The following letter will be shared with the Ludington School Board at their regular meeting on Monday; I will be unable to attend the meeting due to a conflict in my schedule.
I appreciate the school board's review and discussions of Covid-19 guidance and protocols of the local health department as noted in the agenda for this August 15th meeting. I have reviewed their medical director Dr. Morse's presentation, representing the health department's position on whether mask usage should be required in schools this fall.
Notably, the presentation has some findings that deserve highlighting, let's quote some:
- Attending school does not appear to greatly increase risk of COVID-19 infection to children
- Transmission within school settings is typically lower than – or at least similar to – levels of
community transmission
- Schools do not appear to drive the rate of community transmission of COVID-19 as with some other
illnesses, like influenza
- The risk of children dying from COVID-19 is exceedingly low.
Dr. Morse also makes the following declaration without support: "Masks have proven to be one of the most effective public health tools in the fight against COVI-19 (sic) infections." I checked all of the links to research and studies that she included in support of similar statements and at best the 'science' is inconclusive or little more than anecdotal.
One study mentions Sweden, which is a a great comparison to Michigan because they are approximately the same population, but took different strategies against Covid-19 in their schools throughout the last 18 months. While Michigan was locked down, shut schools, then opened those schools with strict mask policies. Sweden had none of that. If our CDC and health departments didn't know better, they would point at Sweden as proof that masks work and remote learning was the thing to do in 2020.
But they know that Sweden's infection rate is eerily similar to Michigan's, while their death rate is 68% of Michigan's. In like manner, many other states that never required masks had lower rates than Michigan.
If teachers and students are honest with you, they will confirm that wearing masks inhibits the process of learning, especially in the lower elementary. According to a recent sobering study, Children born during the coronavirus pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared with children born before. In the decade preceding the pandemic, the mean IQ score on standardized tests for children aged between three months and three years of age hovered around 100, but for children born during the pandemic that number tumbled to 78. That's a significantly reduction of verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance.
All of you have put on masks before, can you honestly say that it's comfortable, that it promotes effective communication, and that it doesn't have any negative health effects? Okay, then should we believe, the CDC, the WHO, the Attorney General, numerous peer reviewed studies, and all those famous doctors who told you in February 2020 that healthy people wearing masks was ineffectual, or do we believe the abrupt turnaround in medical orthodoxy(that had no clear basis behind it) telling us that the more masks, the better?
Don't make the same mistake Manistee Area Public Schools made; please allow parents the choice of whether to mask their kids when they bring them to school, or you may find them making the choice of going to another school that respects their love for their children, their development and their learning.
My perception, and it could be wrong, is that this might have been a 6-1 or even a 7-0 vote for the policy they adopted last night, had not the public came forth and expressed themselves so unanimously (except for Councilor Moonbeam who was the only one among 27 speakers who supported the plan wholeheartedly). School board members are not easily swayed away from strong recommendations from the health department and the slew of other nefarious but influential entities wanting kids to be masked.
Was the bloc of 4 votes guaranteed by an underlying conflict of interest where they financially benefitted from continued mask-mongering in relation to their other positions? Without some smoking gun missing four bullets or a better tinfoil hat, I can only find that a compelling point best made on Glenn Beck's chalkboard.
Ouch that hurt, but understand I got running a major grudge with the school board and how they blithely and often irresponsibly dealt with getting $101 million from the locals and the corrupt-looking way it was marketed by the local bank who undoubtedly has been making a lot of cash since that was approved. I've also wrote unfavorably of a couple of the current school board members, so don't write my reluctance to go down your rabbit holes without some extra jelly beans as anything other than I've had nothing (as of yet) blow my kilt up regarding your theory.
So when is count day? Those that control the money control the World....
Is count day published? It would be a shame if parents did a protest and kept their kids home that day.
It really would be shame to lose funding in our schools. How does this help the community? So you personally don't like masks, I get it. But letting our state tax dollars go somewhere else because politics are now being pushed in our school systems? You sound vengeful and butthurt so " lets punish somebody." Only people you are suggesting people punish are the kids with your wishful thinking.
Lake Lady you were so irritated you decided to respond almost immediately. "Pot calling the Kettle Black" is an old saying maybe you forgot about.
Count Day is when all public schools in Michigan tally the number of students attending their school. The count days and school funding are mandated through the State School Aid Act. Count information is critical to districts, because each student translates into state funding. LEA and ISD state aid is based on the number of students legally enrolled on or before count day.
I think it is an excellent idea for parents to keep their kids from school on Count Day. I guarantee that this fascists over-lording of our society will never end until drastic action is taken by the people. Something must be done to get the attention of the Leftists that run the schools. I just paid my summer taxes and it was a huge hunk of money. I would be willing to pay more to make up for any losses if parents want to keep their children from attending school on Count Day. We must take a stand or we will forever be under the boot of those that want to control us. The Left couldn't care less about how kids are adversely affected by these idiotic mask mandates. Take away their big paychecks and then, maybe, they will begin to see the reality of what they are doing and that they are not the boss but only employees.
Covenant Christian School is a nice local alternative if you don't mind having a little religion thrown in with your education, and in this day and age, you might even appreciate that you won't likely have a drag queen reading to your kids at story time. Tuition is very reasonable for this private school, $4100 for the first kid, $3600 for the 2nd and 3rd kid, and anything extra is free for grades 1-8. You will have to figure something else out for high school. Masks are not required, your values are respected, your money goes farther-- except you don't get a refund from the government for opting out of their failing schools.
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