Unbelieveable! The COL and their censorship about the PM Bayou!

I spoke out, rather nervously, since this is not what I do on a daily. The shock and awe that I saw when I replayed the video vs. the minutes in the meeting, WOW!!!


John Chippi, Macomb Township, representing Tamarac Sportfishing Dock owned by John and Diane Chippi, commented on the 2008 storm where the wastewater treatment plant failed and took out the sewer line out along with dumping 15 million gallons of raw sewage into the PM Bayou. He noted that nothing has ever been cleaned up or done in the Bayou. He stated that this has put his parents’ business out of business. The City has dredged the City Marina and is looking at potentially upgrading the City Marina, but nothing has been done to the Bayou.

My comment starts at 1:43:37 ish.

I thought this was public record? A legal binding concern? Maybe just not in Ludington where they twist your comments? I don't need more of them to put words in my mouth!

Absolutely nothing like what I said! The 1.2-1.8 million left out. The 2-3 times they dredged their own marinas. The fact that Madison road is still in the bayou along with the several of our docks, RAW sewage, several times and that they ran w/o a wwtp permit for 4 plus years and are working on a temporary one because I complained that they did not have one? Also deleted was that we have not had any communication since 2013. This is where the kayak man should have launched, in safe harbors!

All we want is our property restored to what it was prior to the failure of your waste water treatment plant! How hard can that be in this city that only knows how to spend your tax dollar. I can not get over the comments in another thread that one councilor said most signers are tourists. Most that love and want the west end project axed are locals because the stupidest thing in it is cutting parking! That area needs more parking not less! The tourists that signed stay up so they can get first dibs on the state park camp sites. Sad he has no clue?

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So looking at the minutes for the next COL meeting, please help me understand the 2016 dredging bid?

Makes me sick to my stomach!

I think jfc makes some great points about the "smoking gun and misappropriated funds". Sure looks like it to me too. Waterfront property legal boundaries usually have always been to the middle of the river, channel, bayou, or lake. Just because you own it, doesn't mean you can be liable for contamination coming from an upland source either, such as the creamery corners nor the WWTP. That is COL owned and maintained. The money granted from FEMA and the St. of Mich. also included dredging the bayou, that didn't happen. Pretty obvious there has been neglect and fraud in this case, and it's very suspect at best. Attorneys specializing in environmental problems is what's needed now at long last imho. The last thing Shyster Shay ever does is admit any errors or mistakes, he's a perfect human being, or so he acts and thinks. This is EXACTLY why jfc's CC mtg. comments were omitted and will continue to be into the future. That's not only unethical, but illegal, and keeps the waters muddied up and the contamination ignored.

JFC, this seems to be the only document relating to that in the LCC Packet 4-11-16.  My understanding from previous years is that if the city marina or other public area in Ludington needs dredging performed, they have a company to call to do it.  This actually is an interesting competitive bid.  If you look at the numbers involved, you will see that Ken Adams has the better price for small projects, but if you are doing a project that involves dredging over 2525 cu. yards, the Towns Brothers bid becomes a lot better, and as the cubic yards rises, they easily become the better bid. 

If I was on the council, I would definitely bring this point up, and suggest Towns Bros. if a lot of dredging was on the horizon.  

This bid might be for the city marina but sure isn't for the bayou. That is contaminated ground that has to go to a special landfill. Bet that haul will be 10 x the bid or more.

Thanks X for the finding this. I found it also and believe it is for the beach area and an annual thing that happens after the winter storms. Just upsetting seeing that everything is happening everywhere else but the PM bayou in the 4th ward?

The MDEQ report states that if the PM bayou was dredged due to contamination the sediment would need to go to a landfill, just like our trash does, not a "special" landfill. This dredging of the beach area is going to another part of the beach.

Going on 8 years since our world was turned upside down. Every day that passes just makes the weeds that much worse. The lack of phone calls for docks. Only reason for this is a government that will not act for its people and do what is right. They had the money, spent it elsewhere, what is their "master plan" for our area? Seems it does not include us? Integrity would offer us a decent amount for our property not steal it like this! 

It's my understanding that the historic reason for getting these bids for dredging ever so often is to primarily address the dredging needed for the area around the Loomis Street boat launch and other harbor areas, and not the marina.  Let us not forget that the MI DNR foots the bill for city marina dredging, and if I am not mistaken, they require separate competitive bidding to take place.

According to what John Shay said in 2014 at a Planning Commission meeting, the cost of dredging the PM Bayou would run about $1.6 million.  That seems rather steep to me, considering that the widespread dredging they did at the city marina area was about one-seventh of that.

Where's the nearest land fill that would take the contaminated settlings.

From what I read in the MDEQ report it is the same one that the trash goes to. It just can not be put somewhere that the public can access.

I know committee meeting protocols, which is to remain quiet if you're not directly involved in the topic of conversation, and if they will it, if you are.  

If I had said anything, it would have led to them not only totally shutting you two up prematurely, but better justifying in their own minds what they will do and say.  

I do not think Ms. Chippi was out of order when she was talking, due to the committee talking about agreeing to an agreement where she was expected to outlay a sizable chunk of cash.  She indicated she was not interested in paying half of the costs, and yet the advisory committee voted to approve it, with four councilors sitting in at the committee's table.

Our first contact was 12:30 and the meeting was at 4:30. Definitely intentional! Sad they would do this to an almost 76 year old woman who was so shaken up that she had to go home and relax! I wish they would give proper notice so others could attend? What was their agenda, real agenda? Scare/slam women? Seems to be the 4th ward councilors way now? He needs to go! Why does he attack women, LPD? Hope they are proud of themselves, DISGUSTING way to treat people, ALL council in attendance included! No one had the balls to stand up for the elderly lady, sad! I am thankful for the 2 that came with her on such short notice! What would they have done to her otherwise, crazy!!

George Orwell in 1984 said:  "“War is peace.  Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”  

Adapted further by Ludington city officials in 2017:  "Overspending is thrift.  Contamination is public safety.  Misinformation is truth."  

Ergo, what Big Brother John Shay (or others in his clique) says, even if demonstrably false, is the line they follow in Ludingtonia.  

But the battle cry for making things right in Ludington should read....Strength is in numbers, peacefully but adamantly!


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