Is it just me? Or does this sound like an order to use government bureaucrats to use rules rather than laws to control the Heard? The part I am referring to is this paragraph. But keep in mind this executive order is for the "streamlining all other regulations as noted by the title of the order.

(b) This order is supplemental to and reaffirms the principles, structures, and definitions governing contemporary regulatory review that were established in Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993. As stated in that Executive Order and to the extent permitted by law, each agency must, among other things: (1) propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned determination that its benefits justify its costs (recognizing that some benefits and costs are difficult to quantify); (2) tailor its regulations to impose the least burden on society, consistent with obtaining regulatory objectives, taking into account, among other things, and to the extent practicable, the costs of cumulative regulations; (3) select, in choosing among alternative regulatory approaches, those approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other advantages; distributive impacts; and equity);

Using this broad wording you could stop a person from chewing bubblegum on the street for multiple reasons from it will hurt your teeth and the public has to help pay for your insurance.

or better yet if you chew gum you must provide everyone around you a piece of gum or its not fair.


I heard this on a Television program. But I can not yet get the PDF as it has not been dropped into the Government archives yet. I have no reason to believe this will change once it does.

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I have no idea what it means because I have no idea what it is referring to. It obviously is adressing Executive order 12866 as stated but unless there is some sort of reference as to what 12866 is defined as then this order has no meaning.  Although, knowing how Obama works, I would assume this Executive order was designed to add more power and control to Governmental agencies.

The link I provided has the specific order in its entirety. Basically it was a directive telling those empowered to make rules based on his administrations directives both current and in the pass how to interpret those policies. it speaks of all past directives. So it would appear to be all encompassing. 


I see it as a smoking gun for anyone who may have possibly considered President Obama anything but a leftist with disdain for the way laws are formed in this country. I guess I could have copy pasted the whole order into the forum but I guess I assumed most would rather read it from the actual full text not my bloviation therof.


I must be foggy headed because I can't find the link to Executive order 12866.*


Section 3 is the part which makes me feel as though some one is over reaching here. If I am not mistaken he covered just about every agency that was intended to be ( streamlines with social Justis garbage.


That part is in pdf so i can't copy paste it.. ill look for a copyable version latter today here.

I found a copy paste-able version of what government agencies take thier marching orders from the latest Obama executive order. Basically it is intended to kill the streamlining measures Bush put into the various unelected agencies of government. Those agencies involved are as follows.



Sec. 3.  Definitions.

For purposes of this Executive order:

(a) “Advisors” refers to such regulatory policy advisors to the President as the President and Vice President may from time to time consult, including, among others:

(1) the Director of OMB;
(2) the Chair (or another member) of the Council of Economic Advisers;
(3) the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy;
(4) the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy;
(5) the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs;
(6) the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology;
(7) the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs;
(8) the Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary;
(9) the Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the Vice President;
(10) the Assistant to the President and Counsel to the President;
(11) the Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Office on Environmental Policy; and
(12) the Administrator of OIRA, who also shall coordinate communications relating to this Executive order among the agencies, OMB, the other Advisors, and the Office of the Vice President.
(b) “Agency,” unless otherwise indicated, means any authority of the United States that is an “agency” under 44 U.S.C. 3502(1), other than those considered to be independent regulatory agencies, as defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(10).
(c) “Director” means the Director of OMB.
(d) “Regulation” or “rule” means an agency statement of general applicability and future effect, which the agency intends to have the force and effect of law, that is designed to implement, interpret, or prescribe law or policy or to describe the procedure or practice requirements of an agency. It does not, however, include:

(1) Regulations or rules issued in accordance with the formal rulemaking provisions of 5 U.S.C. 556, 557;
(2) Regulations or rules that pertain to a military or foreign affairs function of the United States, other than procurement regulations and regulations involving the import or export of non-defense articles and services;
(3) Regulations or rules that are limited to agency organization, management, or personnel matters; or
(4) Any other category of regulations exempted by the Administrator of OIRA.
(e) “Regulatory action” means any substantive action by an agency (normally published in the Federal Register) that promulgates or is expected to lead to the promulgation of a final rule or regulation, including notices of inquiry, advance notices of proposed rulemaking, and notices of proposed rulemaking.
(f) “Significant regulatory action” means any regulatory action that is likely to result in a rule that may:

(1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or communities;
(2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an action taken or planned by another agency;
(3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients thereof; or

Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in this Executive order.


Pretty much all encompassing the way I read it.


Thanks for posting that information. The paragraph you cited in the discussion is typical governmental double-speak. 

The sad thing about executive orders is they had a purpose at one point. Now they just serve to be a back door way of ruling as a dictator. By the way the left was the first to make this comparison not the right.


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