It will be interesting to see where Rubio's delegates will land

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He's a very good speaker. It's to bad he lied about his stance on illegals because if he had truly been against amnesty and had not sided with establishment Republicans he most likely would have had a bright future in politics. Who's going to believe him now on other important issues.

Little Marco is gone this time. Maybe 2024, or 2028? When you lose over and over, even your own state like Fl., it's time to go, and make space for other real contenders.


Thanks for illustrating why Rubio did so poorly in his home state, his absence at votes and his absence of original ideas.  Rubio's downfall came when he abandoned the 'tea party' ideals that got him elected to partner with McCain and Grahamnesty in going against that movement and against what Republican voters want in their candidates.

I must be missing something because I don't see any contents in stump's replies. All I see are blank spaces where printed comments should be.

Exactly!  Portraying the absence of content and appearances that Lil' Marco offered.  Pure genius on stump's part.

 Senators as a group make lousy Presidents. They are use to dealing by diplomacy and compromise and less astute in leadership and decisiveness. Especially those fresh out of the Senate. 

Using this metric Trump is the only remaining candidate I can support.  

If Trump is elected I hope he nominates  Cruz as a Supreme Court Justice.

Yup, unless Obama's quick action for a nominee today crushes that idea shinblind. The Senate already told his majesty they won't have any hearings on a new Judge a few weeks ago. I guess O plans on doing it with his pen and cell phone again this time, emergency appointment via executive order no less.

I don't know why my post didn't go through, tried twice, just don't know. On the appointing of a new justice, I believe the senate should conceder who ever Obama presents. Not just say hell no . It just proves to me they still are not changing, still the party of NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not that the guy isn't qualified, it just the guy who put his name in the ring. I myself have no idea why that position has anything to do with politics. I always thought the highest court in our country was about the law,

It may originally have been more about the law than politics stump. Not anymore, for quite a long time. The court is actually split in two right now, half liberal, half conservative. The balance of power lies with a new appointment, and if it's an Obama liberal, as everyone knows he wants to push in immediately, many laws and cases will have the same taint that Obama and the liberals desire, perhaps well into the future. We really don't want that at the end now imho. 


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