Unless you've been locked away for awhile, you couldn't help but miss that the Michigan primary is coming up this Tuesday, March 8th. The Republican ticket features four candidates still actively running for the office, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump, the Democrat side has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. The last debate in each party occurred right here in Michigan within the last week; both offered some interesting moments.
These primaries offer more stark differences than you usually see at this point in the election and have brought out historically massive participation in the states prior to our primaries. Between now and before the polls close tomorrow state the case for your favorite candidate, tell the rest of the community why you're undecided at this point, or tell us why you will refrain from voting for any of these jokers. The latest Michigan polls indicate big leads for both frontrunners Trump and Clinton.
TRUMP - The number one problem with all the candidates except one is that all have sold thier souls to special interests and big money campaign donors. Trump is the only truly independent candidate in the running. In my opinion this is an important consideration for his endorsement. The problem with Trump is his lack of revealing few specifics on what he intends to do. He generalizes most of his campaign promises. I like his aggressiveness and confidence. The major drawback for Trump is his past life as a liberal. The question that I continually ask is that even thou he claims to be a conservative, has he really changed?
CRUZ - He is the most conservative and has backed up his conservative beliefs. He is a staunch Constitutionalist and will, in my opinion, govern the Country by adhering to the Constitution. He's smart and can think rings around most of the other candidates. He's also honest.
RUBIO - As far as I'm concerned he burned his conservative card when he aligned himself with the gang of 8 by supporting amnisty for illegals. The fact that he is being backed by the same Republicans that have helped Obama and the Democrats run America into the ground is another huge factor in disqualifing him as a candidate that deserves any consideration.
KASICH - I don't know much about him. He appears to be a good Governor and reliable politician but unfortunatey he would also be acceptible to the Republican establishment and for me that says volumes.
SANDERS and CLINTON - I'm lumping these 2 together because they are both wrapped up in the same pig outfit. What can be said about these two except they are the new American Communists. They both want to increase give away programs, raise taxes, increase the size of Government, spread lies and false accusations about conservatives and in general they and their ilk are why we are in a downward spiral. However it's really not their fault we are in this mess. It's the people who support them and put them in power that are the real cause. Stupid, ignorant people who lack the ability to see that these kinds of politicians are poisonous to the Constitution, Capitalism and free enterprise.
My vote goes to Cruz but I will support Trump if he wins the nomination.
TRUMP- I think Willy pretty much covered my same thoughts on all the other candidates, they are all attached to special interests and donors, and all are professional politicians, which almost no one trusts. I think Trump will do most of what he says, or make it happen like Reagan did in calling and emailing congress and the senate. Pester them into submission, and make them feel embarrassed if they don't go along. Also put many other new candidates up for election next time to get new blood into the system Trump is being distracted from the true issues, media and the establishment are doing this to undermine him in the public eye. But, if the public ignores these and go with the flow, Trump could just be one of our best Presidents in history. His platform and speeches have truly turned the table upside down, which has needed doing for a long long time now.
Trump! I agree with Aquaman's comments, and Willy nice breakdown of the others. The thing everyone does not talk about is charisma, like Regan the actor, Trump also has this in his favor. Who in this country has had great experience with their government officials? So many are fed up and only care for change.
The republican party is in shambles and needs to be replaced, or better yet lets not have a party system, we are all Americans right? Its just like saying are you black or white, this is the change we need and need it now! No need for a party system, just adds to diversity and anguish against each other!
Kasich is my second choice but would love to see him be Trumps VP!
I find it very amusing that some people think things will change with a vote for Clinton . As for un-trusTed the lier , I can't stand the guy, reminds me of grandpa on the Munsters TV show from years ago. Ted won't change anything either, paid off with big money from special interest groups . Nobody likes him in the senate ,he's just another politician he will say anything you want to hear even if it isn't the truth. Once said most people don't know if it's true or not. Bible Thumping a-hole. Another puppet for the republican party. Did I say ,can't stand the guy? Trump, say's what most people are thinking, Hell with being politically correct, hell with Black Lives Matter, what's wrong with us white boy's? All lives matter. If you want change Vote for Trump and hold on, he'll change things for the good or bad for our country. As for our enemies, kill them all and let God sort them out. I can't wait.
I must agree almost completely with Willy on his observations, in fact, I can't disagree with any of his points.
Trump is the ultimate protest vote, but at best he is a populist and depends on his cult of personality, which can be scary in a president; he's not a great debater unless you're into street fight debates. Calling Clinton "Lying Hillary" or Sanders "Little Bernie" would be entertaining for the masses, but it will get old with independents quick in the general election, just as it has with many in the Republican Party.
Rubio is John McCain without Hanoi Hilton experience. Kasich may work well, but is too moderate for my liking. Cruz has stayed true to his ideals, and has been unfairly labeled by Trump, as Willy notes. The liberal press wants the liar label to stick, because they don't like him, most establishment Republicans and Democrats don't like him, and that's the mark of a politician who is actually working by and for conservative/libertarian ideals. Don't believe me, then listen to former SNL star Victoria Jackson.
The Democrat ticket is hopeless in either case.
At this point, I'm leaning toward Kasich... Trump I just can't get behind, as Willy mentioned he's not really pinned down any real specifics, he talks a big game but kind of acts like he's a obnoxious bully... Cruz, he just reminds me way to much of Obama, both really smart guys, both pretty slick, just to slick for my taste... Rubio is so so, he's got pros and cons and probably has a future, he might become president at some point but it won't be this time around.... Bernie, his ideas sound good to his followers but sadly, its unlikely that most of the stuff he says he'd do would come to fruition, got to pay for it somehow and if the republicans stay in power in congress or keep at least one part of congress, particularly the House, I don't see the money flowing.... Hillary, she's a liar, that alone is enough for me to not vote for her.
I might just end up voting for myself though, I'm about the best candidate at this point :-P
I went to vote this morning at the same room I made several comments last night to the Ludington City Council and unfortunately the dang ballot had about a dozen candidates for the Republican ticket. Like many people, my top choice (and alternate) wasn't one of the four remaining with a chance, but I still voted for them.
I'd rather be 1 vote of 21 votes for a losing candidate I'm totally comfortable with, than vote for an inferior candidate who wins and be 1 of a 1,000,000 voters to do so. Plus my vote and others for them may make them more likely to run in the future, when we'll probably need them more.
Trump for all his faults, is the best chance we have to defeating Hillary Clinton.
Cruz is the second best chance.
And realistically Clinton is a 3-2 favorite over Trump.
All she has to do is mention Roe vs Wade and she will lock in 55% of the vote.
The only hope we have to defeat Clinton is if there is a meltdown either at the Democratic Convention in Cleveland, or some undisclosed future event. Benghazi nor the emails seem to have any traction.
I shudder to think of Hillary choosing the next Supreme Court Justice. Or negotiating with other World leaders.
She is of the same school philosophically as Obama and Granholm.
I rather take my chances with the completely unknown Trump, than continue with another 4 years of failure.
Cruz is a hispanic? that wasn't made well known. I can see the borders opening up more so we can support more illegals with our tax dollars.
For what it is worth stump
A Cruz Administration’s first priority for immigration reform will be to secure the U.S.-Mexico border. We will:
Clintons Plan
As president, Hillary will:
Fight for comprehensive immigration reform legislation with a path to full and equal citizenship. As senator, Hillary was a strong supporter of comprehensive immigration reform, cosponsoring Senator Ted Kennedy’s 2004 bill and supporting the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act in 2006 and 2007. She cosponsored the DREAM Act in the Senate in 2003, 2005, and 2007 to give undocumented students who grew up in the U.S. a chance to contribute to our nation’s growth. As president, Hillary will fight for comprehensive immigration reform that provides a full and equal path to citizenship, treats every person with dignity, upholds the rule of law, protects our borders and national security, and brings millions of hardworking people into the formal economy.
Defend President Obama’s DACA and DAPA executive actions. President Obama’s executive actions that provide relief from deportation for DREAMers and parents of Americans and lawful residents would protect an estimated 5 million people. Hillary will defend DACA and DAPA against partisan attacks and politically motivated lawsuits that would put DREAMers and others at risk of deportation.
Do everything possible under the law to go further to protect families. If Congress continues its refusal to act on comprehensive immigration reform, Hillary will put in place a simple, straightforward, accessible system for parents of DREAMers and others with a history of service and contribution to their communities to be able to make their case and be eligible for deferred action as well.
Conduct humane, targeted immigration enforcement. Hillary believes immigration enforcement must be humane, targeted, and effective. She will focus enforcement resources on detaining and deporting those individuals who pose a violent threat to public safety, and work to ensure refugees who seek asylum in the U.S. have a fair chance to tell their stories.
End family detention. Hillary believes we should end family detention for parents and children who arrive at our border in desperate situations. We have alternatives to detention for those who pose no flight or public safety risk, such as supervised release, that have proved effective and cost a fraction of what it takes to keep families in detention.
Close private immigrant detention centers. Hillary will end private immigrant detention centers. She believes we should move away from contracting out this critical government function to private corporations and private industry incentives that may contribute—or have the appearance of contributing—to over-incarceration.
Expand access to affordable health care to all families. Hillary has been fighting her entire life to ensure that families have access to affordable health care. She sponsored the Immigrant Children’s Health Improvement Act in the Senate, which later became law and allows immigrant children and pregnant women to obtain Medicaid and SCHIP. She believes we should let families—regardless of immigration status—buy into the Affordable Care Act exchanges. Families who want to purchase health insurance should be able to do so.
Promote naturalization. Hillary believes we need to do more to help the millions of people who are eligible for citizenship to take that last step. She will work to expand fee waivers so more people can get a break on costs; increase access to robust language programs to help people boost their English proficiency; and enhance outreach and education so more people are informed about their options and engaged in the process.
Trumps I'm am certain you heard of, Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it.
Personally I feel they are all full of crap on this. As soon as they round up or have to split up a family and have the little kids crying on the news it is a lost issue.
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