I'm sure by now, many of you have seen this video:


(can't get the video to embed so just follow the link)

Now it seems, the woman in the video has hired a lawyer and might sue the mall. Not sure how she thinks she can possibly win... and the lawyer that she hired is an idiot for taking her on as a client. She can't even tell the truth in the news reports after... claiming that no one offered to help after she fell in when you can clearly see in the latter part of the clip that the janitor stopped to offer assistance. Also, she's mentioned that mall security didn't come until 20 minutes later but she was gone by then.... ok, if she was gone, how does she know they showed up 20 minutes later? The fact that she immeaditely got up and out of the fountain with no noticeable injury doesn't exactly cry that she needs help either... and is probably why no one came running to help her.

This is further proof of what redneck comedian Ron White says:

You Can't Fix Stupid!


WYOMISSING, Penn. - A surveillance camera captured a woman walking through a Pennsylvania shopping mall.

She unexpectedly falls face-first into a fountain, after being distracted by texting on her cell phone.

The unidentified woman gets soaked. She quickly climbs out of the fountain, hopes that no one notices, and then walks away.

The video was posted on YouTube, and has since gone viral.

Now, Cathy Cruz Marrero, 49, has come forward and said she was the woman in that video. 

Marrero says she wonders why mall security didn't check to see if she was alright. 

Marrero has hired an attorney and is considering filing a lawsuit.

A representative for the mall says the security guards are not mall employees

Copyright 2011 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Soon to be followed by a lawsuit on the cell phone manufacturer, the architect of the mall who included that damn pool, and the makers of security cameras that can so easily distort the truth. 

And don't forget all those mean people who laughed at her.

If she decides to sue - when it gets to court the Judge should throw it out and make her pay all related costs associated with her filing the lawsuit. It's time we make the ignorant and get quick rich scam artist to pay for their ways.


Never mind the fact all the hi-tech in our society is what is making many unaware to begin with.


My GPS has a disclaimer I have to push " agree" before the darn thing loads a map stating I will not use the damned thing while driving. I can just see a cell phone loading with the same warning label only it will have to include walking,  talking,chewing gum, reading, or handling any sharp objects ehh??

She will win some money.   They will pay something because it will cost them more in court than what they will give her.  It will be like the hot coffee from Mc. D.
Its come to light since her little accident that she might be needing a little money... it seems she borrowed a friends credit card and ran up around $5000 without the friends permission. She has other issues as far as legal things go to, so a lawsuit may simply be a way for her to make some money to pay off her outstanding legal cost in those other cases. I'd like to see the mall fight any lawsuit myself... I can't imagine she has a hope in hell of winning any case... so not only would she still have to pay the prior legal fees, she could now pay the mall's legal fees as well.

I don't really think she has a leg to stand on

It just doesn't hold water (unlike her outfit).

The lawyer that took the case should be seriously admonished at least for taking the case to begin with.... getting disbarred might not be a bad idea either if he isn't any smarter then that anyway.

Any fool can hire a lawyer, I know firsthand.  We'll see if there is any sort of substance if a lawsuit is made.


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