings is typically lower than – or at least similar to – levels of
community transmission
- Schools do not appear to drive the rate of community transmission of COVID-19 as with some other
illnesses, like influenza
- The risk of children dying from COVID-19 is exceedingly low.
Dr. Morse also makes the following declaration without support: "Masks have proven to be one of the most effective public health tools in the fight against COVI-19 (sic) infections." I checked all of the links to research and studies that she included in support of similar statements and at best the 'science' is inconclusive or little more than anecdotal.
One study mentions Sweden, which is a a great comparison to Michigan because they are approximately the same population, but took different strategies against Covid-19 in their schools throughout the last 18 months. While Michigan was locked down, shut schools, then opened those schools with strict mask policies. Sweden had none of that. If our CDC and health departments didn't know better, they would point at Sweden as proof that masks work and remote learning was the thing to do in 2020.
But they know that Sweden's infection rate is eerily similar to Michigan's, while their death rate is 68% of Michigan's. In like manner, many other states that never required masks had lower rates than Michigan.
If teachers and students are honest with you, they will confirm that wearing masks inhibits the process of learning, especially in the lower elementary. According to a recent sobering study, Children born during the coronavirus pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared with children born before. In the decade preceding the pandemic, the mean IQ score on standardized tests for children aged between three months and three years of age hovered around 100, but for children born during the pandemic that number tumbled to 78. That's a significantly reduction of verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance.
All of you have put on masks before, can you honestly say that it's comfortable, that it promotes effective communication, and that it doesn't have any negative health effects? Okay, then should we believe, the CDC, the WHO, the Attorney General, numerous peer reviewed studies, and all those famous doctors who told you in February 2020 that healthy people wearing masks was ineffectual, or do we believe the abrupt turnaround in medical orthodoxy(that had no clear basis behind it) telling us that the more masks, the better?
Don't make the same mistake Manistee Area Public Schools made; please allow parents the choice of whether to mask their kids when they bring them to school, or you may find them making the choice of going to another school that respects their love for their children, their development and their learning.
Well said X. The most important question people should be asking is "if face masks work and are so effective then why is Covid still a problem?" People have been wearing masks, using sanitizers, practicing safe distancing, staying home, getting vaccinated but it's not working according to the CDC. Has the CDC, inadvertently been giving the public the wrong information about how to deal with Covid or are they attempting to continue the fear campaign, propaganda and false information in order to control U.S. citizens. Anyone who has been paying attention knows the answer to that question. The CDC has lost all credibility with me. Like the lying, conniving Left they have ruined their own reputation. Now we have shills like Dr. Morse who is trying to tow the party line and convince us that common sense no longer exists and that the CDC knows how to deal with Covid. The CDC and it's ilk have duped school boards all over the Country into harming kids by practicing useless Covid abatement procedures. The CDC is also trying to convince pregnant women to get vaccinated. A very risky proposition for the unborn. This isn't going to stop until people take back Government control.
The number of children under 17 who have died from Covid is minuscule and this push to mask them and vaccinate them is nothing short of criminal. Most of the children who died had existing conditions that made them vulnerable.
( - Since the start of the pandemic 18 months ago, in January 2020, a total of 335 children ages 17 and under have died of COVID-19, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In that same 18-month time period, a total of 49,725 children ages 0-17 have died from all causes. So COVID deaths account for 0.673 percent of all deaths among children under 17, based on death certificates submitted so far to the National Center for Health Statistics.
I did a little math and the percentage of deaths for children who died from Covid compared to all other deaths for children is actually 0.00673, not 0.673 The article had a calculation error and most of those kids had prior medical conditions.
1-6-2021 study: “Despite Sweden’s having kept schools and preschools open, researchers have found a low incidence of severe Covid-19 among schoolchildren and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic…No child with Covid-19 died…Among the 1,951,905 million children who were 1 to 16 years of age, 15 children had Covid-19, MIS-C, or both conditions and were admitted to an ICU, which is equal to 1 child in 130,000.”
Zero deaths, building natural immunity in children, all the while providing a safer path to herd immunity. How do you beat that science?
Here's pictures of the last Rhythm & Dunes concert held just a little over two weeks ago. Young & old, vaxed and unvaxed, what do you see? No masks, no social distancing.
What did you hear? No guidelines and no uproar from the local health department. No school board member urging us not to go or mask up and social distance. Local parents have a duty to take their kids out of any school that decides to engage in this abusive psy-op experiment, for the safety and health of their children.
Our kids are going to learn nothing if the teachers wear masks. How many of you go into a business were the employees wear mask, you ask a question , they reply and you can't understand what they said. What ? Same thing with school, teacher will talk to teach and nobody will learn nothing as most kids won't ask to have it repeated.
Stump, that is a very accurate statement, and just common sense. I can't understand most people either with a mask on, and kids won't ask it to be repeated in most cases, just as you said. And Lake Lady also made some very good points on this, cheek to cheek, art fairs, reunions, wedding receptions, and much more, are also a strong indicator that things are not nearly as warped as media is reporting, at all. XLFD also noted a Swedish study which also shows categorically proves the science of reality there.
As I don't follow Charlie Brown, I guess I don't understand what the teacher was saying. It looks like Charlie doesn't either.
Whenever an adult talked to Charlie Brown, the only thing heard was a wha, wha, wha sound
Consider this: The same people who have abandoned Americans and the people of Afghanistan to certain torture, imprisonment and death are the same people enforcing the bogus and phony Covid crisis with fascists mandates and phony crisis propaganda. If you are a Democrat, ask yourself why you are supporting these people and allowing them to spread their chaos not only around the World but right here on American soil. The Democrats are a danger to society.
Thanks for joining the Ludington Torch and attending that meeting, I hoped it inspired you to take further action by either running for school board or going back to future meetings and telling them how terrible their plan is working. If one more mind can be changed, LASD may yet survive despite itself.
The vote was 4-3, Superintendent Kennedy didn't get a vote. Carlson, Nagle, Reed, and Autrey voted to tie-in masks to the test positivity rate, a figure that is likely to fluctuate through the school year even when the case numbers could be low. Expect masks to be in place for most of the fall, if 2020 is any indication.
Leona Ashley won my eternal support with her defense of allowing choice to prevail, she was joined by Scott Foster and Joshua Snyder. The attending public was awesome in bringing their points respectfully in front of the board. I feel real bad for a half dozen of them whose family will have to struggle through the crazy policy this year.
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