As many here know, I feel as a concerned local but my address does not allow that. My fight is for the 4th ward, to make it a beautiful area as it has been for years but is now neglected by this current administration!
Being in the water st/ Madison area there was no smell, great for us? But I wanted to visit Walters fisheries for some delicious smoked salmon but the stench driving down 6th street made my wife and kids gag! I ran there to look to see the selection and it was sparse, probably due to the damn stench!
Prior we went to cops and donuts and spent a fortune on donuts and then to Wesco for drinks and drove thru the beautiful city marinas! Overall was a great visit but the stench was so bad, and it was away from the beach and downtown my worry is if you all do not attend the council meetings starting on June 13 then you will have to live with it or move!
Just my experience with city government! Hope your experience is happier than mine!
Pure Ludington, my dream, even though I felt very sour this past trip! You live in a beautiful city!
Great point, Jasper, WWTPs regularly giving off hydrogen sulfide smells that can be overwhelming over two miles from the plant is a public health hazard. We need the DEQ and the EPA to start getting more involved.
I've been making a few trips thruout the fourth ward per day of recent and can tell you, the stink is getting permeated thru the entire area, and getting worse by the day. I was at 5/3 Bank today, and it was bad there too. Another lady called me earlier and said she lives downtown, and the smell was so bad there this morning, she had to shut her windows and turn on fans. How long does it have to go on now? How long before Shay/WWTP Mgr. do something more than lie and put a band aid on this? I know of a couple others that say CC mtgs. are also a joke, they ignore and make more phony excuses! Some are also talking about a petition to get Shay removed for ignoring and deceiving the public, fine idea. The Shyster is going to have to quit lying to the public, and get some serious results for a change. I personally think he wants to stonewall this until the 4th of July time period, hoping people just get too busy to further the cause. What do you guys think?
I was at Walmart, gagging as I walked in, why are they not mad?
Yes please everyone google Hydrogen Sulfide! Become your own best advocate, this is not a good thing. specially if there is breathing issues!
Here's the link, be sure to check out the video, where they provided the citizens viewpoint first, before showcasing the city manager:
If you look at the latest update from the city, referenced at the tail end of the report, you won't find anything beyond what Shay says in the video. Contrary to the update, the city has not been acting proactively, unless they define it as secretively. This is not open government, and we need transparency when several people are experiencing health issues because of the city's negligence over the years.
Note how Shay goes out of his way to not mention anything that would give away who the city is working with, just as he never mentioned the 'industrial users' but did mention some non-existing agreements. This guy has not earned any trust throughout this smelly incident with anybody other than the low-information citizens.
Damn straight X.
Am tired of Shay and his line of BS.
And also the rubber stamp seal of approval the City Commissioners gives him.
Wish they would all take their cue from Cox, pack up their shit and move on.
"In order to save time, the City plans to pick up this equipment rather than have it shipped."
At what cost and how much time will they save?
This sounds like another ploy to give someone an excuse to take a few days paid vacation at taxpayer expense. More Shay BS.
The funds would be better spent on jars of Vicks and nose plugs for the suffering residents.
"The city manager says the aeration system pipes, which pump oxygen and cuts down on the smell, are old and have holes in them. So the oxygen is seeping instead of getting to the source of the smell." How is it that knowing holes can and will form in these pipes that this situation was not corrected long before this. Any sewage treatment employee knows this happens so why was it neglected? Why was this allowed to progress to this level? The Council should set up an investigation to find out what went wrong and who let this happen but of course we all know they are to tightly attached to Shay's a_s to even consider finding the answers to this stinky mess. Do your jobs Councilors, your loyalty is to the voters who gave you that job not to Shay. Your so worried about the tourists, what do you think that having a town that smells like Sh_t is going to do to the tourist trade. All of these Councilors and Shay should be thrown out of office for letting this continue.
We have a problem now right? so what is this 2 year rebuild date? what"s wrong with NOW!!!!!!!! You hire a engineering firm that deals with WWT plants and get things moving NOW!!!!!!!! not wait 2 more stinking years. It doesn't take 2 years to order pipe , pumps or what ever else needed to update or repair your system. A complete new system could be up and running in less then a year. This morning should wake some downtown people up, I would hate to think what the Vacation Station RV resort is telling their guest except good by. This just didn't happen overnight, someone seen it coming and it was just pushed aside for more interesting projects . Shit has happened and it starts at the top starting with SHAY!!!!!!!
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