I was in Lansing for Thanksgiving and a relative asked me to take them to the Ingham County Health Dept. so they could get their flu shot because their doctor was out of the flu serum. The waiting room was almost full. As we sat there we began to hear the other patients conversations. What we heard were several dialects of Arabic, West African, Spanish and other languages we did not recognize, but no English. Many of the patients had children who also did not speak English. All the people presented Michigan welfare cards to the receptionist [ I know this because we sat next to the receptionists window.] I have to ask. What the hell is going on? Along with deficit spending by the fools in the Capital and the free give away of our hard earned tax dollars to aliens,  is it no wonder we are going broke. This insanity has got to stop.

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Guido, just like anything else, fiscal conservatism begins in the home. Parents should begin teaching the concept when their kids are babes on their laps. Our whole society is out of whack in so many ways, uncontrolled spending being one of them. America has become a society of instant gratification. Basic essentials have expanded to include cars for everyone in the family, smart phones for kids, Apple i-whatevers, flat screen TVs, designer clothing, ad nauseam. It's the American way! Congress takes the lead in spending, of course, but if children learn to respect money as a means to provide their needs, maybe they would grow up to be fiscally responsible adults. Our elected officials would come from that pool of fiscally responsible individuals and things might turn around. But, alas, that's just a dream. Instead, we are living a nightmare of keeping up with the Joneses, along with throwing precious tax dollars at individuals who know how to manipulate the system. I don't see things changing in my lifetime, but I feel so sorry for my children and grandchildren. My husband and I have taught our kids well, but they are in the minority.
Heard a funny statistic yesterday about unemployment etc.. The Feds claim they created about 30,000 new jobs this past month, while the unemployment stats. went up another 60,000 people. Another even funnier is that while about 1/2 million jobs were lost in the last 2-3 years, the Federal employment stats. went up 7%, and most of those new Fed. jobs are 6 digit income $$$. Funny, or just $ICK?
Well it just proves the government believes in the tooth fairy. They also believe they are the tooth fairy.
When we as parents tell a child to place a tooth under their pillow, and they will get a treat. We figure the child will grow up and realize the tooth fairy was the parent who worded hard and wanted the child to believe in something unseen.

The government does not choose to allow believe in the unseen. That would be religion. And religion comes with values. Those who make decisions in Washington do not want those same rules to apply to them. That implies no values. They would like the less educated ( they have in fact dumb ed down the schools I believe) think that they in Washington actually have the ability to make anyone's life batter, when the fact is only the individual can motivate himself herself to do that.
There are some who through no fault of their own are not capable of learning the skills needed to make 5 digit incomes. Our society has advanced to a place where if you do not either have management skills or high tek skills you end up taking multiple lower level jobs to make your way in life. Liberals like to use the fact those people may have a lower education level to breed class warfare, and imply the man is keeping them down. When the fact is those doing so are part of the problem not the solution. Sorry I am probably preaching to the choir here??!!! :)

The man then spends the tax money of many to mismanage the supposed betterment of a few. We can see the results of this vividly in the last election. At no time in America's history are so few people paying for the needs of so many fellow Americans.
And also Guido, when those old tired Bush tax cuts expire in the New Year, the Dems. propose increasing them with more new user and income taxes again too. What the dummies can't get thru their thick skulls is, they are totally destroying any incentive left with the middle class and upper classes to work or invest in this country's future anymore, simple as that, afterall, what's the use in fighting poverty now, it's not going away anytime soon. What they should be doing is letting the old tax breaks stand, and re-double those with a whold bunch of new tax breaks and incentives to get this economy rolling forward again, not backward. That's exactly what RWReagan did, as did other Presidents, at least one's with foresight and integrity for the working class.
The entitlement mentality is not strongest in the ghettos or subsidized housing, but in the halls of our Capitols. Nor will the entitlement mentality be suppressed in our country until the politicians who have that mindset are voted out.
That's a very good point! Trickle-down entitlement.
To my knowledge they don't really teach a home economics curriculum anymore, as it would violate lifestyle choices liberals so much promote. I like my toys personally however I operate on the principle my grandma had.. Save for it don't card it.

Now ironically.. some of the 50 somethings I see ( my age roughly) will card themselves into a oblivion and then expect Uncle Suger to bail them out when they lose a job, or even their house, because they didn't save the rule of thumb 20% of income to carry them through hard times. That's why I made a previous comment about only the very young and very old seem to believe in the "tooth fairy" Credit fairy" or what ever incarnation of pot of gold you want to come up with.

The problem is.. liberals really believe uncle suger should be the answer rather than self improvement.
Good saying Mary, but I have one I heard even better, it's called "Trickle-up Poverty" nowadays. It's also a new book that is selling off the shelves as fast as they get in the stores.
You've piqued my interest. Sounds like a good read.
I've heard good reviews on that book by Michael Savage, and that it's well researched and footnoted commentary about recent events that have moved us further up the number line of socialism. Even if you are growing world weary of this sort of literature, it's worth a look.
It's funny how a short sentence can describe a larger problem or situation. and "Trickle up poverty" is one of those description that says it all.


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